Saturday, September 7, 2013

Is a plasma ball a safe gadget for a ten year old boy to have?

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I must admit that electricity scares the heck out of me, and I want to make sure that I'm not being overprotective. Are there any dangers to be aware of when giving one these lamps to a child (besides the obvious safe operation needed for any electrical device)?

Notwithstanding the fearmongering comments above, a plasma ball is perfectly safe. It will not generate waves or fields or anything else that would endanger a kid's life.

That said, a plasma ball is not particularly educational. If it inspires him to learn more, great, but if education is your objective, a kit of science or electronic projects would be a better choice.

Who do you believe will do better in creating higher paying jobs, Democrats or Republicans?


Both Democrats and Republicans agree on one thing for sure...we need more jobs! The problem is that they differ in how to create those higher paying jobs. Democrats believe in a Keynesian approach by increasing infrastructure spending by asking the upper class to share a higher percentage of the burden during a recession, and the Republicans seem to believe reducing taxes and regulations will stimulate entrepreneurship to create higher paying jobs. Both appear to have historical examples. I want to know which is the better example, and why?

Well this, "is so, so clear... Democrats "just love to spend" money on not just infrastructure, but like FDR, (back in a day) "create programs" that (were/are revelant) to "the needs" of the people during their time. Infrastructure, (is one great avenue) in job creation, but, the world "is ever changing", and at such a rapid pace from a technological standpoint, that America (as President Obama) has said, needs "to keep in step" with that profound fact, and beef up the "educational skills" in the way of technology and starting with our kids, like "the handle" we had on (making and creating) great cars... we need "to outbeat" the Asians, when it comes to "creativity with technology." We "need to produce" more Steve Jobs, that is all there is to it!!!!! (smile...)

**The Asians, "have us beat", (3 to 1) with that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Like Howard Hughes, said regarding aviation, "technology" (along with ecology/substainability) "is the wave" of the future, and that "is where" we need to go and be as Americans, here in the United States..."OUTDOING EVERYONE" ELSE. Also, it would not hurt, to utilize this "technology" for other uses, not just here in America, but world-wide like:

1. Aids/Medical Equipment
2. Environmental/Green Substainability
3. Food Sources
4. Automotive
5. Gadgets, of economic, effective and efficient use (like the Swedes and Germany)
and last but "most certainly" not least...
6. "EDUCATION, EDUCATION" AND "MORE EDUCATION", this also is why, "the creativity and ingenuity" is getting lost, on our part as America. Europeans somewhat, "laughs at us", from that end as well... (dah, never mind)

That is just a few thoughts and examples...(smile)

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Christmas shopping advice on what to give to a toddler?

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My son is 30 months old. He's now into cars and more boyish toys. Any recommendations...
Also, my husband and i are debating (first time parents) is it the quality, or quantity factor... gosh now i know what people mean that you go over budget during the holidays...
i completely agree with the box thing LOL, he loves boxes... but he's now loving cars more... it's more like there's been a change in taste for him.

Hi! Definitely go quality over quantity. My kids have just had their 1st and 2nd birthdays and got so spoiled with toys that I don't think they know what to do with it all and so there is no sense of valuing their possessions. They tend to play with a few favourites and leave the rest, so I have packed some away to make room!

I also have to be an advocate of quality toys as a former early childhood teacher (I taught mostly preschool but also worked with little tots) and I believe so strongly in giving children toys that have many functions rather than a toy which does everything for you. The best toys are those that encourage creative thinking and teach concepts - for example: shape sorters, wooden blocks, puzzles (and don't forget books!). Also toys to foster imaginative development such as dolls or little people figures, cars etc. (My little boys love cars and boyish toys too). I just bought my son his first set of crayons and textas too, and he has had his first turn at drawing with chalk on an easel.

You don't have to go buying the latest big plastic developmental toy by Fisher Price either - some of them are great but it is possible to get a few good items without blowing your budget.

I suppose as a guide, think of something for different areas of development (books for early literacy and language) puzzles and blocks etc. for math concepts and fine motor skills, transport toys and people for imagination and social skills, art materials and musical instruments for creative skills, and outdoor equipment (a trike, balls etc.) for gross motor skills. If that is too much, just pick a few things you think are really special and that your child will love - he is still too young to notice how much he gets for Christmas but will certainly appreciate some good quality, interesting things.

Happy Christmas!

How do I potty train my foster son who is 6 years old?


My foster son is 6 and is still in diapers because he has a slight developmental delay. He only has the brain capacity of a 2 1/2 year old toddler. His parents were also like this when they were his age. I think it's weird having a child in diapers who is kind of old for them, so I'm thinking about trying to potty train him. Should I try this or is my foster son still not ready?

My autistic son was ready about that age but you may have to look for signs to see if he is yet. Step one is knowing if he understands that he is even going at all. The way I knew was because I would let him wear big boy underwear at home. When he stopped wetting them and started pulling me towards the diapers when he needed to go I knew he understood.

He was already too big for a potty so we went used one of those seats that you set on the regular toilet but he still wouldn't go. I realized that every time I would put him into a warm bath he would start to pee as soon as his feet touched the water so I used that as a tool. As soon as the pee starts pick him up and place him in front of the bowl. Once he's done getting some pee in the bowl do a happy dance and tell him how good he did even if he only got a drop it. It's messy because he will keep peeing while you move him but it's for the greater good and cleaning with vinegar will deodorize the pee smell. Bleach will only make it worse so if you really want to bleach then wait for the vinegar to dry then wipe with bleach.

