Saturday, July 27, 2013

When did you move your LO to a toddler or regular size bed?

best toddler toys 18 months
 on Winners of the 2008-9 Best Baby Toy (6-18 Months) are:
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Mrs. Z plu

With our first he went to a toddler bed when he was almost 3 years old. We moved in to a new house and decided -new house, new bed-

Our LO is 18 months old and tonight was VERY close to jumping ship out of his crib. I never had this problem with our first.

I am up for tips and suggestions. He has a 4 step convertible crib right now.

My kids are both top of the charts for height. At 15 months, my son was too tall for his crib. We took out his mattress and put it directly on the floor. We felt a little badly about it, but he just wasn't big enough for a toddler bed and may have hurt himself if he fell out.

Since then, we have found out that tons of parents do this before transitioning to a toddler bed.

Our son absolutely loved it as we had some safe toys and books, plus his cup of water. He would wait until we left the room, hop out of bed and read himself to a drowsy stage before climbing into his bed and falling asleep.

What are some good learning toys to buy a toddler for Christmas?


My son is 18 months old and I am not sure what to get him other than what I already have. I wanted to get him something specifically aimed at learning, not just fun time.

It may sound weird, but at this age - EVERYTHING is a learning toy. Your child will be able to learn from anything. Kids are sponges at this age and absorb everything from how something feels, to the noise it makes, to the way it moves, etc.

My son always loved things with wheels. He would flip cars over just to play with the wheels - especially ones that you could pull back, and then they'd go forward on their own. You could see the excitement in his face when he figured out how to do this on his own. =)

I've read articles that said constantly giving your baby toys that are teaching, and learning things can actually be detrimental. They say it limits a child's imagination. If a toy is telling your child that something is a bear.. then it's a bear. Nothing more. It's not a magical bear with super powers.. or a bear that loves to eat vanilla pudding.. it's just a bear.

My son does have some learning toys, but I've found he doesn't like them that much. (He likes cause and effect toys like keyboards/pianos.. those pop a shape things, etc where you have to do something to make something happen)

Here's a list of the top 5 educational toddler toys :


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Stay at home moms How do you manage your house and play with your kids?

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 on Where to Get the Best Toys for Kids Online: Top 5 Toys for 3 Year Old ...
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I have a three month old and a two year old and wanting to know how you manage your time with chores, cooking and finding time for your children. I want my house to stay presentable to guest, but I dont know how to manage my time. Help Please

My kids are pretty much the same age as your - I have found that the best way to keep up is to just stay on top of things. Here's an example of my typical day:

5:30 (ish) - Wake up, shower, get dressed, start some laundry, have breakfast or a cup of tea while reading the newspaper or a book.

7:30 (ish) - Kids wake up, I get them up, bathed, dressed, make and feed them breakfast.

After breakfast time we usually go outside and play if the weather is nice (not right now - there's a ton of snow on the ground), or we play indoors by learning or reading or just being silly. I've been working with my two year old on her letters, colors, shapes, animals, animal sounds, and different objects (tree, grass, flower, sky, ect...).

During the morning time I also do some housework like finishing up laundry and cleaning if my daughter is pretty absorbed in playing something (the baby doesn't do much so she just hangs out on the play mat or in her playpen looking at colorful toys and batting at toys).

I then play with the kids a little more or we go for a walk.

I either make lunch for the kids or we pack a lunch and go meet my husband at work for lunch and eat with him.

After lunch, we run errands if needed, buy groceries, go to the park, to the library, for a walk , or to playgroup or other community activities for kids, or we just stay home and play outside or inside or read some more, do some learning activities, ect.

During the afternoon I usually finish up housework. My 2 year old daughter then goes down for her nap at 2 or 3:00, depending on her mood that day, and during this time I have a few hours to myself. During this time I finish up any remaining housework, do yardwork, spend time doing some of my hobbies (I love to scrapbook and crochet), read a book, hang out outside for awhile, and just have some ME time.

The girls wake up from their naps at around 5:00 p.m. I get them up and started on an activity of some sort while I make dinner, or sometimes I let my 2 year old "help" me make
When my husband gets home at 6:30, supper is on the table, we have a nice dinner together as a family and then I clean up the supper mess, clean the kitchen, do the dishes and get all that stuff cleaned up.

We then have about 2 or 3 hours to spend together as a family and this is mostly spent playing, but occasionally we have a movie night where we put in a kid - friendly movie and make some popcorn (a fun treat at our house for our 2 year old daughter), and just have fun. I also straighten up the house a little at this time if needed.
At 8:30, it's bath time and bedtime story time and then bedtime for our girls, and then my husband and I have an hour or two to spend together just the two of us before we go to bed for the night.

It's all about just staying on top of things and not letting stuff pile up. Do a little here and there - let your two year old "help" you and yes play with them, but also let them play on their own a little bit so that you can get your work done too. If you straighten up the house at night after the kids are in bed, then it will be clean in the morning and then just keep on top of it during the day - throw in a load of laundry here and there, pick up the house as it becomes messy, do the dishes when your kids are involved in something, do the deep cleaning during nap time. You'll find that it's easy if you just keep on top of things! Give it a try - it sounds impossible - but it's not. It took me awhile to figure it out too - but don't worry, you'll find a groove that works for you - just stick with it!

How can I prepare my 2 large dogs for a baby coming in 8 months?


My Husband and I have 2 3-year-old dogs that we just adore. We have a lab and a samoyed mix. They are both very sweet to us, but have NEVER been around small children... They get wild (jumping & sniffing) around people they don't know, but are angels when it's just us alone. Does ANYONE have ideas about how to prepare them for a baby coming?and NO we are NOT getting rid of them :)

Congratulations! :-)

There are actually several things you can do to prepare them for the new arrival. First and foremost, since they haven't been around small children, I would strongly suggest that you begin to socialize and condition them to little ones and the movements and noise that they make. There are some really GREAT sites on the net that provide sound clips of babies and toddlers crying, laughing cooing, eating, etc., or you could buy cd's which contain these wonderful sounds.

