Friday, December 13, 2013

What type of microcontrollers are used in kids toys?

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 on Best Electronic Toys - Electronic Toys for Kids -
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I've been taking apart some of my daughters broken electronic toys and checking them out to see how they tick and I've found that there are black epoxy dots that are covering microcontrollers on the tiny circuit boards. I'd just like to know what type of microcontrollers are used. I've exhausted every search for microcontrollers used in toys to no avail. I'm looking to control multiple leds with similarly small uCs.
The ic with that black epoxy dot is roughly 1x1 in., it was in the center of an old light up tiara. I'd like to try to keep it really small.

These are small IC's but probably not uC's.

Have you ever been scarred out of your socks by an electronic toy that suddenly turns on by itself?


My kids toys are always turning themselves on and making noises. I hear creepy sounds from behind the couch and coming from the toy box.

Yes, but the worst are those electronic flush toilets. Those things love to go off at all the wrong moments and scare the beejeebers out of a person.

Actually, my husband was away on business and I made the mistake of watching the movie "The Ring" in our dark theater room alone. On my way upstairs to go to bed I thought I heard a TV coming from my sons' room. If you've ever seen the movie you'll understand why I was scared sh-tless! I turned on every light in the house before opening the discover my daughter had left her Barbie radio in their room under a bunch of toys. The vibration of me coming up the stairs must have jiggled the toys just enough to turn it on.

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