Pooping was much harder and it took us another 6 months after he was peeing in the toilet. I think he was more stubborn than anything with this. He would sit and sit but never let his poop go. He would hold it until I would finally put him in a pull up to go out. One day we ran out of pull ups and when he handed me the empty package I told him there wouldn't be anymore. It was heartbreaking to get through because he was so upset. All day it was back and forth to the toilet without going. He held it until his tummy hurt and his butt started leaking before he had no choice but to go. After that we went and let him pick out a reward from the toy store. Once he finally did go that was it he was done and has been trained for over two years now without so much as an accident.

He's at the age now where he goes alone so our current issue is too much paper. My solution is to buy the store brand that is light on paper just for his bathroom then I take a bread knife and cut it in half so that the roll is 2 two inch rolls instead of 1 four inch roll. It works well enough until we get through this phase and onto the next. Good luck with all of your future challenges and remember to take deep calming breaths.

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Do you ever order kids meals from fast food places or restaurants?

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I do, nowadays the kids portions are massive but way cheaper.

BQ: What do you do with the toy? I got a book from my ChickFilA meal, and I'll probably just give it to my niece and nephew.

Apples or not, who the hell gives kids a vat of caramel? Some asswipe with fertility issues, that's who.

How to make the days easier with my two year old daughter?

Amanda E

I have a two year old baby girl that is out of control. Tried time outs, tried spanking, even taking toys away nothing works. I am a single mother. Her dad has never seen her. Does not want to be a part of her life. Been off of work for a bit over a year due to back surgery. About to pull my hair out. Can anyone help me go one day without raising my voice or spanking her. She refuses to listen. Being a single mother has made me a stronger person but i wouldnot wish it on my worst enemy. Can anyone relate to my problems? And give advice?

I have a 2 yr old daughter too and I can relate to demands of raising her. First off it sounds like you have had a rough year with your personal life. I know motherhood is hard work and being single and with a hurt back must be really difficult. Hang in there. You said it yourself, you're a strong woman!

With that said, did you ever consider that maybe your giving off anxious and unhappy signals that could be affecting your child's well being. I honestly don't mean to sound rude but I'm saying this as a mom, if you were out of work due the past year due to back surgery how could you possibly handle the physical aspects of taking care of a baby and now toddler properly. I'm seriously not trying to be critical but sounds like you need to reach out for some help.Do you hold her a lot and give her enough love and attention. do you get down on the ground and play with her and take walks and bring her outside. Regarding spanking...she will just hit you and others and throw tantrum when things don't go her way because that's what she's learning. you set the tone in the household. If you are constantly raising your voice, or unhappy then you need to change that. she won't respond to that. I saw this on supernanny once....pretend you are being monitered or videotaped all day. would you be embarrassed of your own behavior and the tone you take with your daughter. Are you interacting with her ALL day(reading drawing, singing, playing??) Is your daughter sleeping comfortably. Because a rested kid is a happy kid. Naptime and bedtime are ideally ithe SAME time every day in a cool quiet dark room(or use an air filter for white noise) . Another thing to consider is food. There is a direct correlation between unhealthy diets and poor temperment with kids. And meals and snacks should also be served idealy same times everyday. Not sure if relavant but keep tv time limited and if she does watch make sure it's age appropriate bc that can get her anxious as well.

The more she learns to communicate the better she will listen. Until then you really need to be patient with her. She's only two and she's still learning everything about the world around her. Two year olds can be whiney and stubborn and bratty. they are still learning boundaries and testing authority, it's normal. How you respond and react is key and eventually she will pick up on your demeanor if you are consistent. Remember you set the tone of the household and you can turn things around.

Good luck to you.

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What are the 3 most important toys for a toddler ages 1-3?

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I would like to know the 3 best toys for a toddler. Toys that can help them learn and grasp different sersory skills. Can you answer why those toys you picked would be best for the child?
Thanks sooo much!!
Would help me a lot!

If I have to limit myself to 3, this is what I pick:

1. It's not technically one toy, but a toy kitchen. Pretend play helps with vocabulary, social skills and story telling narrative. The little pots, pans, dishes, etc are good for motor skills.

2. A water table. For one, it will occupy them for HOURS. Pouring is a good fine motor skill and pouring from one vessel into another helps kids learn to conceptualize spatial concepts like volume.

3. Nesting cups. Stacking and balancing is a good motor skill. Nesting cups allow a child to stack just like blocks, but they also allow a child to experiment with size and again, conceptualize the spatial relationships of the cups.

There are others that are important, but those are my top 3. If you wanted a longer list, I would add:
Puppets for building narrative skills which is vital for pre-reading.
Art supplies for fine motor and color recognition.
Small pretend play sets such as little cars/trains, doll houses, action figures, Little People sets, etc for narrative skills and fine motor skills.
Dolls, household items, stuffed toys, doctor/vet kits, costumes, etc for pretend play to encourage imaginative narrative play. Copy-cat play is the primary vehicle through which kids learn.
Tricycle for gross motor.
musical instruments (emphasis on rhythm instruments) for pattern recognition (both a pre-reading and pre-math skill), learning rhythm (improves math abilities because music is applied math) and vocabulary (the more you sing and particularly the more you RHYME the more your child is likely to pick up on new words and pick up on the phonemic relationships between words).
Balls. Lots of balls in lots of sizes. Great for gross motor.
Puzzles. Spatial relationships and object manipulation.
And books that your kids can handle without fear of messing them up. Pretending to read is part of print concepts which is a pre-reading skill.

my house is a mess how can I get motivated?


