Wednesday, February 5, 2014

toys for 4 month old girl? 10 points best answer?

Q. Hi all im trying to find toys for my daughters christmas presents she will be 4 months by christmas and ive looked on ebay and early learning centre and everything i find seems to be for toddlers. any suggestions on what i can buy or where i can look in the UK?
thanx in advance x

mothercare do amazing textured soft abc cubes, as well as soft rattles and great play gyms.
also noisy animal sound books are great as well as textured books - from amazon
toys r us had good stick down toys for weaning and hanging bar toys for car seats - my daughter loved all of these - i introduced her to harder rattles and toys t 5 months so these could bea good gift bought in advance for use after the new year. A door swing is also great fun for building strength in her legs and a baby walker all found at mothercare - shecan use these as long as she can hold her own head up and has good posture.

good luck

Toddler toys: Should gender matter?

Proud Momm

My daughter will be 2 this Christmas, so naturally my husband and I have started thinking about gifts for her and I have actually started buying things here and there when I catch good deals..I hate shopping at the last minute, hence why i'm talking about Christmas in Last year, we bought my nephew the toy "Chuck the Talking Truck" and it was a big hit with him and my daughter loves playing with it. This year, they have a new "Chuck the Talking Truck" toy that is a newer version, so I automatically thought that it would be a great gift for this Christmas for her and I mentioned it to my mom's friend and she said "you are going to get a little girl a truck for Christmas?" She then said that my daughter needed "a doll" or some "girl toys" instead of a truck that is a "boy toy". I'm not really down with the whole "boy" toy or "girl" toy thing. To me, a toy is a toy and if your child enjoys it, it shouldn't matter. My daughter loves dolls, so i'm sure she will get one for Christmas, but can't she like truck too, especially one that is as neat as "Chuck" lol. She gets hysterical when she sees him in stores...I still plan on buying it for her, but what do you think about the whole issue? I also bought my daughter the "Stand and Play Raceway by Little People's" for a christmas gift too and she was like "are you going to get her any "girl toys" for christmas....what is it with this woman and girl and boy toys?? How do you feel?

The new robot BigFoot toy comes on tv all the time and she really likes it too and she loved playing with the display of it at Target...I mentioned this to her after I heard how appalled she was over the truck and the raceway toys, so I thought shed drop dead at the thought of
Not just toddler toys, but toys for kids in general?
My in-laws are raising our nephew.(their grandson).have been since he was born and his dad or grandfather however you look at it had a cow because he was carrying around one of my daughters dolls. I don't know what the big deal is. Its role play..little boys have little brothers and sisters that we encourage to be "big brothers" to, they grow up to be fathers, day care providers, etc..what is the problem?
I agree with everything you all are saying. I would rather my child enjoy herself and have the option to choose what she plays with, rather than me put limits on what she plays with because of boy/girl toy sterotypes.
Alanda..I totally understand your reasoning and no, there is nothing wrong with your son watching Dora...its better than spongebob in my book anyday.

You know..I think that whatever she plays with is fine..who cares if she loves chuck the truck. I like Chuck the Truck, my son has one and its a fun toy for a little one this age. My neice and my son get together (they are both 2) and they sit her dolls in the back of all of his trucks and they play. Little ones don't know gender and who should play with what..they just see fun.

I know how you husband has a coronary everytime my son wants to play with something that may not be as masculine as he would like or when my son picks out some crazy color of shirt or shoes..but they are their own little person and they have their own style and likes and dislikes. He is still all boy and I don't worry about anything- he is a kid and I let him have his own way of doing things. I like to think that if I don't stifle the person he is now that he may grow up to be something great as well as tolerant and open minded. I'm trying to raise an outside of the box thinker.

And I totally agree- I would rather my son watch Dora than spongebob or one of the other crude cartoons out there right now.

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