Saturday, June 29, 2013

toddler christmas craft idea?

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i was thinking of some cute ideas to do with my daughter when she came up to me with the toy catalogue and was showing me what she wants!
i came up with he idea of having her cut out the pictures of what she wants and sticking them on a big piece of paper creating her own "christmas wish list"
What do you think of this?
Also can you suggest any other ideas?

I think that's a great idea, but you should plan to do some other things, so she doesn't get the idea that Christmas is only about gifts for her. Also, make sure she knows that Santa doesn't always bring everything. You don't want her to be disappointed on Christmas morning because she thought she'd get everything she asked for.

You can make gifts for beloved friends and relatives with squares of unbleached muslin, a plain wooden embroidery hoop, and some fabric paint. Stretch the muslin into the hoop and paint her hand with the paint. Make a hand print. Let it dry, and you can use a fabric marker to write anything you want-like "Christmas 2010 Jennifer", or whatever. thread some narrow ribbon through the fastener on the hoop so it can be hung up on the wall or a tree. If you want to get fancy, you can sew lace on the edges of the muslin.

Remember shrinky dinks? You can buy the plastic at a craft store. Have your child help you trace a Christmas shape (cookie cutters are good for this) and then fill it in with the markers. You would cut it out and bake it. Make sure to punch a hole in it, so it can be hung.

You can cut out cardboard shapes that your child can paint. Paste a picture of your child in the middle and surround with little pine cones or other decorative shapes (buttons, scraps) that she can help you glue on. This can also be hung

Cut out the separate parts of the egg carton. Paint and pull a ribbon or pipe cleaner through to hang on a tree to look like a bell. (I still have some of these from when one of my children was little)

And even though she's little, you can have her help you mix when you're baking. She can also help decorate cookies.

Have a great time with your daughter on the holidays. Consult you library for more ideas.

What are problems caused by gangs?


1. (And the most important) CHILD ABUSE. By making the neighborhood where families live unsafe... By making damn sure that the children in the neighborhood live in fear 24/7 that a stray bullet might come through their window and kill their family... By making it so that a child has no sense of security for the entirety of their childhood, you end up with traumatized children that end up acting out. (Usually Violently for males, Sexually for females, but chicks can get violent as well.)

Children of Trauma end up seeing that environment as "Normal", which results in even those that get out of the negative environment being unable to cope with their feelings and treating their own children the way that they were raised. The generational transmission of trauma always leads to a slight escalation between this generation and the next, greater and greater trauma and chaos being accepted as "Normal".

2. Exploitation of women and children. Women abused as children, raised by mentally ill parent/s, addict parent/s, gang member parent/s, end up acting out sexually and can end up being taken advantage of by gangs either for use as mules, sex toys for the gang, or prostitutes raising money for the gangs in exchange for drugs. Children end up getting exploited by indoctrinating them from the womb into believing that they can't accomplish anything in their lives without the gang... The gang will be a better family than their actual family...

3. Violence due to inter-gang warfare, drug dealing, drug transporting, etc. In Chicago, it isn't unheard of to have the first weekend of Spring where the temperature gets over 65'F end up having double digit shootings. ALWAYS in black neighborhoods... ALWAYS involving gang members... ALWAYS ending up killing small kids that were out on the street, unsupervised, after 1:00am.

You need to watch the History Channel Show "Gang Land". SPECIFICALLY the episodes about Chicago Gangs.

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What should I get my 13 year old brother for Christmas Best Answer 10 points?

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 on Toys under $20 | Products | Disney
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I need to get my brother something for christmas under $20, I was thinking of getting him something from american eagle. Best Answer 10 points

I don't think 13 year old boys like to get clothes for christmas really. Most kids like random toys or something to show off with his friends. If you want to go along the line of clothes maybe cool accessories might be better than some pants. If he likes hats etc. go off of that. It all depends on what he is into. If he is into gaming I think a gift card to a gamestop or something would be good, or a product similar to that. If he has a DS or a PSP games are pretty cheap for them. Maybe and iTunes gift card?

Find out what he likes. I think that no matter how old you are a good Nerf gun never gets old. You can find some kick ass ones for around 20 bucks as well.

What breed of a toy dog would be the most compatiable with a 7 year old girl who loves to play with animals?


My daughter is 7 and loves to play with animals (ex. wraping in blankets and treating like a baby ect.) We are thinking of getting a small pet for her but are unsure of a breed that is tolerant of small children and that our landlord will allow they have to be under 20lbs/

if your daughter is like most children and can sometimes be a little rough with dogs, i would recommend stoic breeds like a french bulldog. they are clean, wonderful with kids, clownish, and still tough. the females range on average just around 20 pounds, but i've met some petite ones were more on the 15-18 side.

but if you want something even smaller and you're sure your daughter will be gentle, i've become a big fan of cavalier king charles spaniels. they are tiny fluffy dogs, with that happy and loving spaniel personality. they adore children and they are always up for an adventure. as companion dogs, they were bred completely as lapdogs, and are very suited to the kind of attention your daughter would want to give.

with any breed however, be sure to go to a reputable breeder. you can find more information on google about what that entails. i say this because since the pup will be for your small child, you don't want the risk of temperament problems or parasites and you also don't want to break her heart with any life-threatening genetic diseases. also, a good breeder will take the time to help you pick the perfect puppy with the personality that you're looking for. they have the best eye for seeing individual characteristics in what seems to be for other people, a pile of equally cute and lovable puppies.

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Where is the best place to buy kids toys for christmas?

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 on Top Picks for Toys 2013: Best New Toys for Kids Age 5 to 7
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I am buying for a varitey of ages (1, 2, 4, 5 and 9), and want to get good prices too. Suggestions on national chain stores with good selection and good prices would be appreciated. Thanks!

Online! I have a bunch on nieces and nephews plus my own toddler. There is nothing worse than a crowed toy department. I'm beating them all by purchasing all those toys online. Amazon actually gives you free shipping and handling if you spend enough. It's certainly something to consider.

What are some toys that kids of all ages can play with?