I've got dirty dishes piled up in the kitchen, laundry to be folded on the couch, dirty laundry to be washed, kids toys (3 yr old and 18 month) scattered through out the house, floors need mopping... and i'm sitting here feeling like crying because i'm worrying about other things like money, moving country and my weight... I know I just need to just do it but I don't know where to start... how can I get motivated?

i feel your pain!!! im a mother of three ages 8,3, and 1. i work four days a week and my hubby is ALWAYS working. hes a neat freak and is usually making comments about the house and usually i dont care. i clean as much as i can when i have the time or energy during the day. then after the kids are asleep i sit and relax for about an hour then i do dishes or whatever needs to be done. fold the luandry as u sit on the couch. grab a "toy box" and load all the kids toys at once. you dont need to do it all at once!! once you see the results youll feel better i always do!! good luck and dont worry.....with kids your house will always be a mess

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What are some good learning toys to buy a toddler for Christmas?

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My son is 18 months old and I am not sure what to get him other than what I already have. I wanted to get him something specifically aimed at learning, not just fun time.

It may sound weird, but at this age - EVERYTHING is a learning toy. Your child will be able to learn from anything. Kids are sponges at this age and absorb everything from how something feels, to the noise it makes, to the way it moves, etc.

My son always loved things with wheels. He would flip cars over just to play with the wheels - especially ones that you could pull back, and then they'd go forward on their own. You could see the excitement in his face when he figured out how to do this on his own. =)

I've read articles that said constantly giving your baby toys that are teaching, and learning things can actually be detrimental. They say it limits a child's imagination. If a toy is telling your child that something is a bear.. then it's a bear. Nothing more. It's not a magical bear with super powers.. or a bear that loves to eat vanilla pudding.. it's just a bear.

My son does have some learning toys, but I've found he doesn't like them that much. (He likes cause and effect toys like keyboards/pianos.. those pop a shape things, etc where you have to do something to make something happen)

Here's a list of the top 5 educational toddler toys :


What are the 3 most important toys for a toddler ages 1-3?


I would like to know the 3 best toys for a toddler. Toys that can help them learn and grasp different sersory skills. Can you answer why those toys you picked would be best for the child?
Thanks sooo much!!
Would help me a lot!

If I have to limit myself to 3, this is what I pick:

1. It's not technically one toy, but a toy kitchen. Pretend play helps with vocabulary, social skills and story telling narrative. The little pots, pans, dishes, etc are good for motor skills.

2. A water table. For one, it will occupy them for HOURS. Pouring is a good fine motor skill and pouring from one vessel into another helps kids learn to conceptualize spatial concepts like volume.

3. Nesting cups. Stacking and balancing is a good motor skill. Nesting cups allow a child to stack just like blocks, but they also allow a child to experiment with size and again, conceptualize the spatial relationships of the cups.

There are others that are important, but those are my top 3. If you wanted a longer list, I would add:
Puppets for building narrative skills which is vital for pre-reading.
Art supplies for fine motor and color recognition.
Small pretend play sets such as little cars/trains, doll houses, action figures, Little People sets, etc for narrative skills and fine motor skills.
Dolls, household items, stuffed toys, doctor/vet kits, costumes, etc for pretend play to encourage imaginative narrative play. Copy-cat play is the primary vehicle through which kids learn.
Tricycle for gross motor.
musical instruments (emphasis on rhythm instruments) for pattern recognition (both a pre-reading and pre-math skill), learning rhythm (improves math abilities because music is applied math) and vocabulary (the more you sing and particularly the more you RHYME the more your child is likely to pick up on new words and pick up on the phonemic relationships between words).
Balls. Lots of balls in lots of sizes. Great for gross motor.
Puzzles. Spatial relationships and object manipulation.
And books that your kids can handle without fear of messing them up. Pretending to read is part of print concepts which is a pre-reading skill.

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Friday, September 6, 2013

how important is it to you that your kids gets the latest and greatest toys?

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 on The Best Summer Toys for Kids
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just hangi

as a kid, my toys was being kicked outside and figure out the toys in nature. like building treehouse, throwing rocks, and drinking dads beers.

Whats most important when it comes to "Toys" for my boys is "can they enjoy and learn from them"...Sure , new up to date toys Rock!!, but there are alot of them that are "cheaply" made and break during the first "play" some Uptodate ones I tend to stay away tend to buy inside and outside toys...My Boys have both quiet and gross motor experiences...Its to show them that there are "inside quite,fine motor skills to learn. And Outside their mostly "Gross motor skills" put to use..and energy that goes on forever..They have their own "learning laptops " that they also learn theyre reading/math skills..learning how to count/read/ and write...I love those type of toys....There s also the "shaker cars"...they Rock...I bought them alot of shaker cars and tracks that we all play w/....They also own a ton of "hotwheel/matchbox cars"...soooo many..I cant keep rock also!! Theres a special huge rug that has roads and towns on it especially made for "matchbox" cars...and hot wheels..small versions...See, just "everyday plainold wooden blocks" teach math/reading/science skills..Ive , myself playing w/ them also..have learned even more..
They always get excited when theyve accomplished..or learned..something...Its soooo very awesome to see the look on their faces...when they accomplish and learn..Its a priceless look that will be embedded into my heart forever...My boys love to color, draw, and write letters and numbers theyre learnin somethin new everyday...and that is very awsome..I dont think , myself, that I will ever, ever grow up in this department..I love toys as well....Sometimes my Boys will get upset w/ me....cuz Im so excited in playin w/ all of em also...that they wanna its sooo hilarius..and funny..I do love them so much..I feel that any adult can also learn from children....Hun, you take care and God Bless..<KLHugzU>;)

What is something fun to do with a kid your babysitting?