Work with your dogs to teach and reinforce basic obedience (sit, lay down, stay, off, etc), and if they don't already know, it would be very wise to teach them to be "easy", "leave it", and "out" or "drop it" (to release anything they may get a hold of that you don't want them to have such as diapers, toys, and other items belonging to your child). Work with them on NILF (nothing in life is free), to reinforce desired behaviors through out your daily routine. If done consistently, this will also help with the jumping.

As baby's arrival draws nearer, start to introduce them to baby furnishings, by allowing them to sniff (but not jump on or mouth) crib, bassinet, swing, highchair, etc... and don't simply put the stroller and car seat out where they can sniff it... USE them. Push the stroller as you walk your dogs, push it around the house and outside. They need to learn to relax around these things BEFORE baby is in them. Put the car seat in your car when you go places with your dogs, and teach them that it is off limits. (I doubt you'll be traveling with your dogs and child in the back seat together, but I suggest this just in case.) Also, put baby blankets down on the floor and substitute baby with a lifelike doll. Lay these on the floor and teach your dogs that it is NOT okay to be near them or play when they (blanket and baby) are on the floor.

After your little one has blessed you with his/her presence, have your hubby/bf or a trusted friend/family member take home (and this will sound gross) soiled diapers from the hospital and allow your dogs to smell them. They do not have to be near these to smell, as dogs have much better sniffers than we humans do, they can do this from across a room. If the hospital will allow, also take the blanket that baby has been wrapped in for a couple of days home for your dogs to smell.

Newborns are susceptible to many things. Please do not allow your dogs to be "right on top" of your baby while they sniff, or to lick your baby. Dogs carry germs that could affect your baby's health. If you and your husband are strong leaders, and you have dogs with sound temperaments, your dogs should not have an issue with jealousy. Bring this baby into your home as another leader of their pack. Always hold your baby above the dogs, and don't be afraid to give commands and issue corrections while holding your child. The dogs will see the baby as an extension of you which will help them see him/her as a leader. Also, if you don't already know about kid & dog safety, please learn everything you can before your little one is born. I can give you some great links on this subject if you want to email me. Or you can google "dog bite prevention" and "Kids & Dog Safety".

Talk with your doctor and your vet about other ways to prepare your dogs for the new arrival. It would also be a good idea, while you're pregnant, to attend a basic obedience class with your dogs. I mean YOU, mom to be, as this will help you maintain your role as their leader even when your energy levels start to decrease and you're unable to walk them or exercise them safely by yourself.

Lastly, thank you for not getting rid of them. I won't lie to you, not all dogs will accept a new baby in the home. I had one who was a complete sweetheart before my son was born. We did all of these things with both him (a mix) and our APBT. As hard as we tried, this dog became anxious and nervous with having the baby around and finally bit my niece. Sadly, we had to have him put down because he was too unstable to have around small children and we weren't about to re-home a biter. Now I may get a few thumbs down for "admitting" that, but I feel I should let you know that it is possible that some dogs will react badly to "new additions" no matter how much you try to prepare them. And it doesn't make a bit of difference what breed the dog is. I hope I didn't scare you either, as this is not my intention.

I hope this helps, and again... Congratulations! :-)

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How do you feel about letting small children use your expensive gadgets?

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 on Video Games Toddlers on Best Top New Fun Toys Gadgets For Kids Ucreate ...
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Grammar Nu

I don't like hardly anyone, especially kids, using my electronics (my 3DS, for example) -- they're not allowed to, in fact.

Why? It's because their hands are sticky/dirty and they are often not gentle.

I take good care of my things and simply cannot trust others to be careful.

It seems that it's seen as offensive if I ask others to be gentle, as if I'm assuming that they will not be.

Am I in the wrong here?

I ask because of a little debate that I had with my mom and step-dad earlier about letting a 2-year-old play on an iPad -- with supervision, of course.

I have kids and I didn't have a problem letting my children play with my expensive "gadgets". I knew that they'd be gentle and careful. I am more reluctant with other people's kids.

You are completely within your rights to refuse other people's children or your own children to play with your electronics. These are YOUR items, not public property. Even if you are overprotective of your items, it does not change a thing. If a child does accidentally break the item, most parents will offer to replace it BUT...but they will expect you to turn down their offer and get offended and/or angry if you don't-especially if it's a family member.

Are there any gadgets for removing dust from the air that actually work?

Jim L

Already have vacuum that supposed to do it, also carpet cleaner and special filters for furnace and vents. and the ducts have been cleaned. live in a farming area, have kids and pets.

the only 'gadget that works in a furnace system is an ionizer

the oreik air purifirer actually works very well

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How easily do your kids give up toys they no longer use?

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 on Best Outdoor Summer Toys for Kids Aged 5 to 11 Years Old
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My son is a toy hoarder. Anything I suggest he gives away suddenly becomes his favorite toy ever. What do you say to convince your children to give away their toys that you know they never play with? And no, I'm not big into sneaking stuff out when he's not looking; it seems underhanded and doesn't teach the lesson to not hoard/give to others.

My kids only give up their toys if I make them feel guilty, we donate all of our old toys to our Church thrift store so I tell my children about all the other children out there that need their old toys because they don't have any. Then my kids are happy to give them up they have big hearts.

Have you ever stepped on a toy on purpose to get rid of it?

Sometime you may buy your kid toys that you later find iritating. In order to have a reason to throw it away, have you ever crushed one of them on purpose while walking?

No... but one time i bought my little toddler sisters the movie Blubber i think it was called...maybe Flubber...idk it was some green goo that was magic or something anyway, the were watching it like a million times a day and then one day when they were sleeping i hid it. I felt bad because they cried for like 10 days but then it was all over.

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Is there a group or club for Toy collectors?

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 on Love That Max: Best toys for kids with special needs: holiday 2011 ...
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John Arkan

I have old vintage toys, Japanese robots; Sideshow collectibles; action figures.,etc. I wanted to trade, buy or sell with other collectors.

