Saturday, March 8, 2014

Superheroes safe for toddlers.?


I am looking for a line/group of superheroes that do not depict violence and are therefore safe for 3 and 4 year old boys who do not understand that shooting someone until they are dead or beating them up until they bleed are NOT appropriate ways to deal with a real life situation.

I looked at the Super Hero Squad, but it is still violent, just smaller looking people. I am looking for something that focuses more on the saving than the killing and fighting. For example, if you can find a fire fighter superhero or something like that, someone who does NOT hunt down bad guys and kill them, I would be very grateful.

Thanks for being such a thoughtful parent or teacher! Characters and concepts that used to be for 6-10 year olds are more and more often getting pushed down to preschool and toddler toys.

Super hero play is empowering for little kids, but we should also consider that kids this age are just beginning to develop impulse control and the ability to resolve a conflict without hitting, kicking, scratching, biting, and screamining. :) Why inundate them with "heroes" who fight, fight, fight?

Your best bet might be the Rescue Heroes. Rescue Heroes is a toy and video line by Fisher Price. They make sturdy action figures that are firefighters, police officers, helicopter pilots, etc. Their accessories are things like shields and sprayers, and they have some fun vehicles.
They can be found here:
I wish they had at least one female character, though!

On the computer, look for the Pajama Sam games. The main character is a young boy who dresses as a superhero and has great adventures, but he uses problem solving and reasoning to defeat the bad guys. The games are fun, with just enough suspense to capture the preschooler's imagination.. After my kiddos played Pajama Sam on the computer, they often incorporated Pajama Sam into their pretend play outside. It was still good, fun superhero play, but they focused on finding clues, discovering secrets, making inventions and rather than punching and kicking.

Veggie Tales has a superhero called Larry Boy. This is a Christian cartoon series that seems to have a lot of appeal for kids that age if it happens to be a fit for your personal beliefs. Their silly songs and humor tap into the preschooler's love of the absurd, and the episodes are intended to teach morals. Again, you can see Larry Boy become incorporated into pretend play, and the games are always less violent than when they are playing Batman or Spiderman!

PBS kids has two series - Super Why and World Girl - that have hero-like characters, with a focus on age-appropriate, educational themes. Costumes and toys are available. They are cute, but very "young" - they may not ring true with older preschoolers who have already discovered more grown up superheroes. You can check them out here:

Good luck!

When did your toddler...?

Teen mommy

When did your toddler learn to drink from a big kid cup? Did you get rid of the sippy cups, or keep them for bed time, etc when they did learn?


My daughter started trying the big kid cup around 2 years old. I personally don't think it's an important thing to learn young so I didn't push it. She has a cup as part of her bathtub toys and one day she started experimenting.

She still drinks almost exclusively out of sippy cups because we live in a very hot and dry climate and it's important that she has water readily available all day. I'm not going to leave cups of water around the house, so she has sippy cups and I have a water bottle with a built in straw. I fail to see the difference between the two.

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Christmas Gifts 2006?


Where can I find a list of the best toys/gifts for Christmas this year. I am trying to think of ideas for family members and would like to know what the "hot" items may be this year. I have ALL ages to buy for.

For littler kids...
Girl Toys
TMX Elmo Doll
Amazing Allysen Doll
Bratz Forever Diamondz Dolls
Baby Alive Doll
Let's Dance Barbie
Butterscotch My FurReal Friends Pony
Fairy Wishes Dora
Magical DoReMi Dolls
TJ Bearytales
Biggest Littlest Pet Shop Playset
Crystal Rainbow Playset
My Scene Fab Faces Dolls

Boy Toys
Superman Inflato Suit
Fast Talking Lightning McQueen Car
Terror Dactyl Track Set
Playmobil Soccer Shoot Out
Remote Control Snake
Spy Video Car
Remote Control Tarantula
Biggest Littlest Pet Shop Playset
GI Joe Dragonhawk
Air Hogs Storm Launcher

Active Toys
Knights' Empire Castle
ESPN Fast Action Football
Playmobil Soccer Match
Roboreptile Robot
Hover Racer
Diego's Animal Rescue Center
Black Pearl Play Set
Isla Cruces Playset
Nerf Showtime Hoops
Cosmic Catch
Funrise Head Bangers
Dodge Discs
Fuzion Scooter

Educational Toys
LEGO Mindstorms NXT
Spark Art Easel
Kid-Tough Digital Camera
Nitro Jams
V.Flash CD System

Electronic Toys
Nintendo DS Lite
Nintendo Wii
Sony Reader
Kid-Tough FP3 Player
FLY Pentop Computer
Game Wave
Microsoft Zune
Air Hogs Storm Launcher

Uno Spin
Game Wave
Cranium Book of Outrageous Fun

Outdoor Toys
Air Launch Aang With Appa
Big Bad Booming Bugs
Criss Cross Waterslide
Remote Controlled Superman
Air Hogs Storm Launcher

Other Toys
Cuddle Chimp
Teddy Scares
Game Wave
Cranium Book of Outrageous Fun
For siblings, prents or (youknow)the older people...
I suggest, (the list I found on line was too long so I'll sum it up) Jewerly
Game Set: Oldfashioned chess/checker board
Power Tools
Hope I helped =

I need help looking for a new electronic toy.?


A while ago I saw an electronic toy that lets kids write on the wall with lights instead actual paints and crayons. Does anybody know a link to this or a video? Please help!

What you are looking for is a concept toy called Drag & Draw, it was introduced in 2006 but as far as i know they don't have them for sale yet. Here are a couple links with video and information.

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Picky about your kids' toys?

Theodore M

Does anyone dislike the selection at Toys R Us? I am really picky about my son's playthings! I love stuff that not everybody else has. Not only that, but toys that allow for open-ended play that engage his imagination and thought. So many toys today do too much for the child. I am always looking for people to talk to about this, so if you are someone like me, please respond and let's discuss this!

Ever seen a kid spend more time playing with a cardboard box the toy came in?

Give your kids tons of balls... big, little, bouncy, lightened, fuzzy...
Some good books...
Plenty of cardboard boxes, paper towel tubes, paints... pots, pans... stackable spoons...

Depending on your child's interests: lego, erector sets, pretend play things...

That assuming your child does not mouth everything.

Buy at garage sales and thrift shops, they are a dime a ton, and you can donate those you don't like

When your child is at the imitation age, get them old cell phones and other imitation stuff...

Get different textures and shades... toy stores don't have them... I remember myself as a 6 month old and can tell that my perception of color at that age was much deeper than it is now. Just because basic colors are instant attention grabblers (i.e. best sellers) does not make them more stimulating.

Bikes, walkers... bath toys...

One of the best things you can get is one of these:
I have no idea how these are called in English, if at all; we call them "Swedish Walls". They've been clinically proven to accelerate 1-year-olds' mental development, along with physical, as at this age physical and mental development is highly correlated; and they can fit even in the smallest apartment.

Hard to be specific without knowing your child's age.


Do parents shop for their kids on ebay?