Both kids are going into 2nd grade, the girl is a total girly girl and the other is a little boy. Is there any fun activities, crafts, games or whatever else we could do for entertainment?

There are lot of things you can do while babysitting your kids. In your case, since you have one boy and a girl, so even activities should be such that involves both of them completely. Giving you links of certain activities you ca do with your kids-
1) Watch movies together, some cool collection here

2)Some cool Apple Apps for kids

3) Making your child love reading

4)Websites your kids can explore and have fun

5)Get some puzzles for your children

6)Get Crafty and make them learn something new all time

7)Let the music play

8)Help them build construction toys

I am sure this would help you to a great extent.

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We will be traveling a lot this summer. What are the best ways to keep my three children from going crazy?

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 on Where to Get the Best Toys for Kids Online: Top 5 Toys for Boys 2010
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I have two boys ages 11 and 8 and a girl 4. Any really neat little toys or activites that you have had success with? Also how can I cut down on the fighting? They get bored and start picking on each other.

Portable electronics are one way. DVD players and game systems. If these are out of your budget, you can try the basics. Coloring books and crayons, travel board games (most are magnetic), or even play karaoke in the car (if your eardrums can handle it)

You can also check the MomsMinivan site. They have a lot of travel activity suggestions. And good travel tips as well. You can find things for kids of all ages, too.

Hope this helps. Good luck and have fun this summer.

Are 11-12 year olds considered to still play with toys and be like a little kid?

Q. So my cousin is 11 1/2 and is in sixth grade is she supposed to still play with barbies and stuff becuz i hear people on here saying that they still play with toys and stuff but she is like in Junior High School!Are toys really necassary?I mean if your kid still does by the age 11.....then i dont know whats going on in skool that include bullies!I just want your opinion and i am 16!

I'm 15 and still like to play with toys once in awhile.
I guess it just depends on who you are. She'll tone down the doll playing soon. Bullies may be a problem, but that's when you come in & give her advice.
I love (some) stuffed animals, too. =]

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What is the new kids toy that are little cubes with a screen that are interactive?

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Saw these new little cubes on the Disney Channel or Nick that are red, yellow, etc. They have a little screen that looks like a little miniature tv. The more cubes you connect, the more the little figures or people inside them do. I thought they were called "Cubicles", but I am unable to find them anywhere on the internet. Need the name, correct spelling and where to purchase. Also, if you know the cost, that would be helpful.

The name for this is...Cube World Digital Stick People... you can see a picture or buy from here or any other website probably... they also have videos there and pictures...Good luck

What are some good toy ideas for a 10 month old?

talk nerdy

I have a 10 month old daughter and I want to get rid of her baby toys and get her some more age appropriate ones. Im looking for things that are more interactive and will help her learn new skills.
Does anyone have any suggestions. What toys did your kids love at this age.

i thought this might be helpful:

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How do you deal with your kids wanting games systems and the type of games that are out there ?

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Q. I don't want to buy any of the game system for my kids cause the games that are out there are from the devil . How do you deal with this with your kids ?
i know how to say now i just wanted to know what you all tell your kids the explanation you know . I knw if any of there friends hae it then they are playing these games somewhere even though they cannot play with them at home . My husband dosen't agree with me that they are evil he says it is just a part of life . I don't agree i think this worls is evil and the end is closer then we think .

My son has three daughters and they do NOT have any 'electronic gadgets'. Children do NOT need them - what they need is their parent's involvement with their education!!!

What advice would you give to a new mum about raising kids?


What advice would you give to a new mum about raising kids that you wish someone had told you? My babys due on Christmas Day!

1. You won't need half the crap that you bring to the hospital with you. And it will be a pain in the butt to carry it all home.
2. There are tons of stupid baby gadgets out there. Don't get suckered into things like baby wipes warmers, knee-pads for crawlers, etc.
3. It will be much harder than you ever expected, and so much more rewarding than you ever expected.
4. Let your partner help. Insist that your partner helps.
5. Even with a newborn, you need time alone. Give the baby to your partner, a grandparent, anything, and get out of the house for an hour, ALONE! Get a pedicure, buy a book, or just go grocery shopping by yourself, at least once a month.

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When will the fading generation take responsibility for this economy they left the youth and blame Obama for?

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Growth vs

What generations sold kids lead paint toys? What generations are willing to sell a loan they themselves would not take? What generations did not use the best of the best equipment available to drill safer? What generation wants to raise the retirement age on the youth?

Easy there. A lot of the good you have is down to them and a lot of the bad is because a select few made the decisions while fooling the rest.

Obama is simply trying to clear the mess he was given by many years of Bush.

Why would I vote for generation outsources republican party?

Demand Des

They would not even pass a made in America prevision. Companies don't have feelings or we would not have lead paint toys to kids. And saying it is up to the parents to check for killer products does not fly with me.

because republicans create jobs not more welfare
romney started STAPLES

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What kinds of rewards do you offer your young children? How do you handle toy buying at age 6?