What are some toys that kids ages 6-12 can play with together? There is also a 1 1/2 year old. Preferably something that can be played with outside and at least 4 or 5 kids can play with at a time or take turns playing. Something the 1 1/2 year old would enjoy too if you can possibly think of anything to fit with that age. We are already buying a slipping slide and sand toys. Does anyone else have any suggestions? Something that isn't very expensive either. Thanks.

these are things my kids play with and they are a girl 6 and boy 3.

soccer ball

jr football or foam one might be better


a rubber ball for playing kick ball with bases. you can make ur own bases and the dollar tree did carry them

jump ropes

kid size rakes

plastic t ball

paint, lots of paint and boxes or posters are 2 for a dollar at $ tree
Spray paint a big huge box, let them i mean, and make a play house outta it.

How bout a tent? If not that, they could make a fort using kit chairs and blankets and sheets and stuff

if you have a table, uno and other games without tiny pieces might be good. My daughter loves uno!

horse shoes is fun too, they make them mobile kinds so you can bring them in when your done with them

kites are a $ at the $ tree too

who doesnt like bubbles or bubble blowers? You can get an awesome bubble blower at wal mart for not too much like 10 or 15 dollars and its GREAT LOADS OF FUN

potting soil and seeds is fun too

dont forget the boom box, gotta have tunes outside right?

I hope this helps it was just off the top of my head!

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Why do kids like some adults more than others?

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 on ... Best Educational toys for Kids MC126h-in Puzzles from Toys & Hobbies
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I'm (30 yrs old) a magnet for kids 3 and under which is ironic b/c I don't pay any attention to them. They don't come to me as a nurturing elder but rather as a playmate. They give me gifts and toys to play with them. Has their ever been a study on why some adults attract kids more than others??

ha this is the same with my brother... he doesnt even like kids and they come to him like a moth to a flame.... i dunno they should study this, i often wonder whether children are like dogs and can smell pheremones or other chemicals people emit, smell emotion. maybe they are partial to certain chemicals ... i do believe kids can smell "goodness", which is really lack of fear.
maybe in the same way a nervous mother will make a kid nervous you are in fact so laid back kids feel calm around you.... my brother is pretty laid back.

Where should I get toys around Halifax?


I have a family member that doesn't like the sort of toys you typically get from Toys R Us. Actually, she'd kill me if I came with something from there!

Whereabouts in Halifax should I go to get her kids gifts? Like a cute local shop?

woozle in spring garden street is really popular kid store

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How often do you buy your child or children toys?

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That one

I buy my 1 1/2 year old a few toys every month. They are piling up and I wonder if that's too many. She is an only child and I just want to make sure she is not bored. Of course, I read, dance, sing, with her too but sometimes it's nice when she entertains herself and toys are great for that.

How often do you buy your kids toys?

about 1x a month also :)

Why would the cat start doing this all the sudden?


My sister has a 1 year old male cat (not fixed yet). They have had him since he was 8 weeks old and have not had any problems. He has always been a very well behaved cat. He has always done fine around their dog and two young sons. My sister gave birth to her third son last october and the cat was fine. Didn't seem to mind at all. She recently got a new puppy in January and again the cat was fine.
Well about 2 weeks ago the cat started randomly peeing all around the house. He has always gone in his litter box before this and now pees on anything he can find. Even things that are not on the floor. He has peed on the new babies car seat, blankets, bouncie seat, my brother in laws military uniform, kids toys, dogs bed and so on. They don't understand why he would just start doing this. His behavior hasn't changed otherwise, just the peeing thing.
So my question is why would he just begin this out of no where and what should my sister do to stop it? She does plan to call the vet. Thanks.
Thanks. I figured it was as simple as him needing to be neutered, but just wanted to make sure it wasn't a medical condition. She's calling the vet tomorrow to set up the appt to be neutered.

Thanks to the heads up about the enzyme cleaner.
Thanks to everyone again!

Hi Brit...unspayed/unneutered animals who become stressed with changes in the home will tend to spray to mark territory and is quite commonly more noted in male cats. Cats sexually mature around the age of 5-7 months and urine spraying is witnessed. It's truly important to mention to your sister to consider having the cat neutered as quickly as possible because spraying becomes a habitual issue which later becomes difficult to resolve even after spay/neuter.

Here's a well written web article about why cats inappropriately soil outside their litter box by Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine:

Urine Spraying
When your cat rubs against your leg with his face, or scratches his scratching post, he is also depositing his scent from the glands in his cheeks and paws. Another equally normal but less pleasant marking behavior is urine spraying--the deposition of small amounts of urine around a given area. Spraying announces a cat's presence, establishes or maintains territorial boundaries, and advertises sexual availability.

Cats usually spray on vertical surfaces, like the backs of chairs, or walls. They don't squat to spray (as they do to urinate), but the tail lifts and quivers, and small puddles of urine are left in several consistent locations. Cats that spray are usually unneutered males and, to a lesser extent, unspayed females, but 10% of neutered males and 5% of neutered females also spray. In households with more than seven cats, the likelihood of spraying is high.

Cats may spray when they perceive a threat to their territory, such as when a new cat enters the home, or when outside cats are nearby. New furniture and carpet smells can prompt spraying as well. Cats may also spray out of frustration resulting from factorsâlike restrictive diets, or insufficient playtimeâoften wrongly perceived by humans as revenge.

How can I stop my cat from spraying?
Because spraying is different than other types of house soiling, different tactics are necessary to manage it. First, because there are often hormonal components to spraying, any intact animal should be neutered or spayed. Next, identify the stimuli that cause your cat to spray. If outside cats are responsible, motion detectors that trigger sprinklers can be used to deter them from coming onto your property. Additionally, you can discourage your cat from looking outside by closing blinds or shades, or by placing double-sided tape or electronic mats that deliver mild shocks onto your windowsills.

Address possible sources of frustration that may be causing your cat to spray. For example, introduce a new diet gradually, or discontinue it until the spraying is under control. Increasing the amount of playtime for an under-stimulated cat may also help ease frustration.

Spraying can also result from territorial disputes between cats in the same household. They may need to be separated and reintroduced slowly, using food treats to reward and encourage peaceful behavior.