Q. Just wondering. Do parents shop for their kids much on ebay?

I do a lot. I've already ordered a couple harder-to-find toys for Christmas on ebay. I've been an ebay buyer and seller for 10+ years. . .I buy lots of kids stuff on there:-)

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most popular toys of 2012?


Filling out a keepsake journal tor newborn son - there are a couple lines to write in the years hottest toys - I need a litte help from parents with kids who actually play with toys since obviously my son is to young to be into toys!


Kid with a cap gun, should this be legal?

Sundae Ros

The other evening I went out in the apt complex I live in, and I heard shots. It really scared me, then I saw it was a small kid shooting a cap gun. I assume these guns are still legal. I am thinking that maybe if any guns need to be outlawed, maybe toy guns should be. What do you guys think. I'm saying that it really really scared me to have these shots fired.

Time to read these articles

Kids are dying pointing fake guns that look like the real thing. I sure as hell wouldn't put one in my kids hands.

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Friday, March 7, 2014

I don't feel like being kind to this toddler, am I wrong?


Ok I'm a teen and I have many cousins. Theres this 1 toddler girl I really dislike because she is spoiled, bratty, rude, and etc. I also hate her mom, she is this lazy lady my uncle married. This toddler cousin always causes troubles at parties, such as stealing other kids presents, hurting others for not reason, and whining in front of everyone... The other toddler cousins gank her or isolate themselves from her all the time. She has caused me many troubles before too...

So one day I decided to be a good big bro to my cousin. She took advantage of it and called me her "prince". That is so sick, I ignored her after that. Am I wrong and why?

If toddlers are suppose to be like that then why are my other little cousins polite and smart?

That's sad for many reasons.

A toddler mirrors what they see in their adult role models, your uncle and his wife.

I'd avoid labeling her as being bratty, rude and whiny.

Toddlers are this way, they are self-centered they can't reason to see another person's point of view, cognitively they don't have that ability yet.
Toddlers start to feel powerful about their bodies because they can now walk and grab and have a full sense of their body's control in what they do. So, they might seem bossy, grabby, and extremely independent. They don't need an adult to make things happen for them, they can do it - to some extent.

Also, they don't have an extended vocabulary like you and I do, so find out what "Prince," means to might mean; friend, buddy, playmate, brother...all the Disney movies have the princes rescuing the princesses, maybe she sees you as her hero...kind of endearing if you think about it that way.

Toddlers are called "ego-centric," because they can only think about how they feel. If they want a toy and you say, "NO." They won't understand, they feel and think, "But I want to play with it..." They don't understand the why not, that another person is playing with it, that it's not theirs, that's it's not a toy for them to play with. All they understand is what they feel and that's it.

I wouldn't say you're wrong, but try to understand that this is normal behavior for a toddler.

The parents should be doing the disciplining according to what they feel they want to do...don't mess with that.


About the other cousins isolating from her, this is good...she is indirectly learning social skills. As she grows up, she will learn that if she wants to play, she has to share and that's a step above being, "ego-centric," which means she has to yet reach that developmental stage, wait until she's about 3-4 years old, she'll be more pleasant and mellow then.


That's a great question. Little kids have their own personalities as well, not everyone is alike and not everyone grows physically as well as developmentally at the same rate. Your other cousins have stronger adult role models as well. How often does your "trouble," cousin get to interact with other children? Is she an only child? Do your other cousins get together more often, or maybe have older brothers or sisters? There's a lot of factors that play into the difference in how she interacts with the people around her.

I hope that information helps you out.

Developmental Pediatrician?


My 2 yr old son is in an infant/toddler group because he has delayed speech. Since he has started he now says Momma, and Bye.
The group leader is sending up to see a Developmental Pediatrician and I need to know some questions to ask. Usually I am good at this, but when the time comes I usually freeze up. Has anyone taken their child to a developmental pediatrican before and what kinds of evaluation do they do?

I had my son to a developmental pediatician when he was just over 2 years old. In my case, my son was suspected of being, and diagnosed as high level autistic.

There wasn't a lot of questions on our part, other than clarification of what the doctor was saying.

The appointment was about 2 1/2 hours long. The whole time my son played in the toy room, with us and occasionally with the doctor and at the same time, he drilled us with questions. There are standardized tests for autism (CARS being one). At the end, he ran the questionairre through a computer (one of those ones where you color in the bubbles) and had those results and spent 20 minutes discussing his initial opinions and the results (the official diagnosis took a few weeks for him to process). At the end, due to the results it was kind of a blur for us. We asked a lot about prognosis, but there isn't much of that - it is a wait and see for now.

Most of it for you will be answering question after question (does he do this, when did he do this, etc), and general observation of your son.

Please don't get scared of the Austim thing... that is my sons diagnosis, not yours.

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Entertaining kids on an overseas flight....How?


My husband and I will be taking an overseas flight in 2 months. Our girls will be 2 1/2 and 4 1/2 by then. Beyond the snacks and pacifiers, what other things would be helpful? Our dvd player would surely die quick and I don't see them having plugs on the plane. LoL! (We are taking a Rotator, for those military minded folks) Should we bring a car seat for the youngest or would she be a tad too old for it? All these lil details have been left to the military wife to figure out. So please, help me :)

I'm a former Flight Attendant and I can confirm that yes, your younger one would do better in a car seat. I fly a lot between Europe and California with my three children and I always take a car seat with us.

To transport it, you can buy an overpriced GogoKidz or just do what I do and strap it to a small metal luggage cart. I use an extra bungee cord and she'll even be able to ride in it if she's tired. Then again, you can try to use your stroller. Either wedge it inside or bungee cord it to the back (depends on the design of both). Try it at home first!

It was a really good idea to use it onboard when the airlines lost three of our four bags last winter but my daughter was safe on the 2 hour drive home since we had our car seat with us. Use it onboard and you'll have it at your destination without the worry that it's broken or lost in the hold. The adult seatbelt doesn't hold 2 and 3 year olds very well and your older one is about the minimum anyway.

None of mine ever took a pacifier so I never had them with me. There is a common myth that children are supposed to suck on something during take-off and landing but actually, they only need to be awake at the *top* of descent (landing is too late) so please let them sleep if they do so on take-off (which they often do).

As far as the portable DVD player, I'm not familiar with that brand. Can you buy a second battery? Recharge both and exchange them inflight? For a long haul trip, you need at least 5 hours play time (one movie for each girl, if you want to see it that way).

My girls are just a bit older and they flew at these ages too. What I found worked well;
-coloring anything, books, paper, just a pad with washable felt tip pens
-Those boards that wipe clean
-story books (no one will mind if you read to them)
-small puzzles they can do on their tray table
-stickers (why are these such a hit? Easy to buy, easy to carry, get a bunch!)
-dolls. Mine love Polly Pockets which are to easy to pack. Barbies fit in their backpacks and bring lots of changes of clothes.
Other parents swear by pipe cleaners. Again, lots of stuff you can do with those and they fit in a bag easily.

Get them new presents, which don't have to be expensive. An extra Barbie dress, coloring book, etc. Estimate one new toy about every two hours of flight time (or less if it's excessive). Keep the new stuff yourself and dole it out during the flight.