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 on ... Interactive Toy for Boys 6 & Up Top Christmas Toys for Kids 2012
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I am constantly told that I work my daughter too hard (at age 6). We were in the grocery store and my daughter was hounding me for a 3-D puzzle she saw and it was $10 for a tiny boxed puzzle. I told her to save up her quarters and her chore money to buy it. She had just spent $5 on a brand new floor puzzle and a new puzzle/ activity book at Goodwill (where she spends most of her money). I have her do household chores (she uses a little vacuum on her room, dusting, wiping counters, tidying up the house, helping me do laundry, and she earns about $5 a week. For good behavior at school and otherwise, she gets coins in her jar. Usually it adds up to about $5 a week on a good week. She works hard because she knows if she does, she'll EARN the things she wants. My daughter always sees things she wants in the store just like every other human being. Thing is- I don't buy it all for her. I've been told I'm a stick in the mud, "let the kid have fun", I've been told I'm too strict. I buy necessities (clothes, food) and things to help operate the toys she already has (batteries, AC adapters, etc). Her eyes light up at the store, and she always says "Mommy, I like this. Can I get it?" I don't get angry or annoyed, I just say "Did you bring your money with you?" When she doesn't, she gets a sad look on her face, and I always get nasty stares from fellow parents in the isle, and I'm wondering if I'm pushing her too hard. I let her be a kid and play, but she's next to me alot of the time doing something. How much is too much and how much do you buy for your kids (toys) on a normal basis (excluding holidays, birthdays)?

Whatever you are doing its really good as per me. You are reasonable in it. Your daughter will value money well. Also since he helps you in household work as well, she will be more mannered and gonna be well bring up child. Secondly, please don't think about people. There are different people with different perspective. Some will support you some will not. You cannot make everyone happy. So live your life as you want to. Think about your daughter it will definitely help her alot in future. In short, you should not care for people around you, at the end, she spent money paid by you only.

What are some toys that kids of all ages can play with?


What are some toys that kids ages 6-12 can play with together? There is also a 1 1/2 year old. Preferably something that can be played with outside and at least 4 or 5 kids can play with at a time or take turns playing. Something the 1 1/2 year old would enjoy too if you can possibly think of anything to fit with that age. We are already buying a slipping slide and sand toys. Does anyone else have any suggestions? Something that isn't very expensive either. Thanks.

these are things my kids play with and they are a girl 6 and boy 3.

soccer ball

jr football or foam one might be better


a rubber ball for playing kick ball with bases. you can make ur own bases and the dollar tree did carry them

jump ropes

kid size rakes

plastic t ball

paint, lots of paint and boxes or posters are 2 for a dollar at $ tree
Spray paint a big huge box, let them i mean, and make a play house outta it.

How bout a tent? If not that, they could make a fort using kit chairs and blankets and sheets and stuff

if you have a table, uno and other games without tiny pieces might be good. My daughter loves uno!

horse shoes is fun too, they make them mobile kinds so you can bring them in when your done with them

kites are a $ at the $ tree too

who doesnt like bubbles or bubble blowers? You can get an awesome bubble blower at wal mart for not too much like 10 or 15 dollars and its GREAT LOADS OF FUN

potting soil and seeds is fun too

dont forget the boom box, gotta have tunes outside right?

I hope this helps it was just off the top of my head!

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

What should there be in a toddlers bedroom?

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what should be in their bedroom: give me a list of everything from top to bottom

They are all GIRLS

what kind of furniture,toys,accessories, crib?, changing table? etc.

their ages are 2,3,6
The 2 year old just turned 2 so she isnt potty trainedd yet

All should have beds!,DLUS:2006-28,DLUS:en%26um%3D1 I love it because it has a bench at the end and it seems perfect! I would suggest it for the 6 year old.,DLUS:2006-28,DLUS:en%26um%3D1 This is cute for a three or six year old and it has a lot of storage. Or course I might change the comforter.
If any like Dora this would be great!

A child should also have something like a storage box for all their toys:,DLUS:2006-28,DLUS:en%26um%3D1
OR,DLUS:2006-28,DLUS:en%26sa%3DN%26start%3D40%26um%3D1 Each girl could have one small box or you could buy something bigger.

A child could also have a small TV or if they share a room they could make an agreement on that they go around in a circle picking shows

Also some dress-up costumes.

Of course the basics like clothes,bottles, books, ect...

Good luck and hope I helped!!!!!!

Has anyone used Benadryl or other medication for toddlers when flying long distances?


Do NOT give your child medicine with the hopes of it making him/her sleep. This is not only cruel, but dangerous as well. I have also seen where it backfires; a parent gives their child a dose of Benedryl to make them sleep, but instead it gets the child more hyper and the parents get absolutely no rest on the flight (and neither does anyone else).

Make sure to pack plenty of things to entertain your child, such as a few books, toys, a portable DVD player (be sure to bring extra batteries) or let him/her use your laptop (make sure it's fully charged) with a few movies, and one or two comfort things such as a favorite blankie or stuffed animal. I always bring a small pillow and blanket from home for my children (even now) because I know 100% that they are clean, and my children are accustomed to them.

1.) My children like to bring along their own coloring books, a Doodle Pad, their Leap Pads (with a few booklets), and scrap paper that they can make their own drawings with and play games such as tic-tac-toe. My daughter used to like to bring along a doodle bear when she was younger so that she could draw on that as well, and my son likes to bring along some action figures to play with. I found that buying a Rose Art kit is great! It has crayons, markers, coloring books, coloring sheets, and stickers that they can color. It definitely keeps them entertained!

You can also play games like pat-a-cake, or I-spy, and tell stories to your child as well. If you tell a story, try to make it an interactive one where your child has a part in it so s/he stays interested.

