My son has out grown his clothes & I've gone through and gotten rid of everything with rips and stains, I am now wondering if I would do better selling through ebay or trying to go to Kid to Kid consignment and see what they will give... do you know is kid to kid like 1.00 per item, or a quarter per item ???
Kid to Kid only takes "name brand" type clothes. My friend often takes her things there. The most she's walked away with was around $60 for a basket full of clothes, some toys and a stroller. They have to be in perfect condition though. If they are under 1 year old clothes, you probably have to make an appointment (which could be months from now) because they have so many baby clothes to sort through. Other consignment shops just sell them for roughly how much you want to sell them for, then they get a percentage of each sell.
Ebay is a bit too much work for me. If you want to sell individual items, you have to take pictures and all that stuff. Or you could just sell a bag of stuff for $7.
Personally, I do garage sales. I put a few dollars on outfits, $1 or less for a cute shirt and 25 cents on socks and things like that. I get rid of all the clothes that I don't need anymore and I make a little extra cash to buy some new clothes!
It really just depends on why you are getting rid of them. A garage sale is great to just get rid of it, but still make a little extra money. Kid to Kid is good if you want to get top money for your name brand clothes. Ebay is just.... I don't know. I hate Ebay. If you just want it out of your house, Goodwill works perfectly AND its a tax deduction!
Kid to Kid only takes "name brand" type clothes. My friend often takes her things there. The most she's walked away with was around $60 for a basket full of clothes, some toys and a stroller. They have to be in perfect condition though. If they are under 1 year old clothes, you probably have to make an appointment (which could be months from now) because they have so many baby clothes to sort through. Other consignment shops just sell them for roughly how much you want to sell them for, then they get a percentage of each sell.
Ebay is a bit too much work for me. If you want to sell individual items, you have to take pictures and all that stuff. Or you could just sell a bag of stuff for $7.
Personally, I do garage sales. I put a few dollars on outfits, $1 or less for a cute shirt and 25 cents on socks and things like that. I get rid of all the clothes that I don't need anymore and I make a little extra cash to buy some new clothes!
It really just depends on why you are getting rid of them. A garage sale is great to just get rid of it, but still make a little extra money. Kid to Kid is good if you want to get top money for your name brand clothes. Ebay is just.... I don't know. I hate Ebay. If you just want it out of your house, Goodwill works perfectly AND its a tax deduction!
Disaplining kids under one?
Q. my son is 10 months n understands the word no when he wants to.. he throw tantroms or refuses to listen at times.. i refuse to spank! but i need a way to teach him im boss.. removing him dont work he will throw a tantrom n crawl right back to where i just pulled him from.. this will last as long as i have him in teh same level of the hosue i litterally have to take him upstairs or outside n then there is another tantrom.. whats best punishment for when he refuses to listen.. he is a 10 month old thinking he is 10 years at times.. i am dreading teen years...
I work in the infant room at a daycare - we have age 6 wks to about 15 months in our room at any given time. right now we have a couple who are already one and some who are about 7-11 months old. since it is a daycare center we are not allowed to spank/spat/flick/smack hands etc, or bite/kick/"hit" back when the children do. (my friends' younger siblings, when they bit, would get a controlled bite in return, just enough to teach them that it doesn't feel good NOT enough to hurt them or harm them - one, maybe two times was all it ever took.) consequently that leaves us with very few options when dealing with inappropriate behaviors. they DO understand the word no and they also know when they are doing something they are not supposed to do. most of the time (depending on the action/offense) we begin with re-direction; then if necessary move on to time out. we have instead of high chairs a table with six baby seats set into the table top which is where we place them for time out.
ex: "Jim" takes a toy from "Bob". "Jim" is told no, we don't take toys from other people and the toy is returned to "Bob", "Jim" is turned in the other direction or moved towards other toys. "Jim" returns to "Bob", takes the toy and proceeds to hit "Bob" with it. "Jim" is then told no thank you that's not nice, and placed in time out in the table for 1-2 minutes; while being moved he is reminded that we don't hit other people, it's not nice. Depending on the situation depends on whether or not they get time out right away (99% of the time they don't). For temper tantrums ignoring them is best, just make sure they can't hurt themselves or others. if the tantrum goes on for a while or the child is being especially loud they may be removed to their crib to take a nap (usually when the ones we have pitch a fit they are tired) or to at least settle themselves down - once settled they may come back and play but while they are in their crib they are basically ignored (not their safety but no eye contact and turning away from them).
we have one little boy who likes to hit us while his diaper is being changed - it's a deliberate hit too not just swinging his arms and contact made - so when he starts trying to hit me i hold his wrist and lay his arm beside him and tell him 'NO hitting' firmly but not loudly (not holding his arm tight enough to hurt him either) and then tell him if he wants someones attention he needs to be gentle and show him how gentle is.
so yeah. the best thing is consistancy. if you let them get away with it one time they will keep trying it to get that one time. also keep your cool and don't raise your voice unless they are doing something dangerous. oh and time-out time, if they are sitting on the floor or whatever, if they move off the time starts over.
I work in the infant room at a daycare - we have age 6 wks to about 15 months in our room at any given time. right now we have a couple who are already one and some who are about 7-11 months old. since it is a daycare center we are not allowed to spank/spat/flick/smack hands etc, or bite/kick/"hit" back when the children do. (my friends' younger siblings, when they bit, would get a controlled bite in return, just enough to teach them that it doesn't feel good NOT enough to hurt them or harm them - one, maybe two times was all it ever took.) consequently that leaves us with very few options when dealing with inappropriate behaviors. they DO understand the word no and they also know when they are doing something they are not supposed to do. most of the time (depending on the action/offense) we begin with re-direction; then if necessary move on to time out. we have instead of high chairs a table with six baby seats set into the table top which is where we place them for time out.
ex: "Jim" takes a toy from "Bob". "Jim" is told no, we don't take toys from other people and the toy is returned to "Bob", "Jim" is turned in the other direction or moved towards other toys. "Jim" returns to "Bob", takes the toy and proceeds to hit "Bob" with it. "Jim" is then told no thank you that's not nice, and placed in time out in the table for 1-2 minutes; while being moved he is reminded that we don't hit other people, it's not nice. Depending on the situation depends on whether or not they get time out right away (99% of the time they don't). For temper tantrums ignoring them is best, just make sure they can't hurt themselves or others. if the tantrum goes on for a while or the child is being especially loud they may be removed to their crib to take a nap (usually when the ones we have pitch a fit they are tired) or to at least settle themselves down - once settled they may come back and play but while they are in their crib they are basically ignored (not their safety but no eye contact and turning away from them).
we have one little boy who likes to hit us while his diaper is being changed - it's a deliberate hit too not just swinging his arms and contact made - so when he starts trying to hit me i hold his wrist and lay his arm beside him and tell him 'NO hitting' firmly but not loudly (not holding his arm tight enough to hurt him either) and then tell him if he wants someones attention he needs to be gentle and show him how gentle is.
so yeah. the best thing is consistancy. if you let them get away with it one time they will keep trying it to get that one time. also keep your cool and don't raise your voice unless they are doing something dangerous. oh and time-out time, if they are sitting on the floor or whatever, if they move off the time starts over.
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