Howdy John, I'm a fellow toy collector and I have had no luck with any clubs, well none that are active anyway. I collect anything from Japan plus Legos , action figures (any) Pokemon (for the kids) , mostly 70's and 80's toys. Send me an email. I'd like to know what you have.

What should I buy the kids for Christmas?

Country Ch

My fiancé and I will be doing our Christmas shopping next week and I could use some help with ideas for his kids. His daughter is the easy one but his son isn't. He's 15, plays videogames, plays football, rides his bike even when it's cold and raining. I was thinking just get him a gift card of some kind but that's not all I want to give him. Any ideas would be very helpful.

when i was 15 i really did prefer gift cards. then i could get what i wanted. if he likes football, maybe you can get some tickets for a football game. doesnt necessarily have to be NFL but maybe a college game, or even a good highschool game. if he likes to ride his bike alot, you can get him some bike accessory to encourage him to keep using it and stay active. maybe like, i dunno, a trailor thing for the bike so he can go shopping with it, they have these weird covering things you put over your bike, and its like a kind of a shelter thing lol sounds weird but if he likes to bike in the rain its something to look into. i suppose you can get him a new video game but it might be better to get him a gift certificate for one, for an electronics store, or if he plays a certain game you can sometimes buy cards for the game itself so they can buy weapons and stuff for their characters. there are also all kinds of collectors items related to video games out there. toys and stuff related to the game. you can also try to find a vintage video game set, like an old original nintendo system or atari or something like that, with some games. you can try on ebay, or other local trading posts. if it works and has all the proper cords and paddles, they can be alot of fun for a video game fan. some of those old games are harder than new ones. so theres original Nintendo. called Nintendo entertainment system, or NES for short, then there is Super Nintendo System, SNES, and there are other brands, like Sega, You can get Sega Genisis, or Sega Saturn, Or SegaMegaDrive. There are older ones still, like Atari (remember Pong?) or a brand called Coleco. there are others still. you can check out for more information on those games and other old computer systems. they also sometimes feature items for sale on there. but at least it can give you brand names and games to look up. personally, if i was a 15 year old video game fan, i would want one of those old systems, because vintage is the cool thing these days. prices range from very cheap, like 20 dollars for the system with some games, to a hundred dollars or more, depending on the system, and how many games the person has to sell with them. you can also try to find some at pawn shops. some of those old systems also had alot of extra things you could purchase seperately. like the duck hunt gun for NES, Nes also had a glove controller, allowing you to control your man with your hand rather than a paddle, and there are those dance step mat thingies as well. NES was the most successful home arcade system in its day, and had the most extra features, which you can still find online sometimes, though they can be pricey sometimes because they are collectors items but hey you can tell him, i got ya the system if you want the added extra things do some housework and save your allowance. he can do his own hunting for them and learn how to make online purchases and go to yardsales etc

I've played a variety of different systems, and my personal favourites were my original Nintendo NES, and also sega genesis.they are probably the easiest ones to find these days as well, and had the most games which you can still find. one thing to beware of however, is that these old games are not on cd's like today, but old style cartridges that look kind of like an old 8track thing. and they can get dusty inside the game cartridge. if its dusty, it wont work right in the machine. you can sometimes fix this by blowing and blowing and blowing into the cartridge to get the dust out. you can also try those air can duster things you buy at walmart. the machines themselves can get dusty as well, and if it is, it wont load the game. i used to have to open the door of the machine and blow into it until my lungs fell out. but that usually did fix the problem. you can also use those air cans in the machine too. so if you purchase an old system like NES or any of those, make sure its not dirty and dusty, and i would ask the seller to plug in the machine and load a game up for you to see, to verify it works. .

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Are their new airport security rules for kids?

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 on Best Toys for Kids 2012 - The TreeHouse Toy Store Buffalo, NY
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R their any new rules for kids under 13 for security since 2012. Do they have to give all kids a pat down?? I'll be in detroit metro airport.

Children 12 and under can leave their shoes on during screening.
TSA will not ask travelers to do anything that will separate them from their child.
Passengers cannot leave babies in an infant carrier and attempt to put it through the X-ray machine. Babies should be carried through a walk through metal detector by a parent or guardian.
All carry-on baggage, including children's toys, bags and items, will be screened. Please let your child know that their blanket, favorite stuffed animal or toy will have to go through the X-ray machine and then will be returned to them.
All child-related equipment that can fit through the X-ray machine should go through the X-ray machine. Examples include: strollers, umbrella-strollers, baby carriers, car and booster seats, backpacks, and baby slings.

what can kids bring to kindergarden when they sleep?


my cousin is going to kindergarden next year ( 2012) and we were wondering, can she bring a pillow pet, blancket, with her when she sleeps? what can we do to help her get ready for school? she is 3 almost 4 in a month and 2 days. thank you! if u have any other advice, please tell me! Thank you!

Check with your school's policy.

I would bring a blanket (nothing new, old blankets from home can be comforting), a stuffed animal for comfort (again from home), and a small healthy snack. Also, a good sturdy container for drinks. Some good choices would be:

-Carrots and dip
-Apple juice
-Orange juice
-Milk or chocolate milk

Also, as a friendly reminder, if you must by new products, try buying organic or eco-friendly. Many hidden toxins are present in toys that you don't know about it. Here's a good site with cute blankets and the best stuffed animals :)

Good luck!

