Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Tips for baby-sitting 5 kids of all ages?


In a few days I'm going to be baby-sitting five kids. I'm sitting for: two 4 year old girls, one 5 year old boy, one 2 month old girl and one 9 month old boy. I want to know if anyone has any tips for: toys to bring for the 4 and 5 year olds, ways to keep the older kids busy while i tend to the little ones, fun art projects for the older kids. Thank you so much! :)
PS: the kids are my cousins but the 5 year old (and his 2 month old sister) live in Washington DC (i live in Minnesota) and the 4 year olds see him very much so if anyone has any ideas to have them all playing together and getting to know each other.

I use to keep a group of kids all diff. ages during my late teens.

What I usually did was ask the older kids if they could help me. Most kids under 5 love this. So you can ask the 4yr old girls & 5yr old boy to be your special helpers. They'll feel important.

The 2mt old most likely will sleep a lot so make sure you have a baby monitor or something to hear her.
The 9mt old may be crawling so you need to keep an eye on him/her too.

I wouldn't suggest art projects. The 9mt old could find one of the small items and choke on it.

Playing outside while you watch will help get out most of their energy. Keep a baby monitor on so you can hear sleeping babies.

Coloring with crayons will keep them busy too just keep a basket for the crayons so they don't roll off the table since the 9mt old could get one and chew on it.

When the babies sleep you can read books to the kids then maybe after the story they could draw their favorite parts.

30mins videos work well too when you are busy with the babies.

Have fun

Toys for Kids Area...ages 3 Months to 12 Years?


work in a kids area of a fitness club that is non-profit. We rely mainly on donations to keep the kids entertained and we're short on toys again. They either disappear or they have broken peices so they need to be discarded. We aren't allowed to ask the general public for donations, so my co-workers and I have been taking turns bringing in stuff. This year, my Christmas donation is going to be oversized Legos as we need something that is safe for kids ages 3 months to age 12. It's difficult to find gender neutral toys or things that girls can play with as Barbies around allowed as the small kids can put the hair into their mouths on the dolls. We mostly have Happy Meal toys right now as those are cheap and have been donated.

What are some good toys for both genders? We have Transformers and little robots and cars for the boys, but we need some stuff for the girls. I was thinking about plastic play food, but that's only good for kids to like age 5. What can we get for the older kids so they don't get too bored? It seems past age 8 they're all "technology kids" and video games and hand held electronics aren't allowed to be brought in to the Kids Klub since we've had things break and get stolen. Any ideas are most appreciated. Thank You!!

You really do great work.

I think some blocks toys, building toys and pretending toys and figure toys would be okay.

Good luck to you. :)

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