You might also consider going to the store and letting your child (I let my children start this at the age of one) pick out his/her own carry on bag and a few inexpensive toys that will be used only once you are on the plane. Be sure to pick out a few toys without him/her seeing so that s/he has an extra surprise when s/he opens his/her carry on.

2.) Bring Snacks! just add water packets of food, cheerios, goldfish, animal crackers, dried fruit, etc. are great. New regulations also allow you to take beverages (including water) from home as long as they are less than 3oz (100ml), -OR- beverages (including water) of any size that you have purchased from inside the security area onto planes. You can also bring a limited amount of baby food, yogurt, cheese, puddings, etc. with you also as long as they are in containers less than 3oz (100ml)

As long as your child is with you, you are able to take as much formula, breast milk, or regular milk that you will need for you child for the duration of the time you will spend in the airport and on the flight (as long as it is within reason).And no, you will NOT have to taste it - no matter what form you bring it in.

All that you must do is:

1. Separate the milk from the liquids, gels, and aerosols in your quart-size (1 liter) zip-top bag.
2. Declare you have the items to one of the Security Officers at the security checkpoint.
3. Present these items for additional inspection once reaching the X-ray. These items are subject to additional screening

I wrote a small article about flying with children that goes more in-depth, gives airport security rules and regulations for the US, EU, and UK, plus offers tips and tricks for the travel, etc.

If I can be of any more help or assistance, please feel free to contact me.
Save your money when it comes to buying water though because the Flight Attendants will provide you with hot or cold water (or any other drink) free at any time that you request, no matter how many times you request it.

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Can i ask you guys a question regarding the possible new laws?

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Okay im 14 and cannot get a gun until im 16 (parents said at 16 i can get a shotgun for hunting). I dont really ever answer questions in here but i do read them to learn. With that said im going to take a risk of severe verbal abuse from you guys. But i do play a little airsoft it is something i can do that gets me up and exercising and losing weight that i gained from a severely broken leg. With all that said im asking you guys if they ban assault weapons will they also ban airsoft toys like Australia did. I know this isnt a gun or hunting question so im asking you guys could you please politely answer my question i just know from the questions i have read most of you are legally smart.

Also to make this a little more hunting related, when i turn 16 i was thinking of telling my parents i want a remington 1100 is that a good shotgun for hunting things like ducks or geese?

Thank you in advance to all that answer my question and happy holidays.

Nobody knows, kid. You have to wait and see like everybody else. Personally, I think they should ban all AK & AR type toy guns. Kids don't need that stuff. Take up jogging.

Yes, a Remington 1100 is a good shotgun.

Why can't i find any online shops that have toy guns in Australia?

Q. I want to make a short action film but one problem i dont know where i can get toy machine guns or sub machine guns. I have looked on usa online shops for toy guns but they don't ship to Australia. I've tried ebay Australia they only have water guns. Please help me?

Maybe because they're smart and don't want kids playing with even fake guns.

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How to get your parents to let you buy an airsoft gun?

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I want an airsoft pistol badly, I am 16 and have wanted one for a long time.My dad had one as a kid so he doesn't mind but my mom is the opposite. She doesnt like the realistic aspect of airsoft guns and she dreads it everytime I ask for one. She doesnt like the things you can do with them all that that Bull so, any ideas on how to help her change her mind?
Money is not a problem, I am willing to buy it myself just I dont want to be the brat or evil guy and buy it without my parent's permission and have them get all angry and mostlikely tear up the house looking for it. I know hiding spots they dont or wouldnt think of but still not the way I wanna handle this situation. I might just buy one and have my friend hold on to it for a few years.
Oh please refrain from adding I am gay and stuff , I am not just it wouldnt be the best way to handle the situation in my opinion by shouting I am buying one of this wether you like it or not.
oh alright so someone suggested telling her about the safety of it, is that a good idea ? my dad is concerned about the the law surounding these things does anyone know a site where i can find the legal aspects of owning one of these ?

Show them statistics.

Tell them it is just a gun that shoots plastic BB's.
If they really have a problem that it might hurt somebody, get a lower grade FPS(Feet Per Second) around maybe 270 for a handgun. That isn't even enough to make a mark on skin(except for the eye, better leave that out).
Tell them you will were eye protection.
Go over to a friend that has it and show them how safe it is.
It also does not resemble a gun in any way unless you get up in the $600 category. It has an orange tip, and the models are completely off.

For a safe, low FPS(but still good) airsoft gun, try this:

For target shooting(not battles)eye protection, try these:

For shooting at friends/battles, try these:

Hope I helped.