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Is the daycare i work at ethical and how do you discipline a 2 year-old that have a hard time listening?

best kids toys for 2012
 on Best Toys for Kids 2012 - The TreeHouse Toy Store Buffalo, NY
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I am 17 years old and i work at a daycare. I have worked there since may 2012 to current day and i am ready to quit!!!! I work in pre-preschool room also known as the 2-3 year old room. My first problem is that the age range is actually a year and eight months to over 3 years old. Its hard to teach the kids something because when i ask the kids what color something is one of the kids will say "blue" and another kid will say "wall" they don't all understand the same material. My second problem is that I a hard time watching 8 kids by myself ( the teach-kid ratio is 1:8). I feel like a lot of the kids at my daycare need individual attention because they all act out or they mimic their friends when they are doing something naughty, sitting in time-out, or crying. The other teachers (the daytime staff) lets the kids go "potty" by themselves. One teacher even left a child in the bathroom for 10 to 20 mins to make him not scared of pooping in the toilet. I do not agree with letting kids go by themselves because they mess around playing in the sinks or toilets or they get scared and i mean when you think about it, you dont know if a kid slips and falls in the bathroom and needs help and they make it seem like taking 5-7 kids in the bathroom that is made for 2 people is okay. When i tried that i had kids playing in the sink and in the toilet and running around with their friends and screaming and spitting in the toilet and i dint feel like i was giving the kids the time and attention to make sure they went potty all the way. So i started taking 2-3 kids potty each time. It was less stressful for me but other workers started complaining that i wasn't doing my share of the work. because i was constantly out of the room and i had the other teacher if there was on in my room change the kids that dont go potty get while i would take them potty. My boss then complained to me about how i need to be more interactive with the kids and i try really hard to be but its hard to talk to a group of 2-4 kids while other kids are i guess in my "blind spots" Idk if they are throwing toys or getting into shelves they arent suppose to or hitting other kids. So to be safe i stand in a corner during play time so i can watch all the kids and make sure nothing is going wrong. My problem is it seems like the kids no matter what i try dont listen to me. I put them in timeout and they get right back up and i keep putting them in it and they dont understand they are in timeout no matter how many times i put his but on the ground then i have other kids that flex their legs and say no and scream and kick and hit and gets right back up out of time out. its hard to keep them in time out and watch the kids the other teachers even went as far as putting him in a high chair for a few mins. Idk how to get them to listen to me. Ive tried everything i talk to them nicely and tell them what they did was wrong, i tell them in a stern voice that wasnt okay and thas why are in timeout and they dont listen and they still do the thing i told them not to do. And once one kids is doing something naughty when i do get them all setttled down then they all start doing it like when im reading a book one of them gets up and runs around so i try to be more interactive and yet they all start running around so i change what im doing to try to grab their attention, It seems like the kids listen to the other teachers but in my opinion i think how they act is VERY wrong. they discipline the kids by yelling their name and telling them to knock it off and ive seen teachers do stuff like slam a kid down on the the bench and say you do not eat off the ground and smack his hands and ive seen a teacher take a kid by his hair on the back of his head and yank his head back and say you do not get into the shelf. Today one of the teachers body checked a kid and laughed and said that is why you dont walk where im walking and then for lunch they fed them fish and one of the kids is allergic to fish so he had his own food well he ended up taking someone elses fish and he has a allergic reaction to it and his lips got red and puffy and he threw up and they called his mom and his mom wanted them to use someone elses medicine because he didnt have any there. Also they discipline he children by saying stuff like if not good im going to take you to go see mr spiderman ( all of the kids r scared of this spiderman figure that my boss had in his office around Halloween time). Idk what to do anymore i couldn't tell you how many times i have come home from work crying and upset. Im constantly feeling overwhelmed and people at my work think im slacking and so if i tell my boss i feel overwhelmed then he will really think im slacking, PLEASE help me as soon as you can im so close to saying im quitting and finding another job because i don't think its ethical and its to stressful.

I do not know where you live but where I live a 1 to 8 ratio I'd not correct for 2 year olds (I think it is 1 to 4).
I would look up regulations in your area to see what the regulations are in your area.
Also to me it sounds like none of the staff have any formal child care training. I suspect there are other violations at your place of work (I cannot over-emphasise how dangerous it is to let a 2 year old go into the bathroom by themselves, a toilet has more than enough water to drown in).
Also the space does not seem to be very well thought out. When you have a room full of 2 year olds (especially with a ratio of 1 to 8) there should not be lots of places that the children can get themselves into trouble (ie there should not be shelves that they are not allowed to get into at child level).

Personally what I would do is at the moment work as hard as you can. Ask your employer for a reference (I usually write one for myself and email it to my employer, it is easier for them as they don't need to bother writing it themselves, but they can still change/ add things if they want). After you get a reference I would put in my notice and leave (not necessarily immediately, but it is good to get the reference ASAP so you can leave whenever you want).

If you feel that things are dangerous you may need to report your workplace (anonymously).

Where are good ideas for Christmas present for kids?


I have 4 neices/nephews from 3 to 10. Where's a good place to get ideas for gifts for Christmas? And is it better to buy online or fight the lines of Black Friday?

There are many lists put out by different toy stores, kids magazines,etc.

There is the Toys R Us Fabulous 15:

Also, K-Mart has it's own Fab 15 list:

There are others, but I don't know the URLs off the top of my head.

As far as online vs black friday, I personally shop online. One, I don't like to get up early. Two, I don't like being trampled by people trying to get the 3 TVs for the special price. And Three, you will usually find bargains just as good or nearly as good online if you keep your eyes open.

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what are those old gray drawing tablets that u could quickly erase?

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 on 70s and 80s Toys at
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Charlie A

kids toy in 80s gray pad you draw on with red had black pad under that, and u could lift up and erase your pic and start over gain.. kinda like plastic carbon paper ? what were these called as im trying to find them agin thanks

Magna Doodle

Does anyone remember a plastic toy from the 80s that had 2 hinges and could fold in 2 different directions?

marc s

It was an old toy used at parties and stuff to keep kids occupied. It would fold one way, then snap into place when closed to fold another way. Anyone remember what this is called or where I can find one?

Rubik's Magic?

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How many deaths have been a direct result of lead in toys?

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 on Indoor_kids_playground_home_gym_for_kids-_the_best_kids_sport ...
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I always hear news people making a fuss over lead levels in toys and about groups lobbying to get those levels lower. I know my generation was exposed quite a bit to lead before we even knew it was dangerous. I wonder if this just a media hot-button or if someone can demonstrate, WITH FACTS AND SOURCE, PLEASE, how many annual deaths are a result of lead poisoning from toys, and how that figure compares to choking deaths, auto deaths or other leading child causes.