Have each child pack a bag of their choice of toys. Edit it!!! Especially with security in mind.

Any electronic toys, bring batteries or make sure they're recharged. Have the rechargers with you in case of a delay or if you have a layover.

Nothing can make ANY noise. Annoyingly, a lot of those electonical "pets" (Pet Shops and Tamagochis?) have sound that doesn't turn off. Double check but don't bring anything that beeps or squeeks unless you don't mind being very unpopular in your cabin!

About 8 years ago, I wrote an article on the subject of flying with children for a local newsletter. On the web, all the information I found was written by people who had never worked directly for the airlines. I wanted to promote the use of car seats on aircraft for both safety and comfort. I have more general flying tips, many of which came from the many, many military families who were on my flights over the years, so feel free to visit;

My dad was a captain and I was born at an Army hospital so I'm particial to military folks, many of whom are having a time of it right now.

My contact info is at the end, if you need anything else. If not, have a great flight!

Anyone try the electronic cigarettes?


I want to quit smoking and have been reading good and bad things about the e-cigs. Has anyone tried it? Was it successful? Thoughts, comments or concerns please!

Google for message forums about them, tons of info out there.

They are more than just water, but its nothing harmful. They use propelyne glycol (pg) and vegetable glycerin (vg), plus liquid nicotine and food flavors. People have used scare tactics with the pg, because it is an ingredient in anti freeze. BUT, it is ALSO food safe, in a great deal of our food supply, as well as fogging machines and children's toys. The vg is also food safe. Scare tactics around that are because its also sold as a skin protectant.. like you can use it as lotion. But again, in our food supply, fogging machines and kids toys.

On top of that, both chemicals are in regular cig smoke.

They feel different. They taste different. You will never find one that tastes like your cig, I went to fruit flavors.

Nicotine dosing can be hard to get right. They all advertise that one of the filter cartridges is like a carton, but in general i found it was more like a pack, give or take. The nicotine is dosed in the cartridges about the same as a pack, as well. (so, to know your nic dosage, find out how much nic is in one pack of the brand you smoke, that will equal the dose for the entire cartridge.)

Do a lot of research for model types and such. Read read read. Avoid buying kits upfront, just buy a single battery and flavor, so you can know if you like that flavor or brand or model. After you know you like what you have, then feel free to stock up, but if you dont like it, and want to abadnon the idea, or try a diff model, you arent out that much.

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Kid with a cap gun, should this be legal?

Sundae Ros

The other evening I went out in the apt complex I live in, and I heard shots. It really scared me, then I saw it was a small kid shooting a cap gun. I assume these guns are still legal. I am thinking that maybe if any guns need to be outlawed, maybe toy guns should be. What do you guys think. I'm saying that it really really scared me to have these shots fired.

Time to read these articles

Kids are dying pointing fake guns that look like the real thing. I sure as hell wouldn't put one in my kids hands.

cant remember a title of a movie with kids in the forest, and they have toy guns and imagine they fight?!?


there is a movie from 2012 with kids that are in the forest and they have toy guns but imagine they have real and imagine that they rly shoot each other and they make like a war. i cant remember the title pls help me fast.
no its not that, and the movie is from 2012 and the kids are 12 yearsd old.

I Declare War (2012) -

Summer war games between neighborhood kids turn deadly serious when jealousy and betrayal enter the mix.

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kids and sunmmer break?

Sexy Ma

now that school is coming to en end for summer break...what are your plans with the kids? I have a 10 yr old daughter and a 2 yr old son and we will be doing the pool, beach, play places, theme parks, water parks, a week long getaway somewhere and a few mini weekend vacations to orlando which is an hour away

Very similar to yours. By the time school is out, the kids will be 10, 8, 6, and due in August. I've already gotten a pool pass and some water toys for outside. With me this big, we plan to do local things for our "vacation" this year (waterparks, a few tourist traps, family visiting). The kids are all in scouts too, so we'll probably knock out a few requirements/try-its/badges on yucky days. They've got scout camp scheduled, we are moving right after school is out, and with a brother due too, our summer won't be boring!

Where can you get a float for a pool?

Lilly Smit

Since i have a pool, my kids want some floats. So i am still looking though many pool websites but i cant find any good ones. My budget is $100 or lower. Any suggestion?

toys r us
kb toys

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Watching four kids over the summer, cheap, long lasting ideas?

Q. I am watching four kids over the summer, 6,8,10 and 12 year old. 3 boys and 1 girl. I will be living with the kids while watching them. What are some things I could do with them? Also keep in mind that gas is going to be $5/$6, so I'm trying to do as little bit of driving as possible. Thanks in advance!

I would not focus my attention on entertaining the kids. They will entertain themselves - playing with their toys, playing outside, watching tv if that is okay... You are there to watch them, not to entertain them. Obviously a trip to a park, a swimming pool, a picnic, a hike...are going to be fun and you should do something like that every week or two...but these kids don't normally have a games master scheduling fun activities every hour of the day and they don't need one now.

what are good travel toys for my 17 month old?


We are going to the beach this summer its going to be a 6 hour drive. I Know we are going to have to make some stops to stretch and such but I need good car travel toys for my daughter to play with. So if any one has links to toy sites or names of toys that are good for traveling please send them.

When our son was around that age we purchased one of those kids trays that go over their lap that you can put paper and color on. We bought it at Toys R Us, for about $10. The large sized leggo's help, and so does a good ole DVD player with Baby Einstein movies (This is the only time I will put my little one in front of the TV. Get some kid CD's with songs like the Alphabet song, and all of the classic kid movies. Lastly, McDonalds is a GREAT place to get out. You can get a snack and your little one will get to see other kid's. Good Luck and drive safe!

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What to do with crappy toys?


My mom hates those crappy toys you get from Happy Meals, Subway Kids Meals, the dollar store, and the cereal boxes. My mom doesn't let the kids open it and throws them in a bin for when we go away and the kids want something to play with. We aren't going away again until April and the bin is over flowing (there are 7 kids so lots of cereal and happy meals). My mom wants ideas on what to do with them instead of throwing them away. Any ideas?
I was thinking of baking a giant tray of cookies. Then unwraping each toy and putting it in a seperate goodie bag. Then we can bring everything to the soup kitchen. Not only will they get a meal, but a little surpirse too.

Donate them to a Children's Hospital, children's ward, or orphanage. You could also take them to a soup kitchen and let someone with kids take home a surprise for the little one.

Question on buying gifts for kids at a Children's Hospital? Help?


Hi. I want to buy toys for kids at a children's hospital by me. I've never done anything like this, so I don't really know what to do. I don't know how many kids there are, I don't know how many boys vs girls, etc. Should I call the hospital and ask for these details so I have the right gifts? And I just show up with them? I'm a little confused.

Please offer any advice you can, especially if you've done something like this or work at a hospital!
To the person who wrote that my idea won't work, I'm pretty sure pictures, books, and other things that don't involve the kids physically doing anything with it is perfectly fine. Thanks for the input though, Mr. Optimism!