Applying odor neutralizers anywhere your cat has sprayed may prevent him from spraying there again. Another useful commercial product is Feliway®, a synthetic pheromone that, when applied to household surfaces, mimics the scent of cat cheek gland secretions. Many cats will not spray on areas that have this scent. (See the end of this brochure for information on where to purchase the above-mentioned products.)

If you are located within the USA nearly all shelters will offer low fee even free spay/neuter services. To locate a shelter nearby you consider visiting the website

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What are some good movies we watched as kids from the 90's?

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David Baug

I was born in the late 80's and I am looking to get some movies that I used to watch as a kid. Does anyone have any more suggestions? I am drawing a blank lol. Any movies that are good would really work, I just want to find some that I used to love as a kid.

1. The Sandlot
2. Mrs. Doubtfire
3. Home Alone
4. Dennis the Menace
5. Free Willy
6. The Adams Family
7. Beethoven
8. The Mighty Ducks
9. Hook
10. Jumanji
11. Hocus Pocus
12. Angels in the Outfield
13. The Little Rascals
14. Jurassic Park
15. Richie Rich
16. The Secret Garden
17. Casper
18. A Little Princess
19. Ladybugs
20. Man of the House
21. Harriet the Spy
22. First Kid
23. Mom and Dad Save the World
24. Matilda
25. Space Jam
26. Small Soldiers
27. Cool Runnings
28. 101 Dalmatians
29. Billy Madison
30. The Mask

Animation Movies:

1. The Lion King
2. Aladdin
3. Toy Story
4. Beauty and the Beast
5. Pocahontas
6. Anastasia
7. A Goofy Movie

How can I occupy a 6 year old on a 7 hour layover in Oakland Airport, California?


We won't be leaving the airport due to crime and the hassel of going through security again, so any suggestions on how to keep a little kid happy. Does anyone know if there are kiddie areas within the airport? Thanks and all answers are greatly appreciated!

Everyone hates layovers even kids, here are some helpful hints.
Take portable games, like Sorry, Life, and Connect Four. They sell them cheap at places like Wal-Mart and Target. They come in very handy on the flight to. If you have a portable DVD player you can always bring that just make sure that you have extra batteries. Handle held video games are always fun, you can find some pretty cheap ones at the places above. What about books? Get some new books that the family can read together. Crayons, paper and coloring books are wonderful, again good to use in flight too!!! Be sure to pack some snacks, crackers, fruit roll ups, chips, anything small, in bags and does not have to stay cold is good!
Make up scavenger hunt cards for the airport. Put things on them like a person wearing pink, a pilot, tickets ect... who ever gets the most wins. You can walk around and do this game or you can even make up Bingo cards to do in your area if you have too much luggage. Only takes a few minutes to make them up, but hey you can get an hour or two out of them!
Start the story game, someone in the family starts the story and the rest have to finish it. You can go on forever.
Play the I Spy know I spy something blue, and so on.
Twenty questions is always fun.
Hangman, Tic Tac Toe, Uno Cards, Go Fish, Old Maid. Fun for the whole family, kills time and again good in flight. What about word searches? Those are always fun.
When all else fails, walk around, watch the planes land. Hey use the time to get something to eat, that always kills an hour! We also try to find a family that has kids about the same age, in hopes that they will play with each other. Oh yeah and we usually by one new small travel toy. Let them pick it out but, they cannot play with it until we are on vacation. Hey at least it is still new to them and will keep them busy for a few hours!
With a little planning you all will survive the 7 hours! Good Luck, I hope this helps and have a wonderful trip!

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Friday, June 28, 2013

What was the name for that crying stuffed animal I had as a kid?

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Lola H

I'm 29 years old. When I was a little kid I had a stuffed cat with huge, sad eyes that would cry "real tears" after you "fed" it with a water-filled bottle.

Does anyone know what those things were called or where I could find a picture of them online?

They were called "Lost N Founds"
Lost 'n Founds were produced by Galoob in 1989. They were a set of plush animals measuring 11 inches high. They cried real tears when fed from their bottle and made crying sounds when cuddled.

anyone know where I can buy a kids toy shopping trolley?


My son will be 5 in March, and is desperate for a toy shopping trolley. It can be plastic or metal or wood, but my problem is that every one that I have seen in toy shops seems really small, ie for about a 3yr old. Does anyone know where (in the UK) I can buy a slightly bigger one for older kids? Thanks!

Here you go ^^:

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What kind of toys do you prefer for your toddler, wooden toys or plastic toys?

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I'm curious to the type of toy material that parents prefer to buy for their toddlers?

Hi Harold,

I tend to have a strong liking for wood toys that are of excellent quality, but find that wooden toys are generally limited to blocks, puzzles and some very expensive hand made train sets. Some of the best wooden blocks on the market are Melissa & Doug's Standard Unit Blocks:

They have other great wooden puzzle sets, and ImagiPlay makes an earth friendly dinosaur puzzle with non toxic paint:

Most of the toys we get for our kids are plastic, primarily because of selection and availability. They definitely are easier to disinfect and last just as long as the wood toys.

Most of the concerns over quality come from the massive 2007 recall from plastic toys manufactured in China containing lead and cadmium metals!! Besides keeping manufacturing jobs closer to home, companies like Little Tikes, Step 2 and Kid K'Nex keep a tight control over quality and materials. For toddlers, Little Tikes and Step 2 offer a wide variety of American made toys manufactured in Ohio, while Kid K'Nex is a great company for older kids who love creative building.

So in answering your questions, I prefer wooden toys, but availability and selection keeps our toy collection at 90% plastic and 10% wood.

Hopes this helps, and have fun playing with wood or plastic toys with your toddler!!

What can I do to calm this five year old i'm babysitting?


The kid threw a spider, a glass with what looked and smelled like urine in it, and a bulky wooden toy at me. He swears at me, pulls my hair. He's an abusive little brat. But he's also the son of my mom's friend so I can't quit. Bleh.