Lead poisoning occurs when a person swallows or breathes in pieces of lead or lead dust.

According to, the online news reporter for Minneapolis, MN, a 4 year old boy died after swallowing a charm from a bracelet that contained dangerous amounts of lead. The death of this little boy is the first one that health officials can directly attribute to lead in jewelry.

According to, "Each year in the United States 310,000 1- to 5-year-old kids are found to have unsafe levels of lead in their blood, which can lead to a wide range of symptoms, from headaches and stomach pain to behavioral problems and anemia (not enough healthy red blood cells). Lead can also affect a child's developing brain." Reasons for lead poisoning can be attributed to many sources that need to be looked at. Not just toys. According to, some places that people might find dangerous amounts of lead

* Contaminated soil, which is found near busy streets, in part because lead was an ingredient in gasoline until the late 1970s. The soil that surrounds homes that were painted with lead-based paint may be contaminated too. Contaminated soil is a particular concern because it can also introduce lead dust into the home.

* water that flows through old lead pipes or faucets, if the pipes begin to break down

* food stored in bowls glazed or painted with lead, or imported from countries that use lead to seal canned food

* some toys, jewelry, hobby, and sports objects (like stained glass, ink, paint, and plaster)

* some folk or home remedies, such as greta and azarcon (used to treat an upset stomach)

According to,

*In the United States in 2000, 6,466 children (0-18) were killed in motor vehicle crashes.

*In the United States, 1,236 children (0-18) died from drowning in 2000.

*842 unintentional deaths, such as, Choking: a child chokes on an object such as a piece of food or small toy.

In 2003, the population of children in the United States ages (0-19) was 81,216,385. The number of child deaths for that year attributed to all causes was, 53,539.

Hope this helped.

What was the toy truck (early to mid 90's) that you could weld parts back on after breaking it? It was plastic?


It was a rugged looking toy. The welding was plastic. It had armor and guns that you could "weld" at different location.

I think it was called "Discovery Power Welder". It was battery operated and the plastic rod spun to heat the plastic up and make the weld.
Edit/correction - Just found this

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What should I put in my kids easter baskets?

best kids easter toys
 on will be finding in their easter baskets on easter morning
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Joy Beth

I don't want to give them a ton of candy, and those little easter themed toys are such junk, what do you suggest?

Every year I get my kids a few small treats, and trinkets, but then give them something they can play with outside. This year I got them roller skates, Easter comes early this year but spring will be here soon.

What are you putting in your kids easter eggs?

Sweetpea h

Knowing that my son will be getting a kings ransom in candy from his grandparents and 12 aunts and uncles I only got him one small chocolate lamb (mainly because it was was so cute) and am filling the plastic eeaster eggs with raisens goldfish crackers and pretzals. What are you putting in the easter eggs? Coins? Toys? Candy? My son is only two a bit young for coins.

A few pretty pastel Jordan almonds and candy-coated sunflower seeds (we have a peanut-allergic kid). They're not getting much candy, just a token amount, because they always end up with too much.

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How to get kids to listen while babysitting?

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Q. I'm babysitting 2 kids (a 3 year old and 7 year old), neither of them listen to me. I try to bribe them, I talk in a stern voice, I tell them to go in a timeout (like their parents told me), but they just don't listen! I don't know what to do, I have to watch them 9 hours each day and it feels soo long!

If you tell them to go in time-out and they don't do it, then what do you do about it?

If you do nothing about it, and just let the time-out slide, then that's obviously why they don't listen to you -- if they just ignore you, then they can keep doing whatever they were doing and they don't have to go to time-out.

If you tell them to go in time-out and they don't, then you take away the toys/turn off the TV/stop whatever fun they're having, and physically escort them to the time-out location for the amount of time that their parents have specified.

Generally, the cure for not listening is consistent following-through. Don't ever allow yourself to tell them twice to do something. Tell them once, and if they don't start to comply within about 20 seconds of you saying it, then you go over there, turn off the TV or take away the toy they're playing with, and make sure they do it, while calmly saying "I said, it's time to put away the toys". Physically (gently) guiding their shoulders/hands in the direction you want them to go usually does the trick to make them believe you are serious about it getting done. Once they start to realize that you are following through on making them do it every time you ask them to do something, they will start complying the first time.

Another preventative tip for babysitting two or more kids their age is to make everything you want them to do into a competition. For example, if you want them to pick up their toys, say "Okay... who can pick up the toys the FASTEST???" or "Ok, let's see who can pick up the most toys??? Ready, set.... GO!!!".... or "Who can get their pajamas on and get back here the fastest?", etc, depending on what you want them to do. You'd be surprised at how willingly most kids will go for this.

What would a 6 year old girl want for christmas?

Mad as a H

At my moms work, there's some program where you can give a family christmas gifts. My mom put me in charge of finding gifts for the kids. There is a 2 year old girl, a 3 year old boy, and a 6 year old girl. The smaller ones are easy to get gifts for. A stuffed animal and toy car or something. But six year old? So, any one know any six year old girls who have been asking constantly for some thing for christmas?

I always wanted the popular doll, or a barbie vehicle. They have cheap barbies at walmart. She might also like playdoh or something like that. Tea party set....pretty much any really girly toy, most 6 yr old girls would love :)

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Thursday, July 25, 2013

what age should you make kids start picking after themselves?

