top kids toys for 4 year olds image
Big compared to smaller one's? I'm thinking about going through my kids toys and getting rid of most of the smaller one's because they are cluttering my floor and they have enough bigger one's I don't see the need for all of these. I have a 2 year old and an almost 6 month old. For my son's bday (he just turned 2 but his party is next month) he is getting a train table and a kitchen. These things will keep him more than occupied. Thanks.
Billions and billions.
4 ride on toys, 2 rocking horses, 400 mega blocks, a kitchen, a tool bench, 4 sets of tools, 2 sets of dishes, 2 sets of food, a blow up ball pit with 300 balls, 6 bouncy balls, severals cars and dolls, about 200 stuffed animals, 2 giant stuffed bears, 3 toy laptops, and thousands of small little hand toys. And that is just what I can think of off the top of my head. You really don't expect me to count them all do you?
I have two yr old twins and they have too many toys. They still have little rattles that are for babies. But they still play with them. For Christmas my son got a work bench and several sets of toy tools. My daughter got a kitchen and several sets of play food and dishes. But they play with all of the stuff. I am going to get rid of some of the teether rings and rattles. My little sister is pregnant with a little boy and I am going to give them to her.
But my carpet is covered with toys. I laugh about not knowing what color my carpet is. We have way too many toys but I wouldn't want it any other way. I love my kids and want them to have anything. And at your kids' ages toys are how they learn. they learn colors, counting, textures, sizes and many other things. You want to get rid of the smaller toys. What is the 6 mon old going to play with? A train table and a kitchen aren't really toys that are appropriate for a 6 mon old.
Billions and billions.
4 ride on toys, 2 rocking horses, 400 mega blocks, a kitchen, a tool bench, 4 sets of tools, 2 sets of dishes, 2 sets of food, a blow up ball pit with 300 balls, 6 bouncy balls, severals cars and dolls, about 200 stuffed animals, 2 giant stuffed bears, 3 toy laptops, and thousands of small little hand toys. And that is just what I can think of off the top of my head. You really don't expect me to count them all do you?
I have two yr old twins and they have too many toys. They still have little rattles that are for babies. But they still play with them. For Christmas my son got a work bench and several sets of toy tools. My daughter got a kitchen and several sets of play food and dishes. But they play with all of the stuff. I am going to get rid of some of the teether rings and rattles. My little sister is pregnant with a little boy and I am going to give them to her.
But my carpet is covered with toys. I laugh about not knowing what color my carpet is. We have way too many toys but I wouldn't want it any other way. I love my kids and want them to have anything. And at your kids' ages toys are how they learn. they learn colors, counting, textures, sizes and many other things. You want to get rid of the smaller toys. What is the 6 mon old going to play with? A train table and a kitchen aren't really toys that are appropriate for a 6 mon old.
What is a good gift to get my son after his surgery next week?
Traci J
He is five years old and having a tonsillectomy, an adenoidectomy, and ear tubes. I want to get him something special. Any good websites or ideas will be much appreciated. Also, can anyone tell me what to expect after these surgeries?
I had my tonsils and adnoids out at the age of 25-it hurt for about 24 hours. After that I felt fine-I went out to dinner the night I got home. I have talked to lots of moms whose kids have had this done and it seems the same-24 hours bad, next 12-24 is like a mild sore throat and then back to normal. My son had ear tubes put in back in July a week before he turned 1. He was sleepy and fussy after surgery for about 4-5 hours. We got home and he walked to his toys (he had not been able to walk long distances prior to the surgery). He was his normal self that afternoon and was cleared to return to day care the next day-the tubes are out patient surgery takes 1/2 a day tops. I stayed home with him for 2 days but he was fine and could have gone back to his regular routine the same day as surgery. But your a mom-no matter what anyone says you will be worried about him.
I would get him a "lovey" (soft stuffed toy) that you give him before the surgery. Carry the lovey with you for a few days (even better, stick it in your bed under the covers for a few days so it smells like home). When you give it to him, tell him it is his special friend for the hospital to keep him company. You can talk about the lovey saying things like "lovey might be a little scared about staying in a big place, what do you think" you can get him to open up and tell you how he feels by telling you what he think lovey feels. But end these talks by telling lovey it will be okay and he will be safe and give him a hug-then tell your son the same thing. He will remember that while he is in the hospital and it will make him feel better. And of course lots of hugs and kisses! Hope that all goes well!
I had my tonsils and adnoids out at the age of 25-it hurt for about 24 hours. After that I felt fine-I went out to dinner the night I got home. I have talked to lots of moms whose kids have had this done and it seems the same-24 hours bad, next 12-24 is like a mild sore throat and then back to normal. My son had ear tubes put in back in July a week before he turned 1. He was sleepy and fussy after surgery for about 4-5 hours. We got home and he walked to his toys (he had not been able to walk long distances prior to the surgery). He was his normal self that afternoon and was cleared to return to day care the next day-the tubes are out patient surgery takes 1/2 a day tops. I stayed home with him for 2 days but he was fine and could have gone back to his regular routine the same day as surgery. But your a mom-no matter what anyone says you will be worried about him.
I would get him a "lovey" (soft stuffed toy) that you give him before the surgery. Carry the lovey with you for a few days (even better, stick it in your bed under the covers for a few days so it smells like home). When you give it to him, tell him it is his special friend for the hospital to keep him company. You can talk about the lovey saying things like "lovey might be a little scared about staying in a big place, what do you think" you can get him to open up and tell you how he feels by telling you what he think lovey feels. But end these talks by telling lovey it will be okay and he will be safe and give him a hug-then tell your son the same thing. He will remember that while he is in the hospital and it will make him feel better. And of course lots of hugs and kisses! Hope that all goes well!
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