I hate to lie to kids but you are having a very ruff go of it. I would just try and tell him that you hope he knows a camera was set up in a scret place so his Mom would know if he was OK and it was taping everything.It may work once but if I were you I would not keep him he is to use to you he kneeds someone that is a strager that he is more scared of.Good LUCK and God Bless you

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

What are the best toys for baby that are not too expensive to buy?

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 on few of this year's best tech toys for kids... View Full Caption
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Jill Tregr

Looking for the best toys for baby that are affordable. We are buying tons of toys and we are trying to cut down on expenses so what toys for baby would you recommend we get?

Babies at this age need basic toys, and not all the expensive electronic gadgets.

I would look for something that encourages the baby to crawl/cruise - often toys where you push a button down, and then the toy moves further ahead.

musical toys are always a hit. I would look for something that encourages cause and effect, and better hand/eye coordination - xylophones, drums (which you can make out of an empty plastic container and a small wooden spoon), tambourines, bells, maracas and rainmakers. There are lots of baby-proof toys out there, and the baby sets can be fairly inexpensive because they are plastic and small. Also nothing wrong with pots, pans, plastic containers and wooden spoons, and spatulas.

Books - this is so important for speech development, learning how to read, setting the precedent for enjoying reading, and getting some quality time with a parent or caregiver. There are all different types of books for babies and preschoolers, just be prepared for some chewing. I still buy board books for my toddler and preschooler, because they are cheaper than the paper ones. And, some of the board books have the entire story and illustrations for 1/2 the price. Get a family library membership - libraries also offer story time even for babies.

Stacking toys and shape sorters - Wal-mart and TRU each make their own cheaper version than Fisher Price, but the FP is a thicker plastic. Be prepared that your baby will not be able to sort shapes for quite awhile. Stacking toys just need to be varying degrees of sizes, shapes and colors (to help differentiate the shape, and keep their interest). Great for hand/eye coordination and motor skills.

Blocks - get something that is easier to grasp in their small hand - larger, or squeezable, or even small. Just not too small that they are a choking hazard. TRU and Wal-mart each have their own knockoffs, which will save you a bunch of money.

Balls - I would get a bunch of softer balls. I would buy them in different sizes. If you have trouble finding them, my toddlers seem to be into the dogâs balls (we wonât go there). I donât mind because they are indestructible (no chewing off small pieces) and most are squeezable.

And a couple of plastic containers in which to put stuff in. The stuff can be the shapes from the shape sorter, blocks, balls or other small toys. Older babies like to put stuff into a container, dump this into another container or out on the floor.

Babies are fascinated with themselves (actually I think they just see "other" babies). One of our babies went to daycare. They have a mirror, mounted behind Plexiglas) that was about 3 feet tall and 6 feet long. All the babies and toddlers were fascinated with it. A small unbreakable mirror would do. We hooked up a baby car mirror (unbreakable), that was too small for the car, up to the side of the coffee table (in this house we attached it to the railing that runs along the living room).

And the very best toy is YOU! Babies want to interact with their parents/caregivers. They want to play interactive games like Peek-a-boo, or pat-a-cake or sing nursery rhymes or childrenâs songs. This is the best place to find the tunes and lyrics for nursery rhymes Because I was never great at remembering the tune or the lyrics, or both.

How can I help my second grader that is currently reading at a first grade level become a better reader?


How can I help my second grader that is currently reading at a first grade level become a better reader? Right know he is on a DRA level 10 and should be at level 20.

Reading together (taking turns) is the best way to help him improve without making it seem like a chore and turning him away from reading. Other ways to get him to practice include letting him choose books (from store or library) as part of a special outing on regular intervals so he gets used to reading as a treat, setting up a 'classroom' where he gets to be the teacher and read to his stuffed animals, or getting him involved in things where he would read the instructions (kid's cook book, game instructions, building toy instructions, etc.)

Once they start reading for enjoyment it pays off the rest of their lives.

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What outdoor toys do you have for your kids?

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 on Outdoor Toys For Kids: Discovery Kids Inflatable Sprinkler Ball - 36 ...
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Proud momm

I'm looking for a little tykes play structure for my 21 month old or something similar. Just wondering what kind of toys you guys have in your back yard and what you like and don't like. I don't wanna buy something she will outgrow too soon. Do you have a toy your kids love??

My 24 month old has a Naturally Playful Clubhouse Climber from Step 2 (its huge...has a slide, tunnel, climber stones, bridge, playhouse area with fold down table, stools, and chalkboard), a little tykes sand and water table, a power wheels jeep, water squirting bug (like a sprinkler), balls and golf clubs, trucks for playing in the sand and the yard.

My son loves the Step 2 climber and asks to play on it everyday. He will be using it for a few years!

Best thing for kids to do outside in the summer?


Whether it's a water toy, or a playground, what do your kids enjoy and what are there ages?

That depends upon what is available in your area, your budget, and the ages of the kids. Playing in water is fun (sprinkler, pool, lake, etc), riding bikes, playing tag and other yard games, sports, going to parks. Be careful to limit exposure to sun and heat during the middle of the day though.

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How to complain about a neighbour's garden?

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A neighbour in our street does not cut their grass, leave their kids toys all over the garden and have piles of junk at the side of their house (old wood, bread crates, old bikes, cookers, etc). They are not very approachable - and are not friendly with anyone else in the street. They are not in a council house. We are trying to sell our house and I know this is putting people off. How do I go about getting them to tidy their garden?

It does not matter whether they live in a council house or not, it is up to your local council to approach them. They can instruct them to remove the rubbish. It's not easy, been there :-(

How do i rid june bugs from my garden?

Just anoth

My veggie garden, flowers and even the leaves on my trees are being ate up by june bugs. They swarm my yard and are eating all the foliage on anything green around my house. My biggest problem is in my veggie garden. How can I get rid of them w/out using poisons.

catch them, tye a string around one of their legs and have a good time listioning to them buzzz as they go around your head!
I'm not teasing, I did this when I was a kid, for fun. because we did not have T.V. or nintedo or real toys! I lived in the mountains of N. C.

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What should I be teaching my son before he heads to pre K at age 3 and a half or 4?