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Q. When my husband's 4 yo daughter comes to visit (about once a month for 3-5 days, will be much longer this summer), the house ends up looking like a tornado hit. We have just been letting it go for a few days during her visit and cleaning everything after she leaves. What age is appropriate to make the kids start cleaning up their own toys? I'm starting to get a little concerned that if we continue to do this for her too long, that it will be too hard to change later on & lead to her taking advantage on other things as she gets older. Also, I don't want to live in a warzone of a house for a month this summer. I know kids are messy, etc but when/how do we teach them to start doing these sorts of things for themselves? I have no kids of my own & I'm still trying to find my place in all this (I'm sure other step parents will understand...) Other than DH's kids, I haven't been around kids much so I'm still very unsure of what I'm doing or should be doing

NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT!!! I would start that 4-year-old on cleaning up NOW. Make a deal that she can only have 1 thing out at a time and when she's done with that and wants to play with something else she puts the 1st thing away and THEN gets something else out. Sometimes that won't work, though. Seriously what 4 year old only plays with one thing at a time, right? Maybe let it go all morning and then before lunch have her pick up her stuff. Help her. Do it together. This way she won't feel like you are a mean person and it's hard for a little person to clean up all that's much easier to get it out than it is to put it away, right? You can make a race out of it or you can help her put it away by making suggestions on what should be put away next. When it's all put away tell her what a good job she's done and maybe have her help you make lunch. Lots of positive reinforcement...make her feel like a big girl :)

After lunch let it go again and then before dinner (or maybe before daddy gets home from work) help her pick up again and again praise her for a good job. Don't do it all for her, make her help, but be there to keep her focused.

You are smart to ask this question, and you are correct in that if you don't start now it will be much harder later on.

Good luck.

What was the best invention for kids that made one crazy inventor and investor a millionare?

Q. Remember those animal rubber bands? The guy probably is at home in retirement on his pool,exercising,young, and living the dream life selling those animal rubber bands. I'm doing a project for Economics about the best product made for children because kids are particulary suckers somewhere at age 3-5 years old.

That woman who made a book for kids who are in stress I know its kinda funny but she made millions of dollars probably at home same as that animal rubber band guy. LOL

It has to be LEGO. A small Danish toy company with only seven or eight employees bought a plastic injection moulding machine and invented a 'self binding brick'. In less than twenty years, by the 1960s, the company was worth millions. No other invention: doll, clay, game, construction set or gadget, comes close to it.

Kids love it: they buy a few bricks and play for weeks on end. They start at 4 or 5 years old, and are still playing and collecting at 12.

There are compatible bricks, (such as Canadian Mega Bloks) but parents prefer the original brand, so it still sells like hot cakes. LEGO fans always seem to need the latest set.

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help organizing my 5 year olds closet and room?

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so my 5 year old has a very small a coat closet...i do not have bins or anything but its a mess with toys and she cannot reach her clothes. her room is a disaster. i do have a cube organizer but she has soooo much stuff..that she will not part with and no where to put never looks clean..HELP! and i cannot afford to go buy the cool closet organizers so please any household ideas plz.

Drop-box organizing is really best for kids that age. You organize shoe boxes or plastic bins in the cubes or on the shelves, and that way when she want the box of one thing she takes it out, then drops everything back in and puts it away.

As for the height of the clothing, your best bet is to lower the bar to her height but that would take up the bottom where you want to put the cubicals. So it really is a mater of what you need more-- the cubicals in the closet, or the bar lower.

Maybe you can get the clothes down for tomorrow and put them on the doorknob or something, or designate a place for her to put her hangers and re-hang her clothes, and then you just have to grab them and put them up top.

Parting with some toys is going to be difficult, you can tell her that the room is too crowded so you're going to put the toys on a rotation. Ask her to separate them and put half in a box that you will store elsewhere (your room, or the garage, whatever).

Tell her that after a few weeks, you will bring the old box in and she can switch out whatever she wants-- and since she hasn't seen them it will be like having new toys all over again. Explain she's not losing them, you're just trying to keep them organized by switching them out-- you can even mark "switch day" on a calender and she can look forward to it each month.

But after a couple of months you'll start to see what stays on the bottom of the box that she doesn't touch at all, and you might be able to start convincing her to part with them.

One way I got my kids when reluctant to part with old toys is by telling them to trade them in-- bring them to a thrift shop to trade in for a credit-- bring 10 things and they get to pick out one new one (sometimes their stuff wasn't worth anything so I'd put $2 or $3 down for credit myself).

Once you do get things in order the most important thing is going to be training her to keep up with it, so it's important to strictly enforce rules like 1 thing at a time/put away when done, or have big fun clean up times together and make it fun. Give her lots of praise for keeping her things in order.

What are some game ideas for a 5 year old boy's birthday party?


I'm planning a birthday party for a 5 year old boy (there will be girls and boys of this age at the party). Theme doesn't matter...just wondering if anybody has some games or activities that can be done?

pin the tail on the donkey board games card games duck duck goose tag if you are going to get a jumper let them play in it A piniata is always a hit at our parties, we do one every year. Potato sac races, use pillow cases. Treasure hunts....break out the easter eggs, fill them with some goodies, have a few special eggs, gold or with stars and those kids get a prize..or not. Pin the tail on the donkey, they have different versions now. If there are alot of kids you can have a girl and boy theme game. Bingo, musical chairs, the limbo, Have a table set up with coloring books, water colors, playdoh or a craft for when the kids are "out' of a game or get boared.
Instead of a cake have make your own cupcakes, have icing, different sprinkles and candies to put on them. I would still have a small cake to sing Happy Birthday and for the adults.
The piniata is such a huge hit at all our parties, I don't like to give alot of candy so instead of goodie bags i do a super duper pinata. I put punching balloons(HUGE hit) whistles, noise makers, small toys, jewlerey for the girls(neclaces, rings bracelets) tiny bottles of bubbles, and some candy. Just so the kids know they arent getting goodie bags, I get colored lunch bags and write the kids name and goodie bag on them before hand. This way the kids get to play with the stuff they get at the party, they seem to have alot of fun this way and it takes up alot of time. When my kids get a goodie bag at a party, itis junky stuff, they look at it in the car and like it but never seem to play with it at home, and I am mean, I let them have one or two pieces of candy and hide the rest, or eat it if it is

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why anyone creating a school garden should consider creating theme gardens?

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t i f n y*

Explain why anyone creating a school garden should consider creating theme gardens. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? What specific theme or themes would you recommend?

I would say that creating a theme garden would entice the school kids to play in it, if primary age or just relax and chat if high school age.

