Saturday, November 2, 2013

Is there a store that sells toys for autistic kids in Washington DC?

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IF there is a store in Washington DC that sells toys especially intended for autistic kids, I need to know either the name and location or the website.
Thank you very much for your help.


Here's a good article that recommends toys to buy for autistic kids.

My son has high functioning autism. When he was a toddler, I found that electronic toys were not a good play toy for him. He was obsessed with the lights, or the buzzing or whatever noise it made. He did not "play" with it.

Try to find toys that the child can have meaningful play with and will foster imaginative play. Buy a dollhouse with figures and demonstrate for him what these figures do in their house. Or get building blocks to help with motor coordination.

I wouldn't buy any "special" autistic toys. Plain old regular toys will work just fine.

Actually, Discovery toys has very good toys. They can be for any child, autistic or not. Here's their website and they say their toys are suitable for autistic children. I have a few of their toys. They are kind of expensive, but of excellent quality.
(We have Whiz Kids and The Brain Game - both of my children, one with HFA and the other typical, LOVE these games).

What is a website I can go on to find toys for my autistic son?


I know there is a website that sells toys and other things only for autistic kids. I still haven't gotten him gifts, and I need the website. Thanks to those who can help!

My son has autism and he has always played with "regular" toys. When he was little it was trains, cars and things like that. Now that he is a teen it is video games. What does your son enjoy? Buy him toys you think he will like. A toy is a toy is a toy. I don't think there are any "special" toys for kids with autism.

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