Monday, October 28, 2013

What do I need to take a toddler to the beach?

best toddler beach toys
 on Swim Ring for Baby Children Inflatable Swim Seat Kids Summer Beach Toy ...
best toddler beach toys image

I am taking my 2 year old boy to the beach for the first time. What do I need to buy and take with me?

From the time my daughter was born she has loved this. We always with out fail bring the following:

*hydocortizone cream ( toddlers are sensitive and the sand in the diapers get itchy)
*at least 4 towels
*shovels and sand toys( can be found at any local retailer)
*magnifying glass (to look at all the tidepool creatures)
*lots of sunscreen
*two changes of clothes
*a camera and film

*****this is an excert from parents magazine******

Sand and water are essential summer ingredients, and though they're a natural part of the beach landscape, they'll delight your child in any setting. "Playing with sand can teach a 1-year-old an amazing number of things," says Clare Lerner, a child-development specialist at Zero To Three, a nonprofit organization that promotes early-childhood development, in Washington, D.C.
Try burying toys and letting your child excavate them, or act as foreman while your toddler pushes trucks through a mini construction site. Simply filling and emptying his pail will reinforce concepts such as object permanence -- that things stay the same inside or out of a container. To cool off, splash at the water's edge, as long as there's little or no surf. Never let your child walk in water past his knees, and never leave a child unattended near water -- not even momentarily Or carry your child as you run close to the waves, and then run back before a wave catches you. For another water game, let your child see whether objects float or sink.

Why is my toddler scared of the beach?

Emma H

So we took my 19 month old to the beach and she was scared to walk on the sand so I picked her up and took her to the water and tried letting her paddle and she got really upset so we had to leave. Has this happened to anyone else?
By the way I am in Australia so it is summer!
Any tips for helping her adjust?

Sand feels strange to walk on. The ocean is noisy and huge.

I would recommend going there and setting up a blanket and picnic with some of her favorite foods, maybe with an umbrella to block some of the view and make a safe little area. Then just hang out. Let her get comfortable with the setting, eat some food, maybe even nap. If there are any birds, see about feeding them near the water. Help her feel secure by keeping a hand in hers or holding her. If she gets upset, go back to the blanket and have a snack or a juice.

Pick her up and hold her and let her watch others in the family play in the water. Point out the people playing in the water. Make it clear you have no intention to put her in the water, she's in your arms, it's all safe. :) But look at them play! Splash a splash! That looks fun! See if she'll let you chase the waves in and out, just the little ones that tickle toes. Sit on the edge where the waves come and dig your toes into the wet sand where the water comes up and giggle when the water tickles your toes.

Most importantly though is to just not put her in the water or on the sand unless she initiates it. Connect happy and good experiences with it, the food, relaxing, play, games, a special toy, a special feeling. And don't pressure. She'll love it eventually. My mom never could take us to the beach without us getting soaked, no matter how little water we stepped into. :P

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