For primary aged children- I would put in a race track where they can use cars and other toys on it. Plant succulents and safe herbs as they could be stepped on. Those plants are quite hardy.

High school- a chill out garden with higher plants to give a seclusion to chat. Maybe with some herbs or vegetables so they could learn how to grow and care for plants as well.

Hope this helps if you are going to create a theme garden.

What is the best Garden Slide for my 5 yr & 2yrs old kids?

Neil S

It needs to fit in my moderate garden & I dont want to pay more than about £50. Anyone know of a good one?

Look in Argos or Early Learning - its a catch 22 really though to be honest, you either end up spending alot or getting one that doesnt last five minutes! - I wouldnt recommend Toys R Us though - I've brought so many things from there and have found the quality to be awful - sorry to anyone that loves the place !

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What toys should I buy now to put away for my kids in the future to make some money with?

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Small Busi

I want to start buying toys, comics, etc now and keep them in the box and put away so when my kids are older they have some vintage toys that are worth something. So how do I know what type of toys, comics, etc that I should invest in now to put away for future investments?

If anybody has any idea what toy companies, toys, comics, etc will one day be worth something if kept in good mint condition in a sealed box please let me know

Any info would be appreciated


- cards (such as yu-gi-oh, magic the gathering and pokemon) are usually worth a lot in the future if preserved in mint condition. ofc, most of these can only be obtainable through boosters and there isn't 100% chance that you'd be able to get a really rare card but you could get magazine exclusives (shonen jump magazines send promo cards if you subscribe to them)

- high-end figurines and toys, such as some transformer toys, as they go out of production over time, as well as online exclusives because they also only sell for a limited time, so once they become hard to obtain you could easily sell at collector's price on ebay etc. which is usually 2-3x more pricy than the rp.

- pretty much any online exclusive toy

- comics could be invested in but since its quite hard to tell which comics would be hard to obtain in the future its also quite hard to pick out the right ones. you could buy the entire collection and later on sell as a bulk if your willing to spend extra money, but the more recent comics would be less expensive than comics made 10-20 years ago.

Why are vintage board games worth money?


I have quite a few vintage board games that I'm selling on a thrift sale. I searched on ebay and noticed they were getting expensive - why is this?

There are two main factors that drive pricing in the collectibles market. The primary one is availability. Games, particular older games, were considered "child's play" and so when your kid grew up, the games were thrown out, yard saled, etc. Supply diminishes. Games take a lot of abuse from young kids, and so games with any kind of potentially breakable components, most likely had broken components. A broken toy tends to end up in the bin, and supply decreases even more. So, now you've got a market where certain items are in very limited supply.

The second driving factor in all collectibles, and particularly the board game market, is memory. A game that you played as a child, summers at the beach house, etc. So, for the majority of nostalgia collectors, games which were readily available growing up are the target for collection.

Mainstream board games finally started to grow beyond the standards (Monopoly, Life, Risk, etc) in the mid-70's. All those kids who grew up in an era where there was a much wider variety of board games available are now hitting their late 30's, early 40's. They have money to spend, and often kids of their own that they want to share those positive gaming memories with. Decreased supply + increased demand = increased value.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

How often should kids take a bath?

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Princess C

How often do you give your kids (babies, preschoolers, and elementary age) a bath? I don't think everyday baths are necessary before puberty. What do you think?

I would say it depends on the season. In the summer most children who are mobile will need a bath or shower almost every day, especially toddlers and preschoolers, and those that swim in chlorine pools. I don't like to do that because of the drying effect of soaps on the skin so I usually do a "sprinkler shower" every other day, or just skip it. If they are dirty or have chemicals (like sunscreen, bug spray, or chlorine) on their skin, you have no choice, they must be washed. Hand and face washing is extremely important to staying healthy too, so make sure they learn to do that year round. In the winter I like to do showers every third day depending on the state of the child. You really will have to use your own judgements based on the dryness or other irritations your child's skin is prone to as well as your child's hygeine habits and activity level, all of which can change on a daily basis. I have one child that plays quietly with books and legos some days, stays perfectly clean. Other days he just climbs into a mud puddle and hangs out in it all day, or so it seems. My youngest (toddler) seems to need a bath every ten minutes. I just keep a wet rag handy and swipe at him as he runs by on his way to creating his next mess. I always do showers or baths in the evening before bed, part of the bedtime routine. I have never found the need to bathe a baby(less than three months) more than twice a week in winter, and three times a week in summer. I always preferred wiping the baby down if one of the other children got something on him, and I found it easier to wipe out folds when baby was nursing. Baths always had my newborns throwing fits during and shaking like a leaf afterwards(shivering, even with the towel), which unnerved me considerably. When they became big enough to distract with toys or face games the bath became easier for me, and it seemed easier for them too. Once the child is old enough to decide when to take his own baths or showers you will still have to remind them. I still don't understand how people don't know they stink, but there it is lol. Good Luck

How do you keep 30 kids entertained?


I have 30 kids age 11 and under coming over and i have no idea how to entertain them any ideas?

Is it for a birthday party?
- Order a jump n fun.
- Order pizza.
- Make sure theres food!
- Movies and music. The big m's.
- A pool is always fun(: So is a trampoline(with a net would be nice).
- Play sports like soccer, volleyball, badminton, basketball etc.
- Do things outside. Water guns. Water balloons. They'll take care of it.
- A slip n slide.
-Play hide and seek outside?
-Board games and then give out prizes to the winner.
-Pineta and pin the tail on the donkey if its a party.
-Balloon darts? Bean bags? BBQ!(:

Just go to walmart or toysrus and pick up a couple of outdoor toys. (:
These links will help:

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If some students are smarter than others then why are all students treated the same?

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I understand why public schools treat all kids alike. I mean you don't want to give favors to one student and deny favors to another one. That is also wrong but when a student works hard and has actually achieved more than his or her class mates. Doesn't that student deserve to learn something else rather than the same old repetitive stuff that he himself or herself learned on their own?

