Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How do I stop my 6 year old daughter from copying younger sister?!?

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How do I stop my 6 year old daughter copying and following my younger 2 year old daughter. It's getting to the point that its driving everyone mad! She copies everything she does(has a drink, sits on a certain part of the sofa, play with same toy) and now has started following her so close behind her that it always ends in tears. Can only find answers for the other way around (younger copying older) so I am wondering if this is happening to anyone else!! Please help at the end of my tether!

She's just wanting to be the center of attention and will copy younger sister whom she feels gets more attention. Spend one on one time with your oldest so she feels special too. This happened with my sister's kids too also tell the oldest its not okay to act like that and grab her hand and give her a stern no when she follows the other to close.

How do you deal with a close friend who is abusive of her kids?


My friend of many years has a 6 year old and 2 year old both boys and it seems like all she does yell at them and a few times have given hard spankings for small stuff , like not wanting to nap , putting a toy away. Her husband is in Iraq , and I have told her that she really needs to ease up on the kids like many of her other friends have told her . I do not want to report her to family services . What to do?

continue to talk to her sternly about this issue.. because the poor kids...this could have a huge impact on them and how they remember their childhood..the kids must always come first..maybe talk to her family or other friends and you guys might be able to all have a chat with her or work out what you can do for her - maybe she needs someone to talk to?? e.g a counsellor or a really good friend??

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