Thursday, October 31, 2013

Alright, what is the trick to curing my toddler's obsession with my phone and the remote?

best toddler wooden toys
 on pull toys are definitely a staple of every toy chest
best toddler wooden toys image


She has 3 or 4 of her own phones and a toy remote as well. Doesn't matter, she totally knows the difference and if she even SEES my phone or the remote and I intercept her before she is able to grab it, she throws a huge fit. I have tried letting her play with both so that she'll lose interest and they won't be exciting and fun because they're not forbidden but for some reason this brilliant parenting move has not worked at all. Please help.

My son is the same way! All those electronic gadgets and if we take them away, because he will throw them on the wooden floor, he has a fit. He also loves my husbands playstation controller. I was thinking about giving him an old cell phone if I can find it. That way he can play with it and it doesn't matter. It's gotten funny now because my hubby has to be tricky if he tries to take a new picture for his phone of our son... because if our son sees it... he wants the phone, and he wants it NOW!

Can a toddler knock over a moses basket on a stand?

Emmy's mum

Just thinking ahead here.. If I put my newborn in a moses basket on a wooden stand in the living room, could my then 21 month old knock it over? Or is having the basket directly on the floor a better idea?

Maybe on the floor behind a baby gate as an extra guard at least at first. I don't know the toddler of course but they could "offer" the baby toys or a blanket, or trip and fall too.

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