Lets face it, some students really don't want to be there and they prevent other students from learning. That is why I believe that the private sector can do a far better job than the public school system. In the private sector the parents are paying for that child's education so they expect them to learn something. If that child isn't learning much then the parent can try another school. No two kids are exactly alike so teaching our kids exactly the same thing isn't going to work in every single situation.

Some kids do well in a public school system and others do better when they are home schooled. Wouldn't it be great if we had businesses out there trying to find ways to educate our children and make a profit for themselves at the same time?

Think about it. The pharmaceutical, internet and technical fields are an example of what the free market can accomplish. The students are actually breaking public school regulations by playing with their little electronic gadgets rather than studying in class. That is because the free market has produced products that are far superior to anything that the public school system could ever come up with on their own. Imagine if we allowed the free market to teach our kids. Wouldn't the free market find a way to keep the students interested?

I mean if they don't or can't do it then they won't remain in business for long.

I agree 100%, if the school system would go private, results would highly improve. Private or home schooling are the best options for education, the numbers don't lie.

I went to public school and my experience was teachers did not treat students the same. Many teachers would have over crowded classrooms. They would spend half of the time trying to control noisy and disorderly students. The other half repeating the same thing, to students who had a hard time understanding the subject.

I don't blame the teachers, they have overcrowded classrooms and few resources.
And I don't blame the students. Some come exhausted to school, dazed, hungry and even high from the crazy home life they have.

I was the lucky few to take proactive steps to educate myself at home. And would go to high school to socialize with students and help out the teachers by tutoring problem students.

What do you think about the practice of sending brag letters in Christmas cards?


They tell about how rosy their life has been and how great the past year has been to them. For example, their son is class president, and their daughter is on the honour roll. Some of them brag about how many grandchildren they have and/or how fast they are collecting them. They talk about their extensive travels or what wonderful jobs their spouses or kids have. Nowdays, they brag about their electronic gadgets and their computers. The sun shines perpetually on these people. You would really think they knew Santa Claus better than anyone else, and they make other people feel sick and depressed. They even seem to imply that they are getting all these things because they have been good.

Is this practice in keeping with the spirit of Christmas?

Hmm... not keeping with the spirit at all. We've got a family friend who sent those letters out every year until last year and instead she sent a family newsletter. For crying out loud, a newsletter. It had little blurbs for her children... 'Katie's Corner' and even one for the dog. She went on and on about how her son was a black belt and on the Honor roll and how her daughter was the best reader in her class and all this other bull crap that nobody really wants to hear on Christmas. I agree... they just want you think think they're something special. For them, Christmas is the time of year to let everyone know how great life is, even if it's only to avoid thinking about the downpoints. I don't buy a word of it though. It's great to share love and be friendly and even if people don't mean to brag, they do... and they shove the rest of us down. Whoever said, on this page, that you're 'not whorthy' to read those letters proablby has never recived such a Christmas card. I wish we could all brag and be happy for one another. It'd be great if Christmas worked that way, but it doesn't in our heads because the world bassically sucks.

There's an answer in here somewhere. Happy Holidays.

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What are some meaningful ring bearer gifts for a 2 1/2 year old child?

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Q. I would like to know if anyone has some good ring bearer gift ideas. My best friend is getting married, and her ring bearers are two 2 1/2 year old boys. She would like to get them something meaningful and appreciate later on in life and not just some little kid toy. (Her wedding is in ten days, and it would really mean a lot to her if she got some good ideas) Thanks so much.

A toddler does not have the capacity to appreciate a meaningful gift. No offense, I think your friend is doing this more for herself than for them.

I say, make sure she gets some good photos with them on her wedding day. When they are older she can have these printed and framed or used in a scrapbook. Im sure when they are older they will enjoy looking at the pictures and they will see how happy they all were on that wedding day. Honestly, photos are one of the most meaningful gifts you can give a person.

How often do you buy your child or children toys?

Q. I buy my 1 1/2 year old a few toys every month. They are piling up and I wonder if that's too many. She is an only child and I just want to make sure she is not bored. Of course, I read, dance, sing, with her too but sometimes it's nice when she entertains herself and toys are great for that.

How often do you buy your kids toys?

about 1x a month also :)

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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

how long does ringworm survive off of animals?

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We are treating kids and cats for ringworm. We've been doing the recommended steps like vacuuming and washing all bedding. How long can ringworm live if its all over our sofa, kids toys, EVERYTHING!?!?!? Will it ever go away?

Ringworms only surface on the human's skin. Most probably, that is scabies. If it's ringworm, try to crash 1 clove of garlic. The rub the garlic juice on the ringworms. Although it's so painful, at least, for 5 consecutive days of applying the garlic juice will eliminate such skin disease.
BUT IF it is the so-called scabies, better turnover the cats to the Vet Med doctors to treat them. By the way, the same case with the ringworm. Seek the help of the Vet Med docs. Sometime, the occurrence of such is only due to the food that you give to your cats. Don't let your cats eat sausages, hams or anything with preservatives.
As for the kids, always give them food rich in Vitamin C. Oh, by the way, as you take your cats for treatment, better clean all the beddings by bleaching them under the heat of the sun. The spray the surface or the room with LYSOL SPRAY to disinfect the bedroom and the beddings.
I hope you can manage to do all these. Have a nice day and HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!

What does the mark "CE" on children's toys stand for?


I see that mark on all my kids toys. The tags on stuffed animals like beanie babies, on the lables for bubbles, and all sorts of other kids toys-those were the two that came into my head, but I see it all the time. I wonder if its like a certification that its safe for kids or something. The C is like a semi circle & the E looks just the same with a line in the middle. Anyone else ever wonder, or does anyone know what it is for?

CEâ stands for Conformité Européenne.
itâs a logo that shows that products have met the requirements of the European Union (EU).
The most obvious benefit of the CE Mark is that it is
like a passport for products, allowing them entry to the
entire European market. If a product is covered by a
directive, it canât be sold in the EU unless it has the

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