You need to call the Human Resources department of the hospital, and be prepared to be told that your idea isn't going to work.

Hospitals are filled with kids who are very ill, for many different reasons, are from multiple cultures, and whose parents do not want strangers bringing dropping off gifts. It's a health, safety, and security risk.

All the best.

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Thursday, March 6, 2014

What can I get my family for Xmas?

Q. Dad: Likes golf, can't golf due to medical conditions, "doesn't watch TV or movies anymore" when I recommended "Breaking Bad" though he mentioned John Wayne DVD set someone gave him for his birthday.

Mom: reads trashy generic novels she buys randomly at book store, tries to dress nicely

Wife: Doesn't do much, just wants to go home, but we just moved there and then back last summer because it was so awful, at least for me and our son. She has iPod, iPod Touch, Kindle Fire, and laptop

Under 10 Son: Only likes video games which we limit greatly and he's limited by the 2006 laptop he uses. No consoles or handhelds or phones!
A "hamper", where you put dirty laundry?

How about any of these to think about for any of your family members. You don't have to any get of them as a gift IF you don't want to, but it might give you ideas or something comes to mind.

Dead or Alive by Tom Clancy with Grant Blackwood

Locked On by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney

Threat Vector by Tom Clancy with Mark Greaney (coming Dec. 4, 2012)

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by John Le Carre

Inside the CIA: Revealing the Secrets of the World's Most Powerful Spy Agency by Ronald Kessler

The CIA's Black Ops: Covert Action, Foreign Policy and Democracy by John Jacob Nutter

MI6: Inside the Covert World of Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service by Stephen Dorril

No Easy Day: The Firsthand Account of the Mission That Killed Osama Bin Laden by Mark Owen With Kevin Maurer

Let's Face It: 90 Years of Living, Loving, and Learning by Kirk Douglas

Light on Life: The Yoga Journey to Wholeness, Inner Peace, and Ultimate Freedom by B.K.S. Iyengar, John J. Evans and Douglas Abrams

The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life

The Magic of Thinking Big by David J. Schwartz

The Illustrated A Brief History of Time / The Universe in a Nutshell by Stephen Hawking

The Art and Craft of Coffee: An Enthusiast's Guide to Selecting, Roasting, and Brewing Exquisite Coffee by Kevin Sinnott

Bringing Down the House: The Inside Story of Six M.I.T. Students Who Took Vegas for Millions by Ben Mezrich

Zen and the Art of Poker: Timeless Secrets to Transform Your Game

Double or Nothing: How Two Friends Risked It All to Buy One of Las Vegas' Legendary Casinos
by Tom Breitling with Cal Fussman,

Leisureguy's Guide to Gourmet Shaving - Fifth Edition: Shaving Made Enjoyable by Michael Ham

Friends Forever: A Novel by Danielle Steel

Raquel: Beyond the Cleavage by Raquel Welch

All My Life: A Memoir by Susan Lucci

Bossypants by Tina Fey

Gabby: A Story of Courage and Hope by Gabrielle Giffords

Planet Earth


Human Planet

Frozen Planet

The Best of The Dean Martin Variety Show (Collector's Edition)

Reilly - Ace of Spies

Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy(BBC miniseries and/or the movie version)

Smiley's People(BBC miniseries)

A Perfect Spy(BBC miniseries)

Celine Dion: Live in Las Vegas - A New Day

American Experience - Las Vegas - An Unconventional History

All In: The Poker Movie

Inside Job

Terminator 2: Judgment Day Skynet Edition

The Beatles 1

Frank Sinatra: Best of The Best Deluxe Edition

Dino: The Essential Dean Martin

Romanza - Andrea Bocelli

Amore - Andrea Bocelli

Concerto, One Night in Central Park - Andrea Bocelli

Dream With Me - Jackie Evancho

Illuminations - Josh Groban

Speak Now: World Tour Live - Taylor Swift

Stronger - Kelly Clarkson

Hit Man Returns [CD/DVD] - David Foster

Isles of Wonder: Music for the Opening Ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games

Skyfall soundtrack

The Best Of Bond... James Bond 50th Anniv. soundtrack

Tommy Hilfiger Wallet, Brighton Passcase

Perry Ellis Portfolio, 10 Piece Grooming Set

Perry Ellis Portfolio, Zip Top Travel Kit

Gillette Fusion ProGlide Power Razor

Gillette Fusion Fusion Phantom Power Razor

Silver Plated 4 Piece Shave Set

Solid Brass 4 Piece Shave Set

Remington Titanium Nose & Ear Trimmer

Bose® - QuietComfort® 3 Acoustic Noise Cancelling® Headphones - Silver

Bose® - AE2i Audio Headphones

Beats By Dr. Dre - Monster Solo High-Definition Over-the-Ear Headphones with ControlTalk - Black
Model: 132711-00

Flat Panel Speakers by Sakar International

Jawbone JBG01MS Icon Bluetooth Headset with Noise Assassin 2.5 - Mesh

Jawbone JBG01SA Icon Suede Bluetooth Headset

Toys/Kid Stuff


Ben 10

Spy Gear stuff


Stuffed Animals

iTune gift card

Starbuck gift card

Target gift card

Macy's gift card

Ann Taylor gift card

Sports Authority gift card

One year Costco membership(IF no one has one or has not renew it yet)

Entertainment Weekly

Smart Money


The Economist

Eye Spy


Soldier Of Fortune

Men's Health

Golf Digest

Casino Player

O, The Oprah Magazine

In Style



Good Housekeeping

Cook's Illustrated

Las Vegas


Golf Magazine

Los Angeles Magazine

Home Theater

Sound and Vision

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I'm a single 32 yr old mother of 2; a 9 yr old boy & 1 yr old girl. I have a home desk top computer that I bought in spring 2008 basically for my business & personal use. I never thought my household would become victim on online sexual exposure 'so soon not that I want it to happen.'

I admit playing R&B Joe's music outrageously crazy during chores, cooking, just because etc. with & without my son being home. A few months ago I had a problem with one of my brothers who used my computer to watch porn when my son & I share our desk top. He said that it's for educational purposes and was on it for like 10 hours. I never knew about what he did until I went into my computer cookies folder either that same night or the next day to find something before stumbling upon 190 porn sites. I contacted him, he confessed to it and paid to get the viruses & sites removed with protection added. When found out about the porn it raised a huge red flag with fear that pop ups would appear before my son.