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 on 2012-2013 Best Toys for Kids 2, 3 and 4 Years of Age
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We may send him sooner than age 3 and a half, but just gotta see how things go.We do want him to do some kind of pre K before kindergarten though.I would like him potty trained before he goes.What do you do with your kids?

The most important thing is self-help skills: putting on/taking off his shoes, coat, hat, mitts, etc., toileting when he is potty trained. Some pre-k/preschool programs require children to be potty trained, so do look into that. Teach him to listen to others and be well-mannered (please, thank you, wait his turn, say excuse me, etc.).

I didn't do anything specifically to prepare my daughter for preschool, but we did read a lot and go to the library every week, she had access to many toys and art supplies at home, played outdoors as much as possible, attended parent-tot classes (art, creative movement, music), went to local attractions frequently and attended their special events (zoo, museum, conservatory, etc), and had many playdates and group outings with our moms' group friends.

How far would drive to complete a Happy Meal toy set for your Grandchild? see below?


I took my Granddaughter to see Ice Age 3 "Dawn of the Dinosaurs" and she loved it. She had all the toys from the Happy Meals at McDonald's except for "Diego" the saber tooth tiger because it was the first one. They were impossible to find and I had to drive 70 miles to get one. Is that a little crazy or do you love your Grandchild that much?

No it is not crazy, when I was a little kid my Grandparents would always get me the last toy I needed to complete my Happy Meal toy set, the farthest that they ever traveled to get me a toy was 50 miles, I still have all the those toys still in the bags, some day they will be worth a lot of money.

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what are some quality open-ended toys every child should have?

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 on Best Toys for Kids 2012 - The TreeHouse Toy Store Buffalo, NY
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besides wooden blocks, legos, tinkertoys etc. what are which children can use their imagination? Looking for ideas for all ages- store bought as well as homemade toys- links would be great?

I don't know how old your kids are, or what gender but here are a few from mixed age groups:

-Lincoln logs

-A Marble Run (my son loves it)

-A Playmobile set (there are many, here's one))

-Lacing Beads

-Mr. Potato Head bucket

-A Sand and Water Table (you can also bring it inside in the winter and put beans in it, the water wheels usually work great with the beans too.)

-A Costume area
(this one in the link is really inexpensive, I'm sure you could come up with an inexpensive area on your own)

-A Kitchen (The Play Wonder kitchen sets are so neat, actually everything Play Wonder brand I've seen, is great, quality, and very imaginative!)

-Melissa and Doug Puzzles

Some great books with great homemade ideas are:


Toddler Theme-a-saurus

More Mudpies 101 Alternatives to Television

I could go on, but I've got things to do, if you'd like more Ideas let me know!

Who thinks American companies should reduce manufacturing in China?


Chineses companies have consistently bad products- poisonous dog food, lead-coated kids toys, unsterilized recycled chopsticks, deadly medication/food and many other careless and dumb public health-risk products. These are not simple mistakes but mistakes due to a non-rigorous safety code/culture (just think about it.) There is no telling how long these bad production-practices have been going on. They are overwhelmed! I say production should move to Africa. Contrary to what the media makes people think, not all African countries are war-torn and you can get the labor in Africa just as well as you can get in China.
Plus, you can tell they are overwhelmed by a CEO over there committing suicide, the Chinese head of their food and device adminstration was executed and many other things like this.

Anytime you manufacture in a country without good regulatory agencies, you are going to have this problem whether it is China, Africa, Bangladesh or any other country... If American manufacturers aren't demanding quality assurance in the products they make in foreign countries, no amount of moving around is going to make their products safer. That's why American manufacturers go there in the first place. It adds to their cost when they have to follow government regulations on safety and quality assurance. American consumers have to boycott foreign goods until they are proven safe. That's the only way to get the message across to manufacturers.

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

007 Skyfall Questions Please Answer 10 points!!!?

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Okay so its a great film and I am kinda looking forward to the next, seeing as how they will be reverting to the classic James Bond movies, but I have questions!


1. M (Mom) says the F word, is this the first time in the series (I believe so..)

2. While in the Skyfall orphanage, Bond gets his fathers hunting rifle.. the last name was Bond... I was under the impression that all agents are GIVEN the codename/cover James Bond, how does his father have the name?

3. I was deeply saddened by what happened to the beloved M character... and I saw how they brought Moneypenny back, and how the new M is a man, like it used to be before Judi Dench.. My question is are you optimistic or a bit worried about the next Bond movie preformances.. I mean can the man become as good and as warming of a presence as Judi Dench? Will things change, more gadgets, less physical fighting? Thoughts?

4. While given the word association test the man says "man" Bond replies "provacator" (I think) then "woman" Bond says "provocatrix" what exactly does that mean?

5. When Bond digs the bullet shrapnel out of his shoulder and hands it in to be analized he says "for our eyes only" is that a homage to the Bond film?

6. While being hacked, Q says the s word 3 times in a row.. and as I mentioned earlier the F word from M.. Bond calls M a b.... is any one else kinda worried the Bond franchise will start using all those words, I honestly think it makes the film LOSE class.. and I curse every f...... day lol..

7. Also, this is just for fun; anyone else laugh when Bond threatened to eject M from the Austin Martin and M says "I dont care bloody eject me!" lol Judi Dench will be missed... I always found her presence to be warm and motherly.. hense the name Mom..

1. I think so as well. Although they call her Ma'am.

2. Skyfall was not an orphanage, but the Bond estate where young James grew up. (In the UK, many larger residences have names.) Bond was orphaned when he was about 11 or so, when his parents (Andrew Bond and Monique Delacroix Bond) were killed in a mountaineering accident. Rather ironic that their home should be called "Skyfall," no? That was why his father's gun was in the domicile. That's also why his parents' headstone is on the property. The concept of James-Bond-as-job-title (like "Dread Pirate Roberts") is a fan-generated theory to accommodate why the spy in Dr. No served in WWII, but is still young and virile in 2012. I don't believe it's considered "canon." Just accept the fact that the James Bond in Dr. No is the same James Bond in Skyfall, and that certain incongruities will just exist.

