Wednesday, April 23, 2014

R&Sers would you get your kids a gift card or...?


My 12 year old wants a gift card for Christmas clothes (she want to make her own choices in clothes...thatâs fine) Iâm only putting $100 on this card, but sheâs unsure where she wants the card from, Kohls, Jc Penny, or even Wal-Mart.

Well I told her I could possibly buy two cards with $50 on each, but then I was in Wal-Mart picking out some odds and ends when I came across the Wal-Mart visa debit card. I have a visa debit myself and love it, but Iâm not too sure if that is over the top for a 12 year old. This way sheâll be able to grab some clothes at different stores and not have to worry about being confined to one store.

Should I get one and put in in my name so I can still approve of items? (sheâs not getting anything sluttty , not under my watch) or should I put it in her name? Is that even allowed with visa debit cards? Will it have to be put in my name anyway?
That's what I mean , a pre-paid card

You have no idea what you're talking about, we live on a once source income, my husband and he only makes $14 an hour. We are not rich, we can not afford to through money around, we had to put the billd off just for christmas this year, with hopes to catch up in the next few months.
My mother bought my daughter clothes with ducks and bears on them and she was humiliated at school. She wants to pick out her own clothes and at age 12, I think she is old enough to pick out a shirt she actually likes.

But I'd love to see all this money you claim I have, maybe you can find it and tell me where it is.
Sorry typed too fast..we live on One income and we had to put the bills off, just so my kids can have a good christmas.
Oh excuse me for wanting my kids to go to school with decent clothes, perhaps youâll be happier if I went to the salvation army to buy my kids clothes..or maybe just to make you happy I should send them with their old pants with wholes, stained clothes. Thatâll boost my kids spirit right? Oh and a pre-paid card is not consumer debt, weâll be able to pay our bills in the next few months, with no problems, itâs all calculated out. I feel sorry for your kids if you have any, it seems you could care less what they wear. Fashion is one thing but appropriate clothing for school is different. Oh and Iâm not angry with you, just shocked that you donât give a crud about kids, or their clothes. I feel very sorry for your children to have such a heartless mother.
See there, no couldn't possibly understand what parents go through. I also go to the salvation army for myself, why?..because I was raised poor too, but my children come first, unlike you who seems to only care for herself.

I'm blocking you now because you are becoming a pain in the butt and if you have no kids and are not a parent, this question was not for you anyway.

I was addressing the Parents and since you are not one the you have no reason to be here.
Thanks Kerri

The gift card is a great idea for choosy kids, I noticed you were only buying clothes which is wonderful that you let your kids pick out clothes that suites them, good clothes could really boost self confidence and if the bears and ducks scarred her then itâs best that you go with her while sheâs spending, which Iâm sure you will because sheâs only 12.

I also noticed a couple of negative people on here, but you know what Anna? Donât worry about them, I also bought my kids clothes that they hated, over and over and my kids did everything they could to avoid wearing them. Get the card, let them pick out the clothes they like and you donât have to worry about taking clothes back or having your kids upset that you bought clothes they donât like.

Iâve been through this, I have a couple of kids myself, one who's 12 as well and I know kids refuse to wear things they donât like.

Besides, have you ever seen the âThereâs no way in h*ll, Iâm going to wear thisâ face as your kid opened her present?
Have you seen the stunned, big eyed, no breathing face with the dull sounding, âuhhâ¦thanks momâ as your kid tosses the box aside?

Iâve seen both of those, Iâve also seen clothes hidden, clothes âlost at schoolâ and clothes simply thrown away. Iâd rather get the card for clothes, that way you know you didnât waste your money.

Besides $100 will not go a long way anyway, I spent $75 at kohls and only got four shirts, defiantly not a whole wardrobe. Buy every thing else, toys and such but defiantly let your kids pick out their own clothes..

Gift cards are not the lazy way out, sometimes itâs the only way kids will get the clothes they really will wear, instead of opening the package and tossing it aside. As a mother, I understand your dilemma. Iâd go with a pre-paid visa or master card, you keep it and only break it out when you both agree on something acceptable.

God Bless

My budget is $50-ish each... What are some good Christmas gifts for kids 18 and under in foster care?

Jim I

Last year, my office worked with a foster care program in our community. We bought gifts for the kids and the families.

The family gifts included:
* a gift certificate to Wal-Mart
* a gift certificate to Blockbuster
* A box of popcorn
* Small boxes of candy
* McDonalds gift certificates
* A board game
* A disposable camera

For the kids, we bought different gifts based on ages:
* Portable CD Player
* Barbies
* Stuffed animals
* Disney toys
* Art supplies

Well, it's that time of year again, and I need some suggestions. We spend approximately $50 per kid/family, and there will be some attendees from last year. Santa doesn't want to bring the same gifts again, so he's trying to come up with some new ideas.

I'd love to hear of good suggestions for these kids... this is largely what they get for Christmas. They are in attendance for the event, but Santa does hand out the presents.

Thanks, and Merry Christmas!!!
Tangible gifts for the kids... the gift certificates are for the family's to buy clothes or other necessities.

We aren't giving a kid a gift certificate.
No clothes... too hard to shop for all the sizes.

I hope everyone will mark this as an interesting question. I have already received emails about it! :)

18 and under? That is a large catagory, but the $50 budget helps with that. Teens 13-18 years of age might like something more having to do so with electronics than the rest.

The only thing I can think of that is about that price range that I wanted that age period was an MP3, Nintendo 64 (old gaming system, but lots of fun), Atari, and Money. If the kids have a computer, then maybe a nice MP3 would work! :) There are tons of MP3s at walmart that are in the $25-$40 range and work about just as nice as an iPod. Nintendo 64s are always fun no matter how old they may be (you can use this for children too) The normal systems are anywhere from $20-$40 on ebay and in wonderful condition, and the games are available at almost any pawn shop, and some video stores rent/sell them. Ataris are hard to find now so some may be overpriced, but you could find a good Atari Flashback for about $25-$40 on ebay, the Flashbacks are better because they have all the games already built in. If all else fails, there are always cheap electronics like digital cameras, cds, and tvs at Wal-Mart, and gift cards! :)

Younger kids 9-12 might like a variaty of things like maybe some of them want to be grown up already and have an MP3 of their own? That's where the $25-$30 MP3s at walmart come in handy. You can also buy them game systems that are under your $50 budget. A few kids here might want a DS, but who can aford that on a tight budget!? Insteed older versions of gameboys that are priced down now might be just the thing they would like. Legos are always wonderful to have, the smaller ones that is. They're fun to play with and lots of kids love them. The art supplies is always a good idea, kids like to be creative, so why not let them be for a small price. :)

Now, the younger ones 5-8 will need something that intrest them and can't hurt them, because some at this age still don't understand 'don't put that in your mouth'. Also, at this age they want to act all grown up so cuter cheaper version of digital camera would work. Those fake laptops that are for educational or other kinds of gaming are very nice for kids this age. Barbies and Littlest Pet Shops are great ideas for girls. Boys might rather have the MatchBox toys and Action figures. You can always get them play food and a toy cash register and/or cart too!

Ages 2-4 might rather have coloring books, crayons and fisher price toys. Nothing really hard to think about there, and they'll always love stuffed animals! You can get the even littler ones stuffed animals or toys that make noise.

For families Wal-mart gift cards and digital cameras would be nice. I hope these give you some good ideas for presents, and Merry Christmas to you too! ^-^

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