Thursday, February 6, 2014

Toddler on an airplane?

mommy of 2

My daughter and I are going on a trip, and I was wondering what kind of identification she will need, if any?

I was also looking for some tips on what kind of things to bring on the plane with me. Thank you!

Acceptable forms of identification are established by the T.S.A

However when a child under the age of 18 is traveling with an adult they are not required to show any identification. Unless the child is a lap child then they might ask to see Birth Cert. to verify age. If your going out of the country you will need a pasport. Me personally when I travel with my son (one year old) I bring a copy of his Birth Cert. Just in case. I have yet to be asked to show it. But the one time they might ask I want to make sure I do have it on hand.

About things for you to bring for your child. Anything that you know she likes that will keep here happy. Toys she really like if she has a favorit book or coloring books. Snacks she loves to eats. Any thing to keep her busy sitting down.
If you dont have a min. DVD player it is worth it to get one. A few of her fav. moves & your there in no time! ;o)

Hope this helps!

What are some good toddler travel toys?


I am going on an airplane with my 18 mo. old dd. and she'll be sitting on my lap through the flights. They are not too long, about 1 1/2 hours each (of course, if she screams the whole time, it could feel like an eternity :). I'm kinda nervous about her not being able to have a lot of room to roam. Any good suggestions on portables toys or activities that would keep her occupied?

I also have an 18 month old and we travel frequently.

We bring reusable stickers, Playmobil 1.2.3. figures (for imaginitive play), books and some snacks (preferably small items like dried apples that take a while to eat).

I have more tips in this article about keeping your toddler occupied on a plane:

and general advice about traveling with young children on my webstie

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