3. Obviously things will change. They have to. That's life. You can't keep things the same if you wanted to, otherwise every Bond film would have been From Russia With Love, Goldfinger, or On Her Majesty's Secret Service. More/fewer gadgets? More/less fighting? More/less horizontal bopping? Who can say. I won't worry about it. What will be will be. So long as it works within the story, it's all good.

4. I don't know if "provocatrix" is an actual word, but I would take it to mean a female who incites someone to partake in or commit criminal acts. Basically, this means that Bond thinks nobody (male or female) is to be trusted. Remember Vesper Lynd in Casino Royale. Remember Moneypenny and M at the beginning of the film, the latter giving the former authorization to take the shot which seriously wounded Bond and let the bad guy get away. In his place, I'd have trust issues, too.

5. If you watch enough Bond films, you'll notice that the later ones have plenty of homages to previous films. To be truthful, though, the terms like "for eyes only" is not unique to Bond films. It means that the information is not to be copied or transcribed in any way.

6. If every other word is F-this or C-that, then yes, that would be troublesome. But if an obscenity is used only now and then, then that can help to underline the stress the character is under. Honestly, if you were the unflappable head of MI6 and you found out that your personal laptop was being hacked, wouldn't YOU let fly with a few S-words? Also, remember that when the first Bond films came out, there were no PG or PG-13 ratings. Goldfinger was right there with Disney's Jungle Book as a G-rated film! Unless they wanted to exclude kids and teenagers from seeing a Bond film by making it R-rated, they had to keep the language clean (LOTS of kids and teens watched those brother and myself were among them!) Nowadays, any action film that wants to be taken seriously would probably HAVE to have a PG-13 rating. So yes, a little swearing can filter through. Also, Connery's Bond was a bit more "Tuxes and 'Tini's" than Craig's Bond (which is more "Blood and Brawling"). Reflections of the times (or at least, competing action films)? Possibly.

7. May the ghost of Bernard Lee forgive me, but Judi Dench was fantastic. Of course, it helped that they let her get out of the office and pick up a gun on occasion. And yes, I laughed the moment they showed the ejector seat button (I'm an old-school Bond fan, so I knew what it was for). But warm and motherly? Hardly. She was about as cuddly as a sack full of nails and broken glass. But considering that she's got to ride herd on a bunch of operatives that know they have very short life expectancies, are ready, able, and WILLING to kill people, and tend to work alone, rather than be "team players," she'd *have* to be a tough lady. And Dame Judi was perfect in portraying that role. And yes, I will miss her very, very much.

Are these good fortunes? For paper fortune tellers (aka cootie catchers) for adults and kids?


You will be bold next year
Help your friend this week
Your smile speaks volumes
Raid your fridge tonight!
Hold your nose!
Boys will be boys
You will write a hit song
You love chocolate!
remember the little people
u will see and old friend soon
watch your step
try to see as much of the world as you can
you will have 10 kids
twins are all around you!
hold someones hand
You have successfu dreams
Help is always just around the corner
Green is the new black
Haste makes waste
When you talk people listen
Pink is your favorite color today
You have a unique talent
Help a STRONG person
A uniform is in your future
Clear eyes equal clear skies
You will ride a horse this year
Lucky numbers: 3,6,9,12,15,18
You will wear a hat this week
Shake someones hand
Read a long book soon
Think about your future...laugh about your past
You will get a new gadget soon!
You will meet a famous guy.
snowy days are cold BUT beautiful
you will get a lucky break on a test
red is your color
hug the person to your right
your health is your priority
you will be a youtube phenomena
you will see a crop circle
Mambo with your mama
geniuses are born AND made
wear clean socks!
hold the door open for an old lady
white is the color of purity
you have an infectious....laugh!
peoepelple---people learn from mistakes!
winks are as warm as hugs
stop at red lights
wave at the next car with kids in it!
it's clear you are a winner
you will get a lucky break on a test
chinese fire drill at the next safe intersection!
good things come in small packages
wear blue tomorrow
hug your friend today
eat something special today
stand tall tomorrow
call someone dear to you
Smile. You earned it!
Your nose will grow.
Your favorite PJ's will get a hole =-(
You will travel soon
A gift will come your way
Hop on one foot
wild hearts can't be broken
blue is your color today
you have a great eye
you will have 10 cars in your lifetime
you will eat less than you thought
your signature will be worth something someday.
Your next car will be electric.
You will have 10 kids
You will be attacked by a giant banana
Lucky numbers 2,4,6,8,10,12.
you will go blonde
Remember this date 12-22-2012
you heal quickly
you will make a great discovery
you will try a new food
An apple a day keeps the Dr. away
You will be class president
You will have a tea party with Bigfoot!
Watch where you step!
You will start the next jeans trend.
Nobody likes a tattle tale =-(
You will invent something great
You will host many events
Sunshine is ahead
You win contests!
You beleive in yourself.
High five the next guy you see.
"No" is a complete sentence.
A penny saved is a penny earned
You will tan easily

Yeah, I guess so.

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2011: What are your goals/plans for the year ahead?

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Do you have plans to travel? To meet new people? Maybe your plan is to apply yourself more to your studies or give up an addiction.
Whatever your intentions are for 2011, I'd love to hear them!

This New Year, I resolve to be the type of person that Mema (my grandma who died in May) would want me to be. Even though she canât give me a pat on the back or say, âGood job, Heather!â I still want to make her proud. And I think that doing this is even more special because of the fact that sheâs gone.
I resolve to get involved with the Surfrider Foundation by cleaning up the beaches, attending meetings, and raising awareness-Mema always loved the beach.
I resolve to stop procrastinating. How would Mema have ever gotten anything done-like putting together shoeboxes full of toys for kids overseas- by procrastinating? I have been a procrastinator for many years, and I hope to change that in 2011.
I resolve to try my hardest in whatever I do. That includes school, tennis, surfing, etc. Mema would want to see me do well in everything I do.
No matter what I do this year, no matter what happens, no matter what gets in my way, I just want the end result to be that Mema is proud of me. And I know she will be.

What does ergonomics & anthropometrics mean in product design?