Just today 1/28/2011 I received a call from my son's day treatment program about his inappropriate behavior on a female peer that shares transportation with him from the day before. In a 2 hr conversation with him he confessed to how he had sexually caroused, rubbed, caressed, touched & had his hands in her pants. He kissed her on the lips couple times, hit her behind, kissed her butt while (on the van). YES THIS IS WHAT HE CONFESSED TO ME!! As 2 of 4 people on the van this is what was happening and the program told me that now he has to switch routes & to a daytime schedule again. In our conversation (because I feel that he needs a good whipping) don't you know that HE TOLD ALL??!!! I mean detailed EVERYTHING about what goes on in the bed with a male/ female, how he's been on Youtube watching sex videos when I leave out the room to take care of home, cook etc and upon my arrival he'll hurry to exit the video and act like he was 'really' playing kid games. He was talking as if it was two grown ups. I couldn't believe my ears. In pain internally my heart/ mind was in shock, numb, I was angry, you name it but I didn't let him see it!! He was very open and when asked what he saw in the videos (here's his exact words) "I see a man & lady in bed humping on each other, kissing, touching inappropriately in different places." I was literally floored!!!! He claims that its all because he wants a girlfriend bc of loneliness but he has me & his sister. As a mother/ parent I had to re-explain in child language what a girl/ boyfriend was (but not the way grown ups look at it). I explained that I have boy & girlfriends, you know, male/ females who are my friends but I don't go kissing on them. I just found all of this out today. I didn't know any of this.

As its just the three of us in the home, my son has only seen ONE man come into my home sharing my bed with me and that is my daughter's father. (Well before I became impregnated by him) but never the less, I never had him over when my son was awake, I'd always wait until his 8:00 bed time before he come by and by then he's already asleep. I keep my bedroom door shut at all times and teach my son to NEVER open a closed door, always knock first. Like one morning when my boo & I were sleep nude (as a light sleeper) I heard my son bout to open the door so I immediately covered him and yelled to my son "you better not open this door." I threw a robe on to see what he wanted. We've never displayed sexual behavior around him (it's always in the bedroom). And I'm the type of person whose private anyways, I hate & do not like ANYONE in the house with me & my bedroom partner anyways, it makes me nervous to where I can't fully indulge in my adult activities. With fear as much as we love to f**k doggystyle & have oral sex etc I worried that he'll walk in on us seeing my a** in the air and my mouth down south. Omg, that's why I try to empty my house. In the past when he'd come over I would get my sister who lives around the corner from me to keep him for the night. And if she can't I'd make sure he in bed sleep before the arrival.
Thank heaven for early school hours whereas boo can sleep in while I get my son out for school and that leaves us to be alone. I'm going to password my computer and buy a doorknob with a lock.
I don't know what to do. SHOULD HE BE ALLOWED ON THE COMPUTER AT ALL? I feel only when I'm present & if I'm not he'll have to wait in his room til I return. He did apologize but still... he knows what goes on. WHAT SHOULD I DO? PLEASE HELP! >( Thanks.

im floored, so i can only imagine what ur feeling.

uve done all the right things!

put a chair under the doorknob r wedge something under the door til u get the lock changed.
& definitely password the computer. i wudnt allow him on it 4 a while--just as a punishment.

what he knows obviously can not b undone.
& i cant blv not only what he knows--WHAT HE DID!!

i know that u explained that his feeling lonely is not followed by this type of behavior, but i wud explain it 2 him again. then tell him that if hes lonely, 2 let u know & u will try 2 get him a play-date sometimes, but that most of the time that he will just have to play with his toys r watch tv.

that every1 gets lonely from time 2 time...

is there any way u can get therapy for him?
if its an expense u cant afford, u cud bone up urself from the library and 'online'.

is he still interested n going on these sites?!!??
itll b harder if he is, but even if hes not, hes seen 'the other side' so it wud still b tempting 2 him.

dont let it stress u out. that doesnt help. its happened, & all u can do is repair it as best u can.

ur a great mother.

a great mother!

ur just n a nightmare that the rest of us hope to avoid.

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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

school kids birthday prezzies ?


my daughter is forever bringing home party invitations she even has 2 parties on the same day next week! i was just wondering if anyone had any good ideas of what to buy as spending about £15-£20 on each kid is getting rather expensive! i dont want to get anything that looks too cheap as it seems to be who can buy the best present when i go to kids parties these days. not that i agree with that. i always try to get as much as i can for them with the money like buying toys that are half price etc. the parties are for girls 5th birthdays.

Yes, this is an expensive stage.

I'm in Australia and things may be different here but I think you're being very generous. I'd only spend $20 - $25 on a gift, the $25 being for a good friend. Not exactly sure what that equates to these days but less than 20 pounds.

For girls, I go for some stuff from the Bodyshop - a pot of strawberry lipgloss, some bubble bath and one of those fruity soaps, all nicely wrapped or in a cute bag or whatever. Hairclips or other hair accessories would be good additions.

Boys are harder.

are toys imported from other countries checked?


and who watches over the safety aspects of toy manufacture in australia?

Some toys are checked, but generally they aren't. All those toys that had lead wheren't checked, so alot of little kids got lead poisoning. But now they are checking them more often..

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What are the most popular kids' toys this year?

Q. I want to get my cousins something special. They don't have any video games systems (nor am I going to get them one).

Here are the top 10 toys of 2007:

1.Nintendo DS Lite Onyx

2.Hasbro i-Dog - White

3.LeapFrog FLY Fusion Pentop Computer

4.Youniverse Keep Safe Diary

5.Hannah Montana DVD Game

6.Dance Dance Revolution DVD Game

7.6' Mega Giga Ball

8.Rescue Pets Wake Me Up

9.High School musical DVD Game

10.Hasbro i-Cat - black

GoodLuck :)
If you want to buy them go to:(

How Many Toys Does Your Child Have?

Lucy Harpe

My four year old stepson met a little boy at the park, they were playing well together so me and his mom decided to get them together for a playdate. They came over to our house and we went into my stepsons room to play with his toys, she walks in the room, looks at his toys, and says "where do you keep all of his toys?", I told her those are all of his toys, she looked surprised and said "Thats it?", I asked what she meant, she said "nothing, its just my son has so many toys I dont even know where to put them, and these toys are like, nothing compared to that", I have to say I was a bit offended, the way she said it made it sound like she thought we were depriving him or something. He doesn't have a ton of toys, but he has enough in our opinion, we dont like to overgift him because we dont think he really needs a thousand toys, hes perfectly happy with the ones he has and he treasures them and plays with each of them. He has-
- Four stuffed animals, his favorite teddy bear, a lion, an elephant, and a dog
- a shoebox of legos
- a play mobile pirate set
- Two trucks, a hess truck and a bulldozer
- Two cars and 5 hotwheel cars plus a track
- A toy boat
- some army men
- Blocks
- A play doctor kit
- A tricycle and a bike with training wheels
- A wooden rocking horse and a stick horse
- some play doh and other art supplies
- 5 action figures
- A few costumes
- 5 board games

He also has some outdoor things, like a sled and one of those ride in cars that you push with your feet. How many toys do your kids have? What are they? Would you be offended if someone said that to you? I know he has enough, hes never bored and has a great imagination, his favorite toy is a simple cardboard box.