*Edit* Here are the exact laws surrounding areas of the U.S.
Under Federal Law,
Airsoft guns are not classified as firearms and are legal for all ages under federal law, as well as the laws in each state. However, in some major cities and population centers the definition of a firearm within their respected ordinances includes propulsion by spring or compressed air, thus subject to applicable laws.
A 6 mm minimum orange tip must be present on the barrel end of the airsoft gun to identify it as such for any commercial sales. [1] Once sold, local laws may vary on whether or not the orange tip must be kept - in many places, no laws exist restricting one from removing or replacing the orange tip, but one should check the local laws before making such a modification.
Airsoft guns' trademarks must be removed where the manufacturer does not have an existing license agreement with the manufacturer of the real fire arm. For example: Classic Army has a licensing agreement with Armalite, so the trademarks can stay on imported replicas of Armalite's weapons. In practice enforcement is hit or miss. You might get an "unlicensed" gun through customs with trademarks intact, while a licensed gun might be held in Customs by an uninformed customs agent. House Resolution 607, sponsored in early 2007, would change this if passed, allowing imports to retain trademarks even if there is no agreement between the real firearms manufacturer and the replica manufacturer.[2]
In addition, the similarity between genuine firearms and airsoft replicas is close enough to provoke interaction with local law enforcement personnel if an airsoft gun is carried openly in public.
If someone were to, for example, attempt a robbery with an airsoft gun, they would be charged as if the airsoft gun were a real firearm.[citation needed]
New York City requires that all realistic toy or imitation firearms be made of clear or brightly colored plastics; furthermore, New York City makes possession of any pistol or rifle or similar instrument in which the propelling force is a spring or air, unlawful without a license. See New York City Administrative Code § 10-131(b) and New York City Administrative Code § 10-131(g)(1)(a)[3]. The rest of New York State is unaffected by these laws, and there are no state regulations limiting or prohibiting airsoft.
Michigan allows the purchase of Airsoft guns. However, they must have an orange tip on the barrel.
Texas allows Airsoft guns to be owned but most cities require that the Airsoft guns be discharged only while outside city limits.
Some cities in Illinois considers shipping or distributing airsoft guns illegal. It is officially now not illegal to remove the red top of the airsoft gun
According to New Jersey state law, airsoft guns are classified as firearms, and therefore, must follow state firearm laws regarding possession and purchase. Due to this, "technically", airsofts are legal in New Jersey. If you are going to play, you must do so on a private property.
In Minnesota, It is illegal for a child under the age of 14 to possess an Airsoft gun unless under the supervision of a parent or adult. It is also illegal for any child under 18 to purchase an Airsoft gun without parental permission. In Saint Paul and Minneapolis, airsoft guns cannot be carried in public unless they either have an orange tip, are clear, or brightly colored. Airsoft guns also cannot be carried in public if they have a laser attached. It is legal to possess Airsoft guns in these cities as long as they are transported in a closed and fastened gun case (in accordance with Minnesota firearm transportation laws) and unloaded. The vast majority of municipalities in Minnesota ban the firing of an Airsoft gun within the city limits.

For different countries laws, go here:

What are some crafts to make with 6 and 8 year old kids?

my cousins come over all the time and they are 6 and 8 and we ALL enjoy Arts & Crafts. What are some things we can make? Please list LOTS of ideas and you dont have to add this but it would be VERY helpful: add materials needed and/or instructions.

I would recommend checking out There are several age appropriate crafts including seasonal activities, holiday art and back to school prep.
Paint is a fantastic medium that has many possibilities. You can use cut sponges, toy cars, plastic silverware, cotton balls, leaves, even vegetables and much more to make different designs on paper. You can also make paint by adding food coloring to different items (Karo syrup, shaving cream, baby shampoo) to see what kind of art results you'll get. Just remember to cover table tops and all work areas with newspaper or plastic and to wear an art smock or coverup.
Paper mache and homemade fossils (google for recipe) are bigger projects but just as fun.
Wrap a piece of tape, sticky side out on each child's arm. Go on a nature walk and find unique plants or flowers to stick to the tape. When you're home, cut off the tape and place another piece of tape over it. Mark with perminant marker the date and use as a book mark. You can also use a hole punch to punch a hole in the top and tie a ribbon through it.
Clear contact paper is great for projects too. You can find leaves, flowers, etc. to press then place between sheets of contact paper. Cut out to desired shape to hang from windows, use as coasters, or make a mobile.
Good luck with your crafts!!

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Wednesday, September 4, 2013

What was for sale at the Woolworth store besides Tangee lipsticks and penny candies?

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Did you frequent the lunch counter?
I've got a nostalgic bug tonight.

BQ - - Men, what kind of hair tonic did you use to get that wet look?

Going way back to the 1950's I remember that Woolworth's
in the UK, had a biscuit counter, we kids would gaze at the
glass topped Huntley & Palmer boxes of biscuits and on our
way home would buy broken biscuits, a bagful for a few

They also had a big container near the sweet counter for
roasted peanuts, just a few feet away from the record
section, where we would purchase our 45rpm discs,
for about 4/6d.

Woolies sold paint, stationery, brylcreem, crockery and
just about anything you could imagine. A fascinating
experience for a child particularly at Christmas time
with toys galore.
Woolworth's went the way of all things and are no more
in the UK, but we still have our memories.

21 year old with a child, money just disapears, any advice on how people with kids work there money out please?


Me and my girlfriend are young parents, I work and my girlfriend doesn't so she can look after our baby, I need to know how to live off the money I get, we scrape by but I know people who live off well less than I get and I don't know how, any help at all please? Any advice would be really helpfull.

Hi there,

Its all about wise spending and prioritisation. It sounds boring, but a little bit of planning really helps your paycheck go further.

First you need to look at the basics. Is there anything you spend money on that you don't NEED? I don;t know your situation but the prime suspects are often takeaways, eating out, alcohol, cigarettes. These are all relatively expensive and not 100% necessary.

Secondly, look at where you can make cuts in other places. Are you with the cheapest supplier of gas/electricity? Could you get a better deal on your car insurance? Can you negotiate a slight reduction in rent?