Jagex T

For my product design coursework we are designing a new childerens toy and i need to research ergonomics & anthropometrics for kids what does it mean? Please?

Thanks - 10 points for best answer!!

ergonomic would be its safety and comfort to the human body and its usability. For children, something like size would need to be considered as you won't want the parts to be swallowed. Here is some info on it:

anthropometric- from what I have read, since this is designed for children hand grip of the toy based on children hand size is important

you could probably ask for more info here:

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What are some songs for kids to dance ballet folklorico to ages 3 to 14?

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I need to know some songs for the kids to dance ballet folklorico to ages 3 to 14 o easy songs

Kidâs Songs (Disney & More)

Jem & the Holograms--When Itâs only me & the music, I Got my eye on you, Universal Appeal, Depends on the mood Iâm in, People who care
Disco Mickey Mouse Album- Disco Mickey Mouse, Mousetrap, Macho Duck , Watch out for Goofy, Welcome to Rio
AnimanaicsâThere is only 1 of you, U.N. Me, Iâm Cute, Iâll take an island, Quake! A Quake!, Monkey song
Will Smith-- Wild wild west, Summertime, Men in Black, parents just donât understand
Bill Haley & the Comets--ABC Boogie, See you later alligator
They Might be GiantsâIstanbul, particle man, birdhouse in your soul
Rockin RobinâBobby Day
Whoâs Johnny-El Debarge
Inspector Gadget theme (ska verison)âSka king Crab
The Bumblebee tuna song (ska verison)âMephiskapheles
Head to toeâLisa Lisa & the Cult Jam
Labyrinth--Chilly Down, Magic dance
Rainbow ConnectionâKermit the frog
Annie-- Dumb Dog, Letâs go to the movies, Hard knock life
Muppet show theme
Purple people eaterâSheb Wooley
Happy trailsâSons of the pioneers
Who put the bopâThe Big Bopper
Baby Bumblebee
Fraggle Rock theme
Farmer in the dell
Hokey pokey
Puff the magic dragonâPeter, Paul & Mary
Yankee Doodle DandyâJames Cagney
My bonnie lies over the ocean
Monster mash
Yellow polka dot bikini
Witch doctor
I have the powerâShe-ra: Secret of the sword
Raining Sunshine - Miranda Cosgrove (cloudy w/ a chance of meatballs)
Let's Get Together (The Parent Trap)
The Ugly Bug Ball (Summer Magic)
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah (Song of the South)
Are We Dancing (The Happiest Millionaire)
Oogie Boogie's Song (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
Heffalumps and Woozles (Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day)
Lavender Blue (Dilly Dilly)-- (So Dear to My Heart)
Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Some Day My Prince Will Come (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
You've Got a Friend in Me (Toy Story)
The Siamese Cat Song (Lady and the Tramp)
Space Jamâtheme song, Hit âEm High (Monstars theme)
Batman-Partyman-Prince, Batdance-Prince
Fern Gully--Toxic LoveâTim Curry, If Iâm gonna eat somebody it might as well be youâTone Loc, A dream worth keepingâSheena E
Oliver & Co-- Once Upon a time in NYC-Billy Joel, Perfect isnât easy-Bette Midler
Aladdin--A Whole New World, One Jump Ahead
Little Mermaid--Under the Sea, Kiss the Girl, Poor Unfortunate Souls, Part of Your World
Lion King--Circle of Life, Hakuna Matata, I Just Can't Wait to Be King, Be Prepared, Can you feel the love tonight
Beauty and the Beast--Beauty and the Beast, Be Our Guest, Something There, Belle
Mary Poppins--Jolly Holiday, A Spoonful of Sugar, Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, Feed the Birds (Tuppence a Bag), Let's Go Fly a Kite, Stay Awake
Pete's Dragon--Candle on the Water, Boo Bop Bopbop Bop (I Love You, Too), I swear I saw a dragon
Bambi-- Love Is a Song, Little April Shower
Disneyland--Main Street Electrical Parade, It's a Small World (After All), The Tiki Tiki Tiki Room
Bedknobs & Broomsticks--The Age of Not Believing, Portobello Road, Substitutiary Locomotion, A Step in the Right Direction
Cinderella--Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo, Oh Sing Sweet Nightingale, A dream is a wish your heart makes, So this is love
The Jungle Book--The Bare Necessities, I Wanna Be like You, That's What Friends Are For
Pinocchio--When You Wish upon a Star, I've Got No Strings
The Hunchback of Notre Dame-- Out There, God help the outcasts
Pocahontas--Colors of the Wind, Just Around the Riverbend, Steady As the Beating Drum"
Sleeping Beauty-- Once Upon a Dream, I Wonder
Dumbo--Pink Elephants on Parade, Baby Mine, When I See an Elephant Fly
Robin Hood--Oo-De-Lally, Love
The Aristocats--Thomas O'Malley Cat, Everybody Wants to Be a Cat

What kinds of rewards do you offer your young children? How do you handle toy buying at age 6?


I am constantly told that I work my daughter too hard (at age 6). We were in the grocery store and my daughter was hounding me for a 3-D puzzle she saw and it was $10 for a tiny boxed puzzle. I told her to save up her quarters and her chore money to buy it. She had just spent $5 on a brand new floor puzzle and a new puzzle/ activity book at Goodwill (where she spends most of her money). I have her do household chores (she uses a little vacuum on her room, dusting, wiping counters, tidying up the house, helping me do laundry, and she earns about $5 a week. For good behavior at school and otherwise, she gets coins in her jar. Usually it adds up to about $5 a week on a good week. She works hard because she knows if she does, she'll EARN the things she wants. My daughter always sees things she wants in the store just like every other human being. Thing is- I don't buy it all for her. I've been told I'm a stick in the mud, "let the kid have fun", I've been told I'm too strict. I buy necessities (clothes, food) and things to help operate the toys she already has (batteries, AC adapters, etc). Her eyes light up at the store, and she always says "Mommy, I like this. Can I get it?" I don't get angry or annoyed, I just say "Did you bring your money with you?" When she doesn't, she gets a sad look on her face, and I always get nasty stares from fellow parents in the isle, and I'm wondering if I'm pushing her too hard. I let her be a kid and play, but she's next to me alot of the time doing something. How much is too much and how much do you buy for your kids (toys) on a normal basis (excluding holidays, birthdays)?

