Sunday, December 8, 2013

What is good to teach kids spanish?

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I want to buy some curriculum, possible homeschool, to teach my kids (ages 12, 7, 5, & 3)spanish this summer. I speak some spanish.

My husband is a native spanish speaker & my in-laws only speak spanish. However, in our home we speak only english. I don't know it fluently, & at the end of the day, by husband speaks english to the kids because he doesn't want to have to say things multiple times to get them to understand him. He's too tired.(I know, I know, excuses...but I understand)

Anyway, summer seems like a good time to work on it w/ the kids. Maybe I can 'jump start' them and then Dad would be more inclined to speak it at home.

Good suggestions please??? :-)

Really it depend on what country you are from. There are loads here in the UK. Kumon, Muzzy, Dora the explorer?... there are CD courses say through linguaphone, go to your local toy, early learning centre, see what they have to offer, books and audio, go to your library, do you have a local Spanish community whom you could ask for help? I hope some of my suggestions have been helpful. Good luck with it tho, great idea and wonderful for the children

what are you getting the kids for christmas?


as usual i have left it to the last minute and i have no idea what to get my nieces and nephews, they are boys aged 3,5,8, and 12 and girls 7, 12 and 15

any suggestions are welcome

Heyyy im a 16 year old girl, and please please PLEASE do NOT get your nieces and nephews water bottles. You do love them right? lol

Well as i said, im 15, and Ive asked for a new phone and ipod, but obviously an aunty isnt going to give her niece an ipod, but you could get your oldest niece an itunes gift voucher. Im also into my makeup and skin care, so you could give her a boots voucher, I love getting vouchers and money, because sometimes although they are being soo kind, family can give you stuff thats not too nice, and you will never wear.

I have a 13 year old sister who is a total book worm, so shes getting waterstones vouchers (thats a book shop if you sont live in the UK) and shes also getting like a makeup starter kit, like some nailvarnish, and eye shadow, softcore stuff you know?

My twin brother is getting an xbox 360 elite, and a gamers chair. You can get gamers chairs for £15 so that could be an option? in the past hes recieved game vouchers, xbox orriginal games, footballs signed by his favourite team, just random boy stuff.

For my younger cousins (I have 1 girl cousin who is 6 and 2 boy cousins aged 8 and 10) They get toys like frustration, connect 4 etc, aswell as some clothes and dvds and stuff. the 8 year old got a pretendy phone aswell that he loved, and hes asking for a real one this year LOL hes very ... advanced :P

Hope i helped! x

Ps merry early christmas

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