My kids have too many toys. Most of the toys they have are simple toys. But... like a toy box full of stuffed animals. At least 10 baby dolls, and 6 tiny baby dolls (plus bottles, dresses, outfits, blankets, stroller, shopping cart with food, beds, etc.) Raggedy Ann and Andy, Max and Ruby, Mickey and Minnie, Snoopy and Woodstock... I mean, if I find a toy that goes with a book or a movie I like to get it so that she can play it out on her own. She has a toy-story book box thing with all the characters in it, they don't have joints just figures, but she loves that. Playmobil take-along doll house, Playmobil take-along Holiday House (Santa's House.) About 7 playmobil add-ons to give more moms, dads, babies, kids, etc. A ride-on for her and for her brother. Several top-type things, phones, things with dials and latches, things to open and figure out. A bag of musical instruments (glockenspiel, drums, harmonicas, penny whistles, jingle-bells, maracas, tamborines, etc.) Stacking rings. A lot of puppets. A lot of CARS toys, and two little ramp/parking garage type stuff. Oh, and a rocking lion who roars.

She just picked out 15 things to give away though (thank heavens.) They're not super small things either, one's a big giraffe and another is a moose. But more than that, it's a beginning.

Worse than the toys are the books. Her bookshelf will not hold any more books at this point. We either need another bookshelf (which is what I'm leaning towards since I don't want to get rid of books her brother is barely growing into...) or give away books. Coloring books, crayons markers, etc, count as books, and can't fit in the shelves, they have to live on the top.

Add: I wouldn't be that offended. I'd just shrug it off. Oh, and we have put a cap on things. If she wants more toys, more dolls, more things, then she's got to get rid of the ones she doesn't play with. I would not put any in storage. No, she's got to get rid of what she's got so she can get more if that's what she want. For instance, she loves XhuXhu pets right now, I keep finding them on sale. She wants a few Xhu-xhu playsets, but I have told her she can't until she's got room in her room to keep them. So she's giving toys away until I say she's given away enough that she can get something again. It's made a big impression to be told that I don't care if she has the money she's saved, I don't care if she is being good, too bad, so sad, she doesn't have room in her room, she's got to give something away.

Note, I've had parents tell me that my kids are going to be technologically disadvantaged because we don't have a lot of technology toys. I pointed out that the biggest techno geeks out there were playing with blocks and legos and stuff... they're doing fine with technology. So will my kids. I find it slightly more offensive when someone says "you're not doing right by them by not giving them technological toys."

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What are the best space related toys for kids for 2011?


Define best? If you're looking for shopping suggestions, how about Lego Star Wars?

2011 Acadamy Award Nominees?

Q. Can anyone post a list of all this years oscar nominees.

No links please just a list. A lot of these sites are hard to load on a phone.

Best Motion Picture of the Year
127 Hours (2010): Christian Colson, Danny Boyle, John Smithson

Black Swan (2010): Mike Medavoy, Brian Oliver, Scott Franklin

The Fighter (2010): David Hoberman, Todd Lieberman, Mark Wahlberg

Inception (2010): Christopher Nolan, Emma Thomas

The Kids Are All Right (2010): Gary Gilbert, Jeffrey Levy-Hinte, Celine Rattray

The King's Speech (2010): Iain Canning, Emile Sherman, Gareth Unwin

The Social Network (2010): Scott Rudin, Dana Brunetti, Michael De Luca, Ceán Chaffin

Toy Story 3 (2010): Darla K. Anderson

True Grit (2010): Ethan Coen, Joel Coen, Scott Rudin

Winter's Bone (2010): Anne Rosellini, Alix Madigan

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role
Javier Bardem for Biutiful (2010)

Jeff Bridges for True Grit (2010)

Jesse Eisenberg for The Social Network (2010)

Colin Firth for The King's Speech (2010)

James Franco for 127 Hours (2010)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Leading Role
Annette Bening for The Kids Are All Right (2010)

Nicole Kidman for Rabbit Hole (2010)

Jennifer Lawrence for Winter's Bone (2010)

Natalie Portman for Black Swan (2010)

Michelle Williams for Blue Valentine (2010)

Best Performance by an Actor in a Supporting Role
Christian Bale for The Fighter (2010)

John Hawkes for Winter's Bone (2010)

Jeremy Renner for The Town (2010)

Mark Ruffalo for The Kids Are All Right (2010)

Geoffrey Rush for The King's Speech (2010)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role
Amy Adams for The Fighter (2010)

Helena Bonham Carter for The King's Speech (2010)

Melissa Leo for The Fighter (2010)

Hailee Steinfeld for True Grit (2010)

Jacki Weaver for Animal Kingdom (2010)

Best Achievement in Directing
Darren Aronofsky for Black Swan (2010)

Ethan Coen, Joel Coen for True Grit (2010)

David Fincher for The Social Network (2010)

Tom Hooper for The King's Speech (2010)

David O. Russell for The Fighter (2010)

Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen
Another Year (2010): Mike Leigh

The Fighter (2010): Scott Silver, Paul Tamasy, Eric Johnson, Keith Dorrington

Inception (2010): Christopher Nolan

The Kids Are All Right (2010): Lisa Cholodenko, Stuart Blumberg

The King's Speech (2010): David Seidler

Best Writing, Screenplay Based on Material Previously Produced or Published
127 Hours (2010): Danny Boyle, Simon Beaufoy

The Social Network (2010): Aaron Sorkin

Toy Story 3 (2010): Michael Arndt, John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton, Lee Unkrich

True Grit (2010): Joel Coen, Ethan Coen

Winter's Bone (2010): Debra Granik, Anne Rosellini

Best Animated Feature Film of the Year
How to Train Your Dragon (2010): Dean DeBlois, Chris Sanders

The Illusionist (2010): Sylvain Chomet

Toy Story 3 (2010): Lee Unkrich

Best Foreign Language Film of the Year
Biutiful (2010): Alejandro González Iñárritu(Mexico)

Dogtooth (2009): Giorgos Lanthimos(Greece)

In a Better World (2010): Susanne Bier(Denmark)

Incendies (2010): Denis Villeneuve(Canada)

Outside the Law (2010): Rachid Bouchareb(Algeria)

Best Achievement in Cinematography
Black Swan (2010): Matthew Libatique

Inception (2010): Wally Pfister

The King's Speech (2010): Danny Cohen

The Social Network (2010): Jeff Cronenweth

True Grit (2010): Roger Deakins

***This is only about half of the wouldn't let me post the other part because it was too long***

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Poll:Curious George OR Inspector Gadget?(Kids cartoon)?

That Baby


inspector gadget!!!!! love him

Neat gadget for a kid?


I'm looking for a cool electronic gadget for my 9 year old daughter. I gave my wife an electronic Franklin Planner and my daughter likes using it. However, I'm looking for something closer for her age or a little older age. I'm not looking for a cell phone or a gameboy. Thanks for any ideas

V-tech games

Love them all.
We are getting the piano version.

Playschool has a kid- "Ipod" like thing that you can download the great kids songs and educational tools from as well.

Happy hunting Santa.
Mine have bikes and gear and some other stuff.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

RV with kids.... TIPS??


I am taking my 4 girls ages 7, 5 y/o twins and 1 we are driving from sacramento to las vegas with all the stops we might have to take it could be up to 15 hours i have switching off drivers so i have all the time with the kids we are leavving around 5pm and the kids will be going to bed around 8 or 9 plus we will have dinner on the RV any tips if they cant sleep on the RV or what to do so they wont get bored? THANKS!