Whatever you are doing its really good as per me. You are reasonable in it. Your daughter will value money well. Also since he helps you in household work as well, she will be more mannered and gonna be well bring up child. Secondly, please don't think about people. There are different people with different perspective. Some will support you some will not. You cannot make everyone happy. So live your life as you want to. Think about your daughter it will definitely help her alot in future. In short, you should not care for people around you, at the end, she spent money paid by you only.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

How expensive is having kids really?

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I am about to have a son in January, I hear everyone yelling all the time how expensive they are but how expensive are they really, when my son is born how much am I looking at spending that first month alone, and by the time he is 1, please some actual figures, or a price range I'm going to take care of him regardless but I am just very curious
How much for a newborn after I've already bought, baby cribs, car seats, and other accessories, I mean just for food, diapers, wipes and everything else disposible
I am going to give my son the world no matter what I am just curious on how much would be maditory to make sure he is taken care of at the very least how much am i looking at spending in his first month of life

It really depends on brands, if you breastfeed, will you buy used, do you have friends who recently had babies, etc? I have to supplement w/formula b/c I don't have enough milk,buy some stuff used, and have friends who recently had babies. LOL.
*I use Target brand diapers (they work really well, I found). Cost: 11.00 for 112 diapers. We go through about 2 packs a month right now. So, 22.00/month
*Formula. I large can of Target formula is 11.00. It makes 190 oz of formula. (44.00/month) If you exclusively formula feed, it will run roughly a can a week. If you exclusively breast feed, you'll need little or none (ie. a small can for emergencies if you suddenly go on non-compatible medication). If you combo, like me, anywhere in between.
Clothes...I shop at Goodwill and ebay a lot, but also hit the clearance sales and Babiesrus when they have a sale. I spent about 300 dollars on clothes (sizes 0-12 mo) for the year so far (I know I will probably spend another 100-200 or so). That includes a recent shopping spree at babiesrus where I bought about 10 outfits for 75 dollars (yes, I splurged). But, I also got a lot of clothing from two friends who had babies. So, figure anywhere from 200 dollars if you're very lucky and have friends with babies older than yours and you're willing to buy used to 1200 plus if you'll only buy new (Roughly 300 dollars for each size 0-3, 3-6, 6-9, 9-12) at, say, target, walmart, babiesrus (cheap brands), to 2000+ if you buy name brands (carters, etc). If you buy super name brands, I have no clue, but, if you can afford that, you probably shouldn't be worried! LOL.
Baby wipes: Buy them at target, in the giant economy box. The brands are basically all the same. It's about 12 dollars for a box of six packages...I go through a package a week, roughly. So, 8/month on wipes.
ASSUMING you have all the non-consumables bought (bottles, furniture, toys, playmats, etc), that should give you a general idea, but don't forget, you will end up buying pacifiers (5 dollars for 2), baby food (no idea yet, but you can make your own pretty easily), toys, etc. And, if you're like me, you'll suddenly discover about a dozen things you can't live without. (swing, gas drops, etc)
Generally, anywhere from 1500 barebones, not including furniture/car seat/diaperbag/etc. to 20,000+ (top of the line) baby is 3mos,1wk. Also, do you have medical insurance for the baby? That can be VERY expensive....I've no idea how much; husband is in the military, so our med. is completely paid for.

What are some good chores to give my children weekly?


Im a mom and i need help giving my children chores this would be my first!!!

Well, first a good way to keep track of the chores your children do is to make a chore chart, but first we have to figure out the chores your children will do. They will definitely want an allowance, but I will get to allowances later. I will give you a list of chores, then tell you about allowances later.
What chores can I give my child/children?
Well, since you have two or more children we have to try to make this as equal as possible. Unless one is way younger than the other. Here are chores they should do every day of the week. I like to think during the weekends though that they have a break from chores. Here is a list in a scheduled order. From beginning of the day until the end:

- Each child will wake up and immediately make their beds before going out for breakfast and doing anything else.
(After breakfast and getting ready for school, etc they will then:
- Have them clean up the bathroom and pick up their rooms for clutter on the floor.
They then go to school
After school:
Here are some chores you can split up, so one day one of your children will do them that day and the other the next. Here they are.
- Take out trash
- Do the dishes
- Sweep the kitchen floors
- Wipe the counter tops
- Dust
- Mop
- Feed and care for all the animals (If you have pets)
- Vacuum
- Do the laundry
Now, I was thinking, since you have more than one child I will list Age Appropriate chores for each age group to do
Age 2-3 (Supervision would be required)
- Help make the bed
- Pick up toys around the house
-Help take the laundry to laundry room/area
- Help wipe up messes in kitchen or on the floors
- Help feed pets
Age 4-5
- Help out with cooking and preparing food
- Set table
- Carrying a putting away groceries
- The same things as in the 2-3 age group

Age 6-8 (They may or may not have the same enthusiasm for chores as when they were younger, this might continue as they get even older)
- Fold and put away laundry
- Mop
- Take out trash
- Take care of pets all by themselves
- Same as above

Age 9-12
- Learn to wash dishes
- Rake leaves
- Clean room and bathroom
- Operate the washer and dryer
- Help wash the car or wash it just by themselves

Age 13-18 (They now can probably do any chore around the house)
- Change light bulbs and replace vacuum bag
- Prepare meals
- Prepare grocery lists
- Clean out refrigerator and other kitchen appliances
- Wash windows
- Everything above

What about allowances?

Children start to want allowances, and can probably start giving them an allowance at age 7-9.
As they get older and help out more, you can raise the allowance.
Start out with a weekly allowance...Around 10 dollars a week. When you start giving an allowance. As they get better slowly raise the allowance to 15 and eventually 20 dollars a week. When they are around 16 they will go out and get jobs and you won't have to give as big as an allowance.
I hope this has helped you, and have fun teaching your kids with chores! Good luck!

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