Where money has to be spent, look at getting the best value for money. The expensive nappies may SAY they are the best, but are they really? Experiment with some cheaper brands and see how you get on. Can you make homemade babyfood and freeze what you don't need for later use? Homemade is frequently healthier and cheaper too. For your own food, buy frozen veg, stock up when things are on offer, make meals in bulk and freeze for other days. Visit supermarkets at about 8pm and take advantage of the reduced sections. Make lunches at home to take to work, bring drinks with you too instead of buying them! If time is an issue, soup in a flask is a wonderful thing for you to take to work!

Are you getting all the benefits you are entitled to? Eg child tax credits, child benefit, council tax benefit (as your girlfriend isn't working), working tax credits... will help you figure out what you are entitled to.

There is a brilliant website that I visit daily that has really helped me get my finances in order and spend more wisely. Its - read all the different sections in the tabs at the top and you will find loads of ways to save. I also really recommend that you post your situation with a few more details on their forums. There are some genius people on there that really know their stuff!

Good luck and I hope that helped just a bit. :)

PS as you know babies grow fast - you don't need expensive clothes and toys. Hand-me-downs, charity shops, cheap shops...all are great for babygrows and things that will only last baby a short while!

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Am I wrong for kicking my son out of the house for being homosexual ?

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I didn't raise him to be this way , he did not play with this girl toys as a kid I believe this is something that has just sprang up !
First of all I am his father and yes I believe he chose this behavior to try and hurt our family !

Sorry to be so blunt, but you did your son a big favor by kicking him out of the house. I can only imagine how he suffered growing up and having to keep his true nature concealed from the people who are supposed to love him the most - his family.

What makes you think he CHOSE this behavior? Have you even tried to understand the science on homosexuality?

You are seriously narcissistic if you think he "chose" this behavior to hurt the rest of the family. It's not about YOU!

And how would it "hurt" the family? Is your family so dysfunctional and weak that they would be "hurt" by the cruel opinions of pinheads? You seriously need to re-think what is important in your life.

The loss is yours.

Is Lucas Arts going to make any more Star Wars movies?


I think all of the star wars movies are great,but what happens after Luke save the galaxy?? Some people would like to know. I have read stories of him and Leia getting getting married and having kids but i don't like to read books i want to watch it in a action film.

Unfortunately no amount of "waiting, or kicking back, or being patient" will change the facts. The fact is that there will NOT be anymore live action Star Wars movies ... anyone who says differently is so full of it that it is pouring out of their ears. I wouldn't be surprised to see some of the book series come out in an animated form, doubt it will be to theaters more likely direct to DVD things, but there will not be anymore live action movies.

We all know that Lucas has the ability to change his mind with the direction of the wind but in this case I think we can believe him. In the years since the release of ep III Lucas has been asked two questions over and over and over and over again ... first, will he ever make anymore Star Wars movies and will he allow someone else to pick up where he left off. For the past four years the answer to those two questions has never changed ... NO ... and ... NO ... that's about as close to written in stone as you can get from Lucas. It only came to light last year but shortly after the release of ep III Lucas made a "minor" change to his Will. Everybody still gets all the same "stuff" BUT it has a condition to it now ... if any one of them ever allows anyone to make more movies or remake the ones already done everybody looses everything. We are talking millions and millions of dollars here ... do you really think they will risk it ... neither do I.

I do have to say that this is the first time I've ever seen anybody "witching" about Luke and Mara getting married ... personally I thought they were the perfect couple.

The future of Star Wars is animation ... the current series is running full steam ahead and will be around for a long time ... the live action TV series set in between ep III and ep IV is on track to debut in the fall of 2010 ... Lucas is still looking at the target date of 2012 to bring all 6 movies back to theaters in a true 3-D format. There's a ton of stuff that will be going on in the Star Wars world but none of that stuff will be new movies ... ticks me off too but George owns it all lock stock and barrel and what he says goes.

May The Force Be With You ...

EDIT: To "Boba Fett": Not really ... lol ... keeps my point total up. Now the "reboot" Star Wars questions ... hell hath no fury like an old school fan having his memories messed with ...

EDIT 2: Unless Lucas changes his mind ... then I'll be just another idiot who took him at his word and got hosed again ... I think might have to grab my toy lightsabres and go have a "talk" with the man if he does that ... lol ... but only after he's done making the new movies of course.


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How do I go about requesting toys from toys for tots in Houston Texas?

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I need a little help for the holidays this year.I dont have any money to buy my kids toys this year.If anyone can help me out with the information i'd really appreciate it. Thank you!

This is the link I found, but it says that requests are closed for this year. There is also a phone number listed, so you could try calling them to see if they allow any exceptions.

What do you think about the huge Fisher Price recall?

Barefoot B

Are you worried?
Does the list include any of your childrens toys?
Do you plan to bag up your kids toys & send 'em back?
Obviously I am either tossing or returning the toys we have. I wasnt asking what I should do, silly.

How many more things have to be recalled that came from China before we stop buying products made there.

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Where can I get a plastic carryall for beach/pool toys?

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Julia Blai

I'm looking for a tote for all my kids pool/beach toys. I want the kind that looks like a basket, but is plastic and flexible and has handles. Sometimes they sell them prefilled with beach toys. I have only been able to find very small versions of this, but I want a big one. Any suggestions??

target has what you are looking for, i swear

Can a girl lose her virginity by having sex with something else besides a penis? Like a pool toy or something?

Tori H

I don't really think that that's possible, but I heard a rumor about a girl in my school who stuck a squish pool toy up her vagina and got pregnant! And the pool toy was brand new. Could this be possible?

Are you 10 or something of course not. Kids like you shouldn't talk about things like this anyway

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