LOTS of games, toys, books, and activities are a MUST. Growing up with 3 girls and 1 boy trust me long trips are easier with something to be entertained by. Also bring plenty dvds and dvd player helps when they are tired but bored. Possible bring easy foods everyone could make together for more fun? If they cant sleep soft music or a movie should put any kid to sleep

Differences between boys and girls...?

I was discussing this with my brothers partner today as they have two children. A boy (8 years old) and a girl (2 years old).
I haven't been around many children but just from what me and her have observed from them and others we came up with a few differences between them. I want to know if anyone else has noticed these things?

â Calmer, able to settle down more, don't always have to be doing something but can sit and relax.
â Less likely to share.
â More able to be reasoned with.
â Throw dramatic tantrums with crying and arms waving.
â More affectionate and able to be 'babied' more.

â Are always 'busy', need to be doing something all the time.
â Get the idea of 'sharing' a lot quicker and are really happy to do it.
â Their tantrums are often 'silent' tantrums. They will go into a huff or do things to manipulate. One time, my niece didn't want to eat an orange, my nephew would have been crying and fighting, she picked it up and dropped it on the ground very calmly all the while looking my brother dead in the eyes.
â They will hug you and let you fawn over them but seek independence a lot quicker.

Again, just my observations on a very small sample of children. Anyone else notice this or can think of any other marked differences between them?
Perhaps i should clarify... well no child is calm all the time or throwing tantrums all the time... they're children, not robots.
When they aren't throwing tantrums, they are calm whereas girls always seem to be busy...
Amsam - care to share some?

Jen I have 4 kids and I will tell you there are definitely some differences between boys and girls. I do not agree with some of the things you have mentioned but that does not discount the fact it is your observances about the children you are talking about. I really do think birth order and parenting plays a significant role more so than sex maybe.

My observances the first time I stepped foot in the headstart classroom were funny. The boys were literally fighting over a toy...elbows, fist and hands going. One the winner got the toy a little girl came along and wanted it. She grabbed for it and he pulled back...then she let out a SHRILL squeal. He dropped it immediately and ran away! I found this hilarious and very typical. Boys will resort to physical means whereas girls resort to verbal. Had the fight been between 2 girls you would have heard bartering, arguing and shrieking and crying. But confront a tuff little boy with a shrieking girl and he gives in (not much changes with age lol) So in conflict boys resort to physical means moreso and girls to verbal.

Boys tend to be more tactile, hands on. You can always see wheels turning with boys. They like to destroy things and figure out how things work. Girls are chatterboxes, they want to talk about stuff haha. More role playing with girls. Much more drama with girls.

I find boys to be far more busy and into things. I have 3 sons. To get them to sit through a movie is like pulling teeth. My daughter had more of the ability and self control to simply relax. She would do quiet activities like color, set up her barnyard, crafts etc. My boys idea of fun is peeing on the cats outside from an upstairs window or stringing a 5 gal bucket from a swingset and swinging in it. To get them to sit and do a quiet activity of an any sorts just wasn't gonna happen. My boys keep me on my toes. The things they come up with is never ending around here.

Girls do seem to seek that higher independence at a younger age. Whereas boys tend to have a need to be coddled much more. All my kids are snuggly etc but my sons demand it far more. I think girls can be reasoned with much easier and demand an explanation as to the whys of things. If given a reason they can associate with it will all be ok. My boys could care less as to why...who cares if it will break? haha. But an explanation such as "because you will get a spanking" seems to do the trick!

Tantrums is a horse a piece. Yes, girls can be more manipulative and cunning. I think boys are simply not as much in touch with their emotional selves as girls are. They blow up and its over.

Overall during the grade school years I would say girls are by far easier in a sense. Boys a bit more difficult because of their rough, rowdy yet needy ways. This changes my highschool. Boys tested those boundaries as children and by the time they reach their teen years are more go with the flow, the needyness wears off. Girls on the other hand can become more challenging to authority (mother lol) etc. They become more needy, more sensitive yet maintain a very independent stance. It almost seems as a role reversal switches as they go through puberty. Hope I helped!

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What to get for 2 and 3 year old boys for Christmas 2013?


I'm seriously stuck on what to get my 2 and 3 year old Nephews for Christmas this year. I know they love cars, trucks, dogs, and one of them likes horses. I am trying to buy each of them a gift (or 2?) that equals $25. I've looked at a few websites that had the top Christmas toys and nothing was interesting enough.

I also have a Niece and a 4 month old Nephew. I already bought my niece a gift that was $25. I already know what to get for the 4 month old.

I know Halloween was yesterday and it's still early, but i like to get a head start for various reasons.

Any ideas are much appreciated!

When my son was 2 and 3 i got leapfrog toys but those can be somewhat pricey depending on what you get,although some arent that bad. I would look into those. Also any toys that helps recognizing shapes,letters,numbers,etc that has noise and lights is usually fun for kids that age. My son is almost 7 now but that is what i sticks out in my head as the things he liked the most. Hope that helps :)

Which 2013 movie do you think will perform the best at the box office?

Extreme Su

Of all the potential blockbusters this year, which do you think will have the best box office run?: Jack the Giant Slayer, Oz: The Great and Powerful, The Croods, G.I. Joe 2, The Host, Iron Man 3, The Great Gatsby, Star Trek 2, Fast and Furious 6, The Hangover 3, After Earth, Superman: Man of Steel, Monsters University, Despicable Me 2, Lone Ranger, Grown Ups 2, The Wolverine, The Smurfs 2, 300: Rise of an Empire, Red 2, Percy Jackson 2, The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2, Paranormal Activity 5, Thor 2, Catching Fire, and The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. I personally believe Iron Man 3 will be the top movie this year, because Iron Man is very popular already and it is likely that the films with The Avengers characters will get a boost from now on. The one that's likely to perform the worst is probably Paranormal Activity 5, because the Paranormal Activity movies are consistently getting worse and making less. What do you think? Thanks.

Jack the Giant Slayer,: not feeling it.. i think Singer has lost his edge as a diresctor
Oz: The Great and Powerful, toss up... Raimi is always good, but Franco as Leading man?
The Croods,: first I've heard of it, not impressed
G.I. Joe 2, : already delayed 9 months (was originally due the week before Dark Knight) and last I read being 'dumped' in February, not a known hot time
The Host, Solid Opening week due to TwiHards, seriosu drop after that
Iron Man 3,: block buster... only danger is how close the Next one is released to it
The Great Gatsby,: I don't think enough people Care about the source Material, and it was shot in 3D which might turn people off as superfluous for a Period Drama
Star Trek 2, : big numbers (like Iron Man 3 the only stumbling Block is what comes out the week after
Fast and Furious 6, Does it really nead #6? I can't see anyone more than the Fanboys showing up for this one, and the franchise as a whole didn't hold the top spot often if at all
The Hangover 3, : after 2 feeling like bad rerun I don't see long lines for number 3 unless the promos make it clear its 'original'
After Earth, : Shyamalan like Singer hasn't been that solid of late... and the synopsis from IMDb implies its Jaden Smith's Movie, and Will Smith is just there to help the kid out
Superman: Man of Steel,: I know I'm there on opening night... I think it'll do well
Monsters University,: after Toy Story 3 I see a lot of original fans coming back, not sure how the Kids will grasp a Prequel
Despicable Me 2,: similar to the first
Lone Ranger, : I think it comes down to Fans accepting Johnny Depp as A Native American (regardless of any really NA Blood he may have) and B a supporting character (this also assumes the Director doesn't turn this into Tonto The Movie
Grown Ups 2,: all Adam Sandler Movies play the Same as it is, why bother making a real sequel
The Wolverine,: I think it'll open High, but the Japanese setting will lead to drop off, especially if the next week sees another Big Name release
The Smurfs 2: Really the first one did well enough to Justify a sequel?
300: Rise of an Empire, Save for the Former Bond Girl this looks like a Syfy Saturday night kind of Movie
Red 2, It'll pay for itself, possible Justify a 3rd, but It's more of a Dark Horse than a Block buster
Percy Jackson 2,: I'll see it, but I think it's too far delayed (3 years might not seem like much but last I checked their based on 'Young Adult' Books based on Teenaged Demi-Gods (the actors were already too old then)
The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones, I see book fans showing up early... but I don't see it even Justifying 1 sequel let alone the full franchise adaption they are hoping for
Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 2,: not feeling it, 1 was quirky fun, 2 might be overkill
Paranormal Activity 5, : the horse is dead and now the ghost of the Horse if flogging its own corpse
Thor 2, respectable open, the new director and story will tell
Catching Fire,: hard to say... my understanding is that the Tone is completely different from HG... this may play well in teh book series but movie goers can be more fickle
The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. : of course its Jackson i iddle arth

I see the Top 5 being Dominated by the Hobbt and Superheroes (I'm clearly not the demographic for the Young Adult adaptations so they Could surprise me)

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What are some things to do with toddler?


I've got a 2.5 year old. I find myself being bored with him. I really don't what to do with him. I'm wondering of fun and different things I can do with him. I was thinking of taking him to the beach to play with the sand, go window shopping, play ball outside.. Any good ideas?

My daughter is just barely two and she loves (and has for a while) going to the beach, you can get beach toys at the dollar store or cheapies at walmart. (watch for throwing sand), coloring, finger painting, get one of those plastic blue pools for like $10 at walmart or toys are us, put a couple inches of water in it and sit outside and let him splash, my daughters newest favorite thing is going to the movies, we've seen Shrek, Toy Story 3, and Marmaduke.. All very cute and she sat still through the whole thing, just make a big deal out of how you have this special day planned, take him for an ice cream, let him help you cook (make ur own pizzas) or bake some cupcakes, walk around a mall. My daughter loves stickers.. building towers with blocks.. teaching numbers or abc's

Please help me overpack for camping with a toddler?

Alyssa and

My mom insists on a family camping trip this summer with all my siblings and step-siblings and stuff. That is all well and good, but she wants it to be for 5 whole days, which is just excessive with a toddler in tow.

I'm not a fan of camping, we never went camping when I was a kid... what on earth will I need for my daughter and I for 5 days/4 nights of camping?

Please, help me make a list of every possible thing we could need. I'd rather have too much and lug it around then be without. My daughter is 19 months old.

Suggestions for bug spray stuff, first aid, clothes, all that, please.

One for every two hours,
Pad to put under your baby during diaper changes
You can buy disposable changing pads at supermarkets or reusable ones at baby stores
Bring a few â you'll use them to lay your baby on, cover her, cover yourself if you're nursing, protect your clothes from messy burps, shade your baby, and more
Plastic bags
Carry a variety of sizes for storing soiled diapers, clothes, and blankets
Diaper rash cream
Small bottles of disinfecting hand gel, baby wash, and baby lotion
Extra pacifiers (if your baby uses one)
A few of your baby's favorite toys
Clothes, socks, and booties or shoes
One to two outfits per day is a good guideline
Washable bibs
Sun hat
Lightweight plastic feeding set with utensils, and baby food
If your baby's eating solid foods
Formula, water, and juice if appropriate
Extra bottles and sippy cups if appropriate
Energy-boosting snacks for you to munch on
So you can keep the room lighting soothingly low during middle-of-the-night diaper changes
First-aid kit
Baby pain reliever and supplies for treating minor injuries
Sling or front carrier
Lightweight, hands-free way to keep your baby close in crowded places like airports
Portable crib or play yard
A safe place for your baby to sleep or play
Inflatable baby bathtub
Can make bath time easier at your destination
Collapsible stroller
* tooth paste, toothbrushes, dental floss (packed together, in a Ziploc bag)
* shampoo, conditioner, hair gel, etc.
* contact lenses paraphernalia
* glasses
* reading glasses
* sunglasses
* skin cream, makeup
* nail clippers
* tweezers
* foot powder
* ear plugs
* sleep aids
Health Items

* band-aids
* children's fever medicine, cold medicine, etc.
* allergy kit, if needed
* blister kit: moleskin for blisters, elastic tape to go over the moleskin, scissors, band-aids
* feminine hygiene products
* prescription medicines
* vitamins
* health boosters such as Airborne

Technology - Packing List Extras
-cell phone (probably this will also be your travel alarm clock)
-digital camera, and batteries,

"Miscellaneous" Packing List Extras:

* notebook/journal
* guidebooks--buy the best! It's a small investment, compared to the cost of your vacation.
* ziploc bags (that actually zip.) Use for toiletries, wet swimsuits, crayons, etc.
* maps
* binoculars
* batteries
* needle and thread
* plastic food containers: fill with snacks such as raisins to eat; later, bring one to restaurants in case your kids won't eat their food (though they' be hungry ten minutes later...)
* -cereal! Save money and time by eating cereal in your room for breakfast. Buy fresh milk, or use powdered; don't forget the plastic spoons.
* wet wipes, for cleaning hands, faces, etc. There's even a special brand for removing stains from clothes.

Packing List Extras

* Ipod
* magazines or books
* snacks and drinks
* any medication that might be needed,
* lip balm, skin lotion-- planes

Packing List Extras,
* snacks and drinks
* motion sickness preventatives
* handy to have: a cooler for drinks; plastic cups

Beach Gear Packing List Extras

* swimsuits (two, per person)
* sandals
* aqua shoes
* swim goggles
* face masks, snorkels
* beach toys
* waterproof disposable camera
* sunhats
* sunglasses
* lip balm with sunscreen
* ear plugs if your child needs them when swimming

Packing List Extras: Rain Gear

* umbrellas or poncho
* raincoat, rain-pants
* appropriate footwear
* extra socks

Packing List Extras: Outdoors Gear

* insect repellent
* After bite, for insect bites
* allergy medicine if needed
* good shoes for hiking
* layers of clothes, especially fleece
* socks that will "wick" (draw